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Posts That Were Thanked by -SpectraL

  1. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by We'reAllBrownNