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Posts by Bugz

  1. Bugz Space Nigga
    I noticed my nose is a "Scandinavian nose" after a lady stated I looked Scandinavian. so I started pulling up Irish noses first. She was right. Irish have these pug noses. almost flat (at least when they get older) and in some ways many look Euro j'ewish but without the hook.

    so I pulled up Scandinavian and saw it looks a lot like this. and Norwegian noses as well. then I saw a photo of Hitler in "German noses" and notice I have an Adolf Hitler nose. it's long and straight like 45 degrees downward. I realized if I got a Hitler tan, put on a toothbrush mustache and dyed my hair dark brown (black?) I would look dead on Adolf Hitler. I should learn German and play him in a film

    but then I noticed my nose has a slight bump and downward hook. so I felt more relived. the rest of me looks classic Irish but the nose takes that away from me.

    I'm classic mix mutt. but this isnt about me. It's about Hiki and his need for Rhinoplasty
  2. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Sudo I just read an article about how Richard Nixon found Indian women the most unattractive and preferred Africans. Was interesting to me. Ive never fucked an indian or paki but I did fool around with a Bangladeshi woman before who honestly looked better than she smelled and her skin didnt have a great complexion.

    To answer your query, I would much prefer a blak

    Richard Nixon was an amusing as fuck old senile man. or senile old man. whichever comes first.

    his tapes are hilarious. I love the one about How "everyone up in San Francisco are the most faggoty bunch " I think he may have coined the Internet form of the word Faggot as faggity. this made me laugh. especially knowing he's a Californian out from LA area where most fruitcakes first came out in the open. I think he was a huge closeted homo. but in a weird way a lovable racist bigot (like archie bunker) because you have a hard time taken him serious. but then again he dropped shitloads of bombs on Cambodia and Nam. piece of shit.

    Indian women are pretty. Unless he meant Native American women in which Are pretty. and Black women are pretty. not everyone of these groups as any other groups. but there are some hot mommas all over the world.
  3. Bugz Space Nigga
    December 21st is coming up. the first Day of Winter is the cutoff date for your fantasies of lust. most likely this virus is mutating now and may kill a higher percentage of the human race.

    but what else lurks out there. who knows when the next species killing event will happen. often we're self aware of potential by looking at historial events and figuring in statistics of probability as to when it could happen. 2 major things overdue

    1: a very large Asteroid smashing into Earth. not one big enough to wipe out the planet, even though it's a potential. but one big enough to take out a large area of the earth by smoke shutting down the planets ability to produce crops. that smoke will travel the entire planet but not enough to completely snuff out all life. some areas will only be affected mildly and may help farming more profitable. while the area directly hit will kill shitloads in the tens of millions to over a billion over a few years. people running from their country to another part of the world. traveling and jamming up highways and sea ways for thousands of miles while dying in the process. become a huge burden on the land they move into. being killed by locals threatened by their survival behavior and massive theft and murder and raping along the way.

    2: a big fucking volcano. MegaCano most likely Yellowstone. which isn't a volcano but a caldera. it would cover the West Coast (mostly oregon and Washington is predicted) to that of Ohio down into Oklahoma. not a foot or so like Mt St Helens did in Yakama valley Washington but 20-50 feet in some areas or more.

    And San Francisco has a 1906 quake on average between 100-300 years and every 300 years has a 9.0 or greater. most likely in Seattle than San Francisco but it's way over due. but thats not a global event effected except San Francisco is one of the largest Tech Hubs in the US let alone the World. computer shit will be on backlog for years if all of the major server locations of the cloud are interrupted. not that data will be destroyed completely but will bog down the speeds. and much of the software updating is done by people in the Western US.

    Now Iran wants out of the nuclear agreement. no doubt North Korea will help them. if war breaks out with US into Korea then Korea attacks South Korea and a flood of tanks out of North Korea or a massive air launch out of Nort Korea isn't going to be stopped by all of the air defense being sent in by US or Japan. South Korea will be destroyed and again, your much needed computer peripherals are manufactured there.

    Watch my launch date 11:50pm December 20th California time.
  4. Bugz Space Nigga
    how much does a cost closet cost?
  5. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Revision…

    Even with this revision it seems like a fair trade

    1 baby born daily
    3000 boomers deaded daily

    seems someone doesn't like us boomers. how do you feel about the X-gen that follows that is only 13 years long?
  6. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Ghost

    fuk off. I'm tired of you games.

    are they locking you guys in for 2 weeks as wel
  7. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by blaster master Ahh yes, the hammer wrench.

    don't you mock the hammer wrench. it's the most specialist hammer of all. it gets in tight corners
  8. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by DontTellEm Makes sense why u are constantly posting on different accounts.

    no at least several times someone clearly changed my password. a few times I changed it to something to long with upper and lower characters and wrote it down wrong.

    I never owned multiple accounts as an alt going on for months or years pretending to be someone else

    How dare you make such claims as if you know me personally. poop head
  9. Bugz Space Nigga
    apparently there is some new technology that will become the new thing. all these top CEO and tech leaders are dumping cash into it.

    what will it be. VR, AR, A spaceship cruise

    lots of money being invested.
  10. Bugz Space Nigga
    Maybe so, but I'm not down for watching so many dead people around me, people I care about, neighbors who were assholes but now I feel kind of bad theyre dying, and people being encourage to join a network of people bringing dead bodies out of homes and hearing families cry and possibly take their frustration out on you. in some cases shooting people trying to help.

    mass graves in every major city, town and villages across the world.

    Basically the shit we sat and eating popcorn in those weird horror films suddenly becomes a real issue.
    Why so many Zombie films made? to the point we're tired of seeing another one. hundreds of them made in the last 20 years it seems. preparing us? predictive programming perhaps
  11. Bugz Space Nigga
    Windows 7. runs better on my 7 than that shitty Bill Gates AIDS box Window 10

    the software I have is only windows vista-10 and not for linux or Apple.
  12. Bugz Space Nigga
    Once again. if HIV mutated with Swine or Avien. it's been a serious discussion with doctors in the past. the HIV mutates a bit and zoonotic takes over if it enters a pig or chicken or some other bird, sheep etc.

    Bovine and HIV3 or some shit. AIRBORN AIDS. massive percentage of population dying real fucking quick. in 2 years or less. and it keeps killing
  13. Bugz Space Nigga
    yeah, I'll try. it pisses me off because the fucker uses shitloads of resource and the percussion shit bogs up at times. but i might try it sometime soon
  14. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by DontTellEm No. Never spoken to you or Bill Krozby personally. I don't think I would care about either of ur opinions tho. 😂

    I dont care about my own opinions anymore either. or yours or anyone

    u'r all a bunch of shit poop to me
  15. Bugz Space Nigga
    We've been here before. we'll do it again.

    My fear is that digital tattoo in the vaccine.

    but I would get the vaccination if it meant saving my life and not feeling I might lose my soul because faith wasn't strong enough. but I'm a candidate.

    try to go back as close to norm as possible. also, clearly with the more evidence of software fraud and the guy being interviewed about how he could easily rig the ballet machine in 1 minute. ffs it will take 5 years or more to get the economy back on track. and then what if the economy getting back on track suddenly shift because of another problem. a few major quakes or storms and shipping ports closing down. causing more delay. 10 years or more.

    We're basicly fucked. this world sucks.
  16. Bugz Space Nigga
    I have a tiny synth I bought from Guitar center I would play while living in the back of my truck. it has a usb midi link but also comes with software with a bunch of sound banks for different instruments. it's pretty cool but hard to play since it's not full size keys.

    but I dont have my rolands anymore. I'm not situated to set up keyboards. Not enough space in this small condo. and I would have to play with headphones
  17. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by DontTellEm Um.

    Get out of here.

    are you that weird chick who accused me of saying shit to kr0z about you?
  18. Bugz Space Nigga
    This song failed to attach. Heaven is the place to be (not the lyrics of the song. its just called Heaven). this guy is super cool. they (fans and critics) stated his band should have been as great as U2 in the 80s. The Chameleons UK. kind of mirrored Joy Divisions story, but the Singer didn't die however, their Manager a week prior to their US tour.

    I met him a few times and spoke with him a couple times before his concert 2 separate occasions. I told him I would always post links to his songs going back years on forums as a big fan. He invited me in 2015 to become apart of his alternative FB page with maybe 50 friends of his. Peter Hook being one of them. he had a private stream playing songs he was working on.

    then shit hit the fan. this is why I was blessed once but am feeling no longer. im just taking up space now. and the world has become more fucked up each year that follows. this being the most fucked that all I can do is laugh because it's scary times. and sometimes I laugh now because "Daddy's all cried out. "

  19. Bugz Space Nigga
    Oi Oi War is now
  20. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Cly Forever war

    Perpetual Wars of the Military Industrial Complex

    I. O. Off and On, On and Off

    MAR(s) the God of War. Swith the M upside down. War God MARIO O I RAW

    Operation Mario how suitable it is for such calamity
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