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Posts by Bugz

  1. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Fonaplats Not only is your avatar douche bag jim carey but your posts suck lately and it is very depressing to see you devolve.

    back to caveman response.
  2. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Found this at lunchtime…cheesy as fuck, bought it for the boss's wife as she like trolly things and is a bleeding heart liberal.

    She thought it was great and has set them up on top of her desk.

    Old folk..smh

    You necro-bumped your own thread instead of starting fresh.

    2020 called. Said it's OK to Create a new post of the same subject because bandwith is an abundance these days. Unless you're Kr0z shitting up the board with 4 in a row
  3. Bugz Space Nigga
    BeeRe foe

    Not Fona. Suddenly Fona goes from caveman to space alien with all the answers and a side of quick wit cockiness to boot.

    Anyone else picked up on this. He said it's because one is his PC account and the other is his Cell Phone account. maybe the microwaves on his 3G plan are "Usual Hammer" banging on the lint built up in his brain and he has a collage of Right Answers for your problems.
  4. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by BeeReBuddy No need to watch youtube videos.
    just take it off and put it back on if nothing else.
    It should fit loosely together.
    Make sure the pipes and stuff didn't expand and get too snug.
    It expands when in use but should be kinda loose when not in use.

    Wait, You're the guy who couldn't figure out how to get a space heater to work properly and couldn't seal the windows right, by completely sealing yourself in with plastic and allowing carbon-monoxide to build up. Clearly this has to be Fona's girlfriend
  5. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Obbe For a website full of supposed anti-social anarchists, you sure act like a bunch of pearl clutching old ladies.

    Uhh a what? I'm fairly social and never been an anarchist. Those are the Antifa or Splinter Cell of Antifa. we're anti-antifa here for the most part.
  6. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by BeeReBuddy Any hammer will do.

    Don't smash it or it will be broken.

    You only gotta hit it a dozen or 2 times.
    After that it will work fine and no more hitting it.

    It runs in place.
    You don't have to keep up.

    It has a connected to it and it goes outside.

    I think it's actually porcelain not just metal.. this is why it smashes to pieces. or has some kind of heating tile in it. some kind of clay like tile. I will check some video tutorials online Youtube is a good source.
  7. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by G Bugz I do house exorcisms via remote/phone & video conference. I can give you the Jump Chat discount let me know sir.

    RIght-O, Boss

    I'll take a Fona approach on the matter first. if all fails, get the Sage bushel ready.
  8. Bugz Space Nigga
    Here is Phillips Wife who helped kidnap the girl and let her husband have sex and 2 children with the girl over 17 years.

    they were into some religous cult I guess. this is when she was a nurse that worked at the prison system and met Phillip and she married him and took him home when he was released only to do more of the same shit, this time involving her as well.

    so many of these Prison workers, including Correctional Officers throwing everything away to hook up with an inmate or help them bust out of prison.

    perhaps better test should be done to make sure some of these employees are not capable of doing this.

  9. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by BeeReBuddy Sometimes the heat exchangers can get build ups that will cause all sorts of unwanted noise if not taken care of properly.
    You can easily check by locating the heat exchanger and hitting is several times with a regular hammer.
    can i do it with an unusual hammer
    You don't need to go bashing the fucking thing to pieces.
    then what would be the fun in that?
    But it is metal so don't be afraid to hit it with some force.
    OK, Wait Metal? No, You should of stated this in the first line. that's even more scary than the Devils Tone. Devils tone and hitting Metal with a Regular hammer. Is that a regular Carpenter Hammer or a Regular Ball Peen or Regular Sledge Hammer or Regular Wood Mallet Hammer?
    Do that and let it run and see if it helped quiet it down.
    Do I have to catch up to it as it runs because I wont be able to tell if it quieted down or not
    All that buildup should have dislodged and it just gets blown outside.
    Outside? I'm in a condo. you sure it wont burn like lint and set the building on fire wedged between floors

    Oh, OK. Thanks Fona
  10. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby Hes just said hes going to be a grandfather again you dipshit

    Post 4 times in a row likes its a fucking contest why dont you, faggot. You know you can multi quote and stop post whoring up the fucking threads you always do.

    also this "did you just photo dox, him?

    also OP didn't see "Again" part.. congrats again "

    prior to your snippity input. STFU you rapist.
  11. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by WellHung That guy kidnapped and enslaved a young girl for many years in California. She bore his children.

