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Poll: Kick tx out?

Tx lol

  1. #21
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Antifa Member

    No, the majority of your electricity is from natural gas. Windmills don't matter.

    Have fun with your next electricity bill LOL. Rates are gonna skyrocket in TX.

    I read that the majority of problems came from the fact that they tried to replace coal-fired plants with natural gas plants, and with the temperature dipping so low they've been unable to source enough gas to cover both the heating and power needs
  2. #22
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    bunch of BITCHES
  3. #23
    The Black Swan Blackout of 2021.
  4. #24
    Antifa Member African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra I read that the majority of problems came from the fact that they tried to replace coal-fired plants with natural gas plants, and with the temperature dipping so low they've been unable to source enough gas to cover both the heating and power needs

    The majority of their power comes from natural gas and it has for a while.

    Texas has been getting more and more snow over the years due to climate change, but they don't want to spend the money on protecting infrastructure/society. This is why Republicans are blaming windmills and solar panels even though it generates an insignificant percentage of the power in TX. This is going to happen more and more in TX.
  5. #25
    C'mon, folks. Liberals know what they are doing.
  6. #26
    Antifa Member African Astronaut
    Liberals have working electricity
  7. #27
    Technologist victim of incest
    I guess this happened in 2011 as well. They had similar circumstances. There was a commission that investigated the failure then, and made some recommendations, but they didndonuffin.
  8. #28
    Antifa Member African Astronaut
    Wholesale energy costs rose to 10,000% as well which is the max they were legally allowed to charge. Pretty crazy. In most states there is a certain margin of profit they're allowed to make and that's it. This is gonna get passed onto the consumers so hard lol.

    Fuck yeah capitalism MAGA amirite
  9. #29
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    yeah I saw someone post a document about that on 4chan, wasn't sure if it was legit

    they had a max price they'd legally pay for LPG and because they went over their purchasing agreement they were forced to pay spot prices which were higher than they could authorise. they had to ram a bill through allowing the state to pass the extra costs on to the people before they could buy any more gas
  10. #30
    Antifa Member African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra yeah I saw someone post a document about that on 4chan, wasn't sure if it was legit

    they had a max price they'd legally pay for LPG and because they went over their purchasing agreement they were forced to pay spot prices which were higher than they could authorise. they had to ram a bill through allowing the state to pass the extra costs on to the people before they could buy any more gas

    4chan is gay
  11. #31
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
  12. #32
    Antifa Member African Astronaut
    Nice did u make that
  13. #33
    A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    Originally posted by Antifa Member Well they are pretty retarded. They had the funds allocated for this and chose not to spend it. They don't have to shut down every time it snows lol. Republicans on FOX are literally blaming it on windmills.

    it barely ever gets this cold its not worth the money to play what if all day, crybaby bitch. youre a woman whos ass i could easily kick
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  14. #34
    Antifa Member African Astronaut
    Originally posted by A College Professor it barely ever gets this cold its not worth the money to play what if all day, crybaby bitch. youre a woman whos ass i could easily kick

    Sure not worth it LOL lets just lose power for a few days no biggie hahaha
  15. #35
    A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    Originally posted by Antifa Member Sure not worth it LOL lets just lose power for a few days no biggie hahaha

  16. #36
    Bugz Space Nigga
    Biden wants to close down the Central Keystone Pipeline from the Dakota's and Canada. This happens. HAARP or Coincidence?

    Natural Gas are gases that vaporize off of crude oil. ridding the Pipeline rids natural gas as well.

    DUMB AS FUCK. There is no Green Replacement as of yet.

    Where will all the Batteries go when they can no longer hold a charge? Where will the new metals come from to replace the older ones that can never hold a charge again? The element loses its polarity for good.

    Solar Panels. the Plastics or film used in Solar Panels come from Plastics made from Petro. Not Peanuts or other Veggitable plastics.

    What will grease the Windmill turbines? They require crude heavy oil and not synthetics which still have part crude mixed in.

    the Batteries for Hydro stations also require massive batteries. the size of a building. when there is a drain on the metals to make electric car batteries then the cost of Hydro electricity will shoot through the roof.

    Nuclear Power isn't popular but even if it was, it doesn't solve the need for massive batteries to be replaced.

    Coal isn't going to solve the problem neither unless we make engines that run off of coal. so basically, shutting down the Keystone Pipeline is a big fucking mistake.
  17. #37
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    ITT §m£ÂgØL is afraid of people [video][/video]
  18. #38
    Bugz Space Nigga
    How come we don't build multiple nuclear power plants in Nevada where they tested nuclear bombs. Hardly anyone lives there and if a meltdown occured (which it wont, and there is a reason why) it would be on soil already full of fall out from 3/4th of a century ago.

    a nuclear accident can't happen because the 3 that occured wont happen again. 3 Mile Island can't happen again. the Computer fail safes of today are too advance. and the truth is, the Accident wasn't as bad as they made it out to be. The irony is that the film The China Syndrome was released just a month prior to the real thing. hyping its story. the amount of radiation released wasn't as bad as people believed it to be. and contain inside and very little war released from the silos.

    Chernoble happened because they placed their reactors in a flimsy Airplane Hanger like building. and they were replacing the coolent rods with cranes from the outside and no one was monitoring how high the RAD level was. which was like 100 times more than considered lethal. now Russia uses the western methods of building reactors in 50 feet thick reinforced concrete.

    Fukashima was just asking for it. Put a Nuclear Reactor on a fucking Earthquake Faultline. they just had another 7.1 quake 5 days ago.
    also their reactors containment rooms had very little concrete and caught fire when the water drained out of the pool and they flushed it with Ocean water. which has salt in it. which conducts to energy which exploded and then poured into our oceans for eternity

    The closest Fault to that part of Nevada is the San Andreas but it's south west of Vegas. this is 80 miles north of vegas. its not sitting directly on top of it like Fukashima was.

    Perfect place to build like 5-6 New Nuclear Power Plants, one next to the other. the other great place would be Nebraska
  19. #39
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Bugz a nuclear accident can't happen because the 3 that occured wont happen again.

    LOL ok
  20. #40
    Bugz Space Nigga
    Did I say Nebraska? I meant Central Kansas
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