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Posts That Were Thanked by -SpectraL

  1. RisiR † 29 Autism

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. Rock_N_Rollover African Astronaut [my obsessively old-time raunch]
    I wish every fucking male Bush family dies immediately.

    They're all evil pieces of shit.

    Especially H.W.Bush.

    Burn in hell muther fucker. Burn.
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  3. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by Technologist Well, Lanster,
    As far as any politician goes, they’re mostly bullshitters. But in camparison to our current POTUS, he’s an archangel.

    Why? I have zero love for Trump but really how different are they? In my book the ability to avoid US entry into an unnecessary war is the primary virtue of a US president, there are other issues I care about of course but our nation's track record of warmongering is so bad that literally not engaging in mass murder would be all it would take to be one of the best presidents our country has ever had. And both papa Bush and Trump have failed in this respect. Syria is a little more heinous than the gulf war IMO but this hardly makes Bush an "archangel" by comparison.

    Bush's "thousand points of light" punt on social issues may have had better speech writers behind it than what Trump does but it's just as empty as Trump memeing.

    He dedicated most of his life to our country. Not a one of us here can say that.

    Why is this something to be proud of? Why is "dedicating your life" (while collecting a fat chunk of wealth) to our country good? Our country has been in a perpetual state of war for longer than I've been alive, anyone dedicating their life to that should be fucking ashamed of themselves.

    Ya’ll give me shit for not doing anything to change this world, well, he did his best. He was a man of dignity that led us through some terrible shitty times.

    How was he a "man of dignity"? How does the "terrible shitty times" he was president in justify what he did?

    Here's a list of some other men of dignity, who did their best to change the world, and led their respective countries at one of the darkest hours in history:

    I still think he has a beautiful family, there’s bad apples everywhere, you can’t blame him for their faults.

    So we can sing his praises for the virtues of his family (which have yet to be given BTW) but the failings of that same family, namely the deaths of thousands of Americans and many many more non-Americans, when he nepotismed his family into power is somehow just not his fault?
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  4. Speedy Parker Black Hole
    Originally posted by Technologist Only an ass would revel in another humans death; I don’t care what you think of him.

    I hope Trump gets shunned again for the services. He’s no where near presidential.

    You’d be lucky to live a life like 41 did. A marriage to a kind woman for over 70 years. Becoming a president of the US. Producing a lovely family. You could only be so lucky.
    He was a rat fuck traitor puppet who should be dug up and hung on prime time network TV.
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  5. Narc Naturally Camouflaged [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    The Bush's serve the elite just like every president does, because they allowed them into office for that reason. That's why all presidents are quick to jump on any excuse to go to war, coz the elite run the businesses that supply weapons and resources to the military through military contracts, at inflated prices paid for by you the taxpayer. Then after they also get the contracts to rebuild and drill/mine for oil and minerals. Its literally win/win for them and lose/lose for the rest of us.

    These people are the most evil despicable cunts that ever processed oxygen into co2 on this planet.

    How the fuck y'all can't get this and still believe their bullshit is beyond me tho.

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  6. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by Technologist You’d be lucky to live a life like 41 did. A marriage to a kind woman for over 70 years. Becoming a president of the US. Producing a lovely family. You could only be so lucky.

    POTUS is about the same sort of achievement as "king of hell", it might be hard to get there but it shouldn't earn you any respect. From the "lovely family" he spawned we got one mass murderer and one governor of Florida, I'm not sure which is worse. You might be lucky to live the life of a president but you'd still be a asshole the world is better off without.
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  7. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    PSA: all of our brain chemistry is completely fucked. Give it a couple days watching old reruns of shit you watched as a kid and eating junk food and smoking weed, and you'll forget about ever wanting to kill you self....or the daughter your ex gf has full custody of. I mean you'll want to kill yourself again in a month,'re just crazy and your brain can't be trusted.

    If you'd like an objective appraisal of whether you should kill yourself, feel free to apply via comment with all pertinent lifestyle information.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  8. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Leave SpectraL alone.
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  9. Technologist victim of incest
    One and two don’t make him dumb. You’re only making this thread because he doesn’t want to learn French, not because he can’t. Who gives 2 shits?

    Who cares that you know more than one language? Only you! Just because that is an interest to you doesn’t mean everyone has to be interested in the same things you are. Knowing more than one language doesn’t make you anything special. It just makes you a verbose, condescending jerk.
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  10. Speedy Parker Black Hole
    Originally posted by cupocheer Donald Trump is not rich – he is destitute.

