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Posts That Were Thanked by -SpectraL

  1. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    For some further explanation about the inner workings of our calculate_penis_surcharge() function:

    # First note that you have to define your function by giving it a name, and telling it what arguments/parameters to expect.
    # In this case, we only pass into it one argument/parameter - The length of a single slave's penis.
    def calculate_penis_surcharge(penis_length):
    # First, we check if this particular slave is above average in penis length...
    if penis_length > AVERAGE_PENIS_LENGTH:
    # If they are, then we use the built in "abs()" function to get the ABSOLUTE difference between the two values, and divide that by the average, to get the difference as a percentage.
    return 1 * (abs(penis_length - AVERAGE_PENIS_LENGTH)) / AVERAGE_PENIS_LENGTH
    elif penis_length < AVERAGE_PENIS_LENGTH:
    # Note that we return a negative value if the penis length is below average.
    return -1 * (abs(penis_length - AVERAGE_PENIS_LENGTH)) / AVERAGE_PENIS_LENGTH
    # This returns zero if any of the slaves are exactly average.
    return 0

    And there you may notice that I have a bug in my code.

    Since the penis surcharge is meant to be like a tax of sorts that is applied to the originally defined COST_PER_SLAVE above, the flaw in my code is that it will actually multiple by ZERO if the slave's penis is exactly 6.0 inches.

    For the record, that was unintentional, but it brings up a very valuable lesson about programming.

    Bugs happen, and they happen a lot - no matter how experienced you are, you will make mistakes.

    I won't start teaching you about Unit Testing yet, but it's a very useful way to ensure that your code does what it needs to do.

    But that lesson is for another day.

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  2. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by -SpectraL He deciphered it perfectly and posted the whole script that's well obfuscated within the script I made and posted above. That's why I'm convinced he actually works for some kind of very high-level law enforcement cyber outfit. Only a handful of people could have done it. The obfuscated script is actually a clever fork bomb written in standard html and should still work on all browsers.

    Well, this is the bulk of the code "unminified":

    var pw = 'default';
    var t = '\00\01\02\03\04\05\06\07\010\t\n\013\014\r\016\017\020\021\022\023\024\025\026\027\030\031\032' +
    '\033\034\035\036\037\040!\042#$%&\047()*+,-./0123456789:;\074=\076?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\134]^_`abcdefghijkl' +
    'mnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ЂЃ‚ѓ„…†‡€‰Љ‹ЊЌЋЏђ‘’“”•–—˜™љ›њќћџ ЎўЈ¤Ґ¦§Ё©Є«¬­®Ї°±Ііґµ¶·ё№є»јЅѕїАБВГДЕЖЗИЙКЛМНОПР' +
    var x = '0123456789ABCDEF';
    var i, j, xs;
    var c = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < pw.length; i++) c = c ^ t.indexOf(pw.charAt(i));
    if (c != parseInt(h[5].charAt(0) + h[5].charAt(1), 16)) {}
    for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) document.writeln(h[i]);
    for (i = 0; i < 40; i++) document.writeln();
    var n = pw.length;
    var m = 0;
    var s = '';
    for (j = 6; j < h.length; j++) {
    for (i = 0; i < h[j].length; i++) {
    xs = h[j].charAt(i)
    if (x.indexOf(xs) >= 0) {
    xs = xs + h[j].charAt(i);
    c = parseInt(xs, 16);
    } else c = t.indexOf(xs);
    c = c ^ 44 ^ t.indexOf(pw.charAt(m));
    if (m == n) m = 0;
    if (c == 13) {
    s = '';
    } else if (c == 10) {;
    } else s = s + t.charAt(c);

    I was able to convert it almost all to Python because I'm versatile in JS as well as Python.

    Basically, all it's doing is using that variable t...

    var t = '\00\01\02\03\04\05\06\07\010\t\n\013\014\r\016\017\020\021\022\023\024\025\026\027\030\031\032' +
    '\033\034\035\036\037\040!\042#$%&\047()*+,-./0123456789:;\074=\076?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\134]^_`abcdefghijkl' +
    'mnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ЂЃ‚ѓ„…†‡€‰Љ‹ЊЌЋЏђ‘’“”•–—˜™љ›њќћџ ЎўЈ¤Ґ¦§Ё©Є«¬­®Ї°±Ііґµ¶·ё№є»јЅѕїАБВГДЕЖЗИЙКЛМНОПР' +

    and the variable pw...

    var pw = 'default';

    As well as the arbitrarily chosen integer 44 to do some bit shifting, incorporating both the t string and the pw string...

    c = c ^ 44 ^ t.indexOf(pw.charAt(m));

    I'm telling you, I'm damn close.

    I suppose I could just run it in JS as is.

    But I really wanna transpile it to Python.
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  3. Space Nigga
    He is coming back. When he does, no Man Made wars will compare. not all combined throughout history. the War of God's angels and Jesus against Satan and his minions will be more than any man can witness.

    it will be Cleaning house and reset for Earth and the Universe.

    A new Heaven and Earth will begin. REBOOT
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  4. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    JIT as a cornerstone of industrial production means that very little product (in this case, food) is stored in warehouses. If supply chains are broken, no food is left in the system until they're repaired. FEMA itself estimates that roughly 70-80% of the population would starve inside the first few weeks-months for this very reason if modern society were to dissolve in civil war or for some other reason.

    Given that the US Empire is in rapid decline, what with it losing control over the international oil market and the coming end of the US dollar as the sole global reserve currency, major domestic changes are coming and it'd be a miracle if none of them were violent.

    I don't really see how pointing that out is 'biased', but sure.
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  5. mikeyagain African Astronaut [unalterably regard the persecutor]
    Originally posted by Technologist Bwahahahaha!

    Are you one of those people that thinks Trump was sent by God?

    Half the people? Seriously? Trump has an approval rating of about 38%, and that’s before all these court documents came to light over the last week, i bet its lower soon. Mueller is nowhere near done :-)

    I don’t know if you live your life vicariously through American politics, but no one here gives enough shits to do anything when he gets the boot. They’re gonna watch it happen like they did with Nixon and Clinton. Watch👀. You will be enlightened😁

    When did Clinton get the boot??

    I wish they would let Trump do his job.. I haven't seen so much whining in all my life... smh

    Sour grapes are not a pretty sight...😥
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  6. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by GGG Bill Krozby already knows everyone has his information. It's literally been posted here several times over. Name, address, family. All of it.

    Yeah and that makes you and everyone else who participated a bitch ass PI Rat
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  7. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    At these point I honestly don't see him getting impeached. Resign maybe, but that's an entirely different game with a lot of possible reasons.

    Back in the last unilateral strikes on Syria over alleged gas attacks, I was convinced he'd been goaded into it to set him up for impeachment - not necessarily immediately, but as a threat to keep him doing as he's told. The strikes weren't approved by congress and could easily be interpreted as an illegal declaration of war, making it and open- and-shut case.

    At this point I think it's been left too long to be acted upon; most people barely remember it even if they really understood it at all at the time.

    I guess what I'm getting at is there are a lot of ways Trump could potentially be deposed, and the ones with the teeth behind the curtain don't seem to be interested yet. This whole 'Russia Collusion' thing seems just to be a ridiculous pantomime to try to constrain him, and of course also to make the dems feel better for losing the election to a complete amateur.
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  8. WellHung Black Hole
    also, how do you argue with the photographs that satellites take of the earth? lol... it's clearly spherical... seeing is believing folks
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  9. Ghost Black Hole
    Lanny is a monster
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  10. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    [quote pk=606097 author="Lanny"

    I think you're the fucked up one who has some kind of weird ear hangup.

    Are you even earring yourself right now lanyard?? Are you audio mind? Earacheting like a big bully, I mean, that was a fucking lobe blow, even for you.

    Seriously what kind of shit are you trying to stirrup here? Aural your comments gonna sound like that? I deafenitely hope not but it a pierce that way. I sincearly think you should try and tone it down a notch and stop trying to drum up problems. Just take a few deep breaths and rewax.

    Oh, anvil you please cochlean up your room like I asked you to earlier? I swear its like everything I tell you goes in one ear and out the other.

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  11. Originally posted by Lanny They're super comfy, don't know why more people don't wear them. The only downside is you can't wear headphones at the same time.

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  12. fed Yung Blood
    Originally posted by -SpectraL The feds requested that. Easier to make sense of it all.

    Can confirm.
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  13. Originally posted by Lanny I'm told hippos are territorial and aggressive and fuck shit up.

    and they also ban people for posting the exact thing they themselves posted.

    hippocretes. their all the same.
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  14. attended an attention soliciting thread.
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  15. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Minus the lid.

    Just how I like my highlighters.

    Inserted rectally, sans lid.
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  16. Space Nigga
    I thought he was a great leader and then I learned of NWO

    it's clear he sold his soul for some elitist power boys club membership

    the MIC controls our Military and how our Military funds future wars instead of defense. this has to end. and now it's going global. like Henry Ford selling motors to Nazi Germany? there is some truth to this story.

    it's been going on for a while.
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  17. Soyboy III: The Quest for 911 Truth Tuskegee Airman [oppositely expose the hypermetropia]
    People have been concluding 9/11 doesn't add up since about 2 seconds after the first plane hit.

    Alex Jones was one of the first to blame it on the government. I can't give a source, but apparently there were people working on the frame of the WTC for weeks before.

    And you have ol' Lucky Larry Silverstein, who is still going to court even in 2018 to collect fresh goodies from his wise investments in the leases of the WTC buildings.

    It's pretty much a case of caught red handed at this point, yet no one wants to know.

    The big lie in action. The lie that is too big to fail.
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  18. Soyboy III: The Quest for 911 Truth Tuskegee Airman [oppositely expose the hypermetropia]
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Doesn't matter anyways. Totse is founded on the concept that it doesn't matter who you are or what you are. People exist here without nationality, without borders, without age, without the pre-chewed and tasteless directives from the ruling class, without genitalia, without hair, without clothes… the only thing that really matters is what you say.

    This basically.

    You can be a prime specimen of man-hood like me, a 500lbs computer hacker like Lanny, or even a crippled faggot in a wheel chair like that Hot-Wheels dude.

    On the internet no one has time to worry about what you look like.
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  19. Soyboy III: The Quest for 911 Truth Tuskegee Airman [oppositely expose the hypermetropia]
    Did he beat himself to death, like that Pharma oversight guy did?
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  20. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny yea right. like those perpetual wars had affected you somehow directly or indirectly.

    were you drafted up, told to man up, made to dress tactically and shipped over seas into these "wars" ???

    Oh, US warmongering has had a pretty big effect on me. It's a big part of why my country is as wealthy as it is today, why I got to go to college for free, why it's easy for me to find a well paying job. US exploitation of just about anybody it can get away with exploiting has been a wonderful thing for me.

    This might be difficult for your small addled mind to grasp because basic human decency is beyond you but it's possible to be opposed to exploitation and murder, even when it provides some kind of benefit to you.
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