    This is the oddly specific of why you posted that.

    I lived in that town and people all over the place were talking about him on the day he was arrested and his "Magic God Box". a black box he carried with him, trying to sell it to people that they could hear God speaking to them. many people were interested in the Black Box. and it was Reported that the FBI had taken it away never to seen again.

    It's more than him kidnapping that one girl and having kids with her himsef. He had multiple accounts of this. Once he kidnapped another woman (I think also in Tahoe where the girl was from) and held her in a storage shed. I think an Off duty police officer or retired heard her and arrested him. I can't remember if he shot Phillip or not. but he only went to jail for a decade. then he kidnapped some other girls and forced them to have sex with him at this old shitty run down hotel near downtown "Rivertown" which is Downtown Antioch now. Green PLastic is from there. ask him about it.

    and lastly, there is said to be Tunnels under Antioch. not sewer systems so much but large sewer caverns connected to tunnels the Chinese built when they lived in Antioch. and that they would bring in Chinese woman from Hong Kong in the 1800s to be snuck in through the Tunnels. they have them under San Francisco as well. the Movie Big Trouble in Little China is about this tunnel system. this is also the well know tunnel systems under the city of San Francisco 50 miles west of Antioch. this thing of kidnapping of children and women has been going on for hundreds of years now. in the old days it was the only way for men to have wives but eventually it became more of a sick pedo ring that brought in lots of money. i guarantee you Phillips was probably not the only one involved and also is apart of satans cult or even SET. if that is him, look at his eyebrows now. Thats the "Temple of Satan" brow. Lt col Michael Aquino had it. and so did the Neighbor in Rosemary's Baby which was based on other groups of Satan Worshiping during the Church Of Satan that Aquinos friend Anton LaVey ran and now his Grandson in San Francisco or LA runs in this day. I think I even heard all the way out to Omaha?

  12. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by WellHung Phillp Garrido kidnapped Jaycee Dugard in Meyers, then drove her to his home in Antioch. There, he enslaved her.

    Wow. I don't even know what to say to this other than Wow. just wow. so oddly specific.
  13. Bugz Space Nigga
    it's the Heater. sounds like an old boiler-room heating up. When the coil heats up it is starts to make a Horror Movie soundtrack-sound like, the scene in the start up of Chainsaw Massacre or I think I heard it in "Wrong Turn" as well. its a common sound track Devils Tone that makes your back and spine tingle. sounds almost dead-on that noise. like a Rarrr Reee tap tap tap sound.

    I'm gonna record it for you guys and as a hiki soundtrack so he sticks to his promise of making us a song. If he doesn't, I will on my tiny synth board with half scale keys. not a toy however. the audio sound patches are profession and it has modular built in.
  14. Bugz Space Nigga
    All of this is like your grandmother gave you a photo of her father Waldo on the beach and asked you to find him.

    and you believed you truly did but then

  15. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by I Live In Your Crawlspace Secretly4 Personally I'm just glad she's O.K. and I thought it was downright hilarious And what's with you gonts who are getting frothy once you found out that she's actually alife? You must not believe in creating alife, only corrupting it, if you're mad. And to Franky the op I say Good job opey, Intimidation:§uccesful

    Do you have kids? No? Then shut the fuck up and let the adults speak. You two (kr0z) are on double timeout
  16. Bugz Space Nigga
    Which is weird because I never owned one
  17. Bugz Space Nigga
    PS: Faggots
  18. Bugz Space Nigga
    this isn't a sad day in political US history. its a precedence for how all future elections will take place. through corruption and the outcome will always stolen and the powers that be along with technocratic advance in keeping us all slaves and making our lives miserable while their elite class go live on a floating fancy island somewhere and fly in and out of the misery bubble the rest of us have to live in. or just run things virtually from their fanciful island of Elite.

    PS I'm responding to a bunch of hacks who fucked up their entire lives and can only bitch and moan about it.
    You can't do shit about it and Biden will take control come January (20th?)
  19. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Anybody else have any dead daughters they'd like to exploit for cash donations?

    I would like to exploit your mind up in British Columbia
  20. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Lanny Spectral doesn't know what a shell script is lol

    he explained javascript was an encryption shell for the script itself.

    isn't a shell script what is written to read the core language to create command lines before an application base can start? like the encryption decryption not only is a secure tool (key) but also is like a compression tool as well. to save data space
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