    A poor, homeless person under a bridge abutment has more riches than Trump.

    Wealth is an illusion – as are knowledge, security, education, employment, income.

    Only a shallow person pigeonholes another human simply on visible condiderations.
    What do you actually know about Trump other than what the legacy media has spoon fed you?
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  11. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    I'm drowning in debt due to a long stretch of unemployment.

    I have an infection in my foot that necessitates that I go all the way down to the hospital TWICE daily, which is a real hassle.

    It's not super comfortable walking.

    I'm starting to (re-)gain weight after having gone to the trouble of losing 100 lbs.

    I'm single, and have been, technically, for over a decade.


    I'm somewhat happy nonetheless.

    I'm currently in a weekly group therapy session that meets once a week to learn about and discuss character strength building exercises, as well as fostering gratitude.

    I have a B.A. in psych, so I this isn't exactly new material for me.

    But, when committing to the practices that they are teaching, I am actually noticing serious results. My overall nihilism and existential angst, my depression and anxiety, my loneliness, all of these negative emotions, are actually gradually subsiding.

    The gratitude exercise is one where, each day, you focus on one thing you are grateful for.

    I may be drowning in debt, but I'm not bankrupt or homeless.

    I may have that infection, but at least it's most likely going to heal within a few weeks and I'll be back to normal, while there are people with incurable, degenerative diseases living out their final days.

    Walking is currently uncomfortable, but I can walk. A substantial percentage of the population is wheelchair bound, often for life.

    I can take control of my weight and lose it like I lost it before. I'm grateful for the fact that I managed to lose 100 lbs in the first place, rather than focusing on the remorse and guilt for letting myself go.

    I'm single, but so are millions of others. Every day is a new day that brings new opportunities to find companionship. And even if I don't ever find that one true love, I am grateful that I got to experience it at least temporarily in the past.


    So, NIS, what are you grateful for?
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  12. Originally posted by -SpectraL It's more like it "annoys" him personally. Like, who gives two flying fucks what personally annoys you, bud? This site isn't all about you, and it never will be, no matter how hard you stamp your little feet about it. There's shit here that annoys the hell out of other members, like your kidiot word enhancements, and your little banning games. Those members just have to sit there and deal with it, but not you. That's why I say you can't take it. You're a genuine poofter. So, go ahead and sip your dumb little vermouths and your strawberry daiquiris, with that lopsided grin on your fat face, but you aren't fooling anyone with your dumb little bedtime stories. I'll give you all the rope you need. I'm very patient and entirely determined. None of this is any skin off my ass. I consider it nothing but an enjoyable pastime, exposing you for what you really are.

    this reminds me of gayfox defending himself by sayine that he was merely annoyed by trolls, and not 'angered' after he brazenly declared that fear was angwr announced.
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  13. Originally posted by Lanny You're mad and that makes me happy.

    your happy that other peoples mad

    thats really, really very sad.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  14. Originally posted by OG_GREENPLASTIC_JOHNSON_III Why the fuck is it so common for your average dumbass to complain that scientists don’t know enough or they’ve “failed us” because they don’t know every single thing about reality. The people saying that shit are always retards who can’t even do calculus

    whats even more retarded that retards, like you dont realize is that the entire world, in the form of UN, is using the findings of these so called "scientists" to plot and chart national and international policies and protocols.

    thiss the real contention.
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  15. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by ~L J~ Fin might be right. Lanny might be a weak ass punk!

    well we all already know that.
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  16. Speedy Parker Black Hole
    Originally posted by Zanick I have a strong utilitarian position on abortion: the further along a fetus is, the more pleasure I derive from its painful termination. The grief of would-be mothers and angels weeping in Heaven cannot compare to my enjoyment of late-term abortions, so reason demands that we encourage them.

    Lets do a late term abortion on you.
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  17. Archer513 African Astronaut
    I’ve been to a few parties where there were “ladies” that were taking on all comers

    I found it gross

    Unknowingly went to some swingers parties

    1 man,1 woman is God’s law
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  18. HampTheToker African Astronaut
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  19. Space Nigga
    Originally posted by -SpectraL

    He's not a candy ass, I mean.. he has no understanding of the common man yet I could see him throwing the average height guy around a bit. I always see him as former Mafia guy hanging people by their feet off the side of a highrise.
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  20. HampTheToker African Astronaut
    Originally posted by cupocheer Yawn

    So, Hillary commits actual crimes and you don't give a shit, but orange man bad.

    Right. Got it.

    Remind me to laugh next time you try to talk politics.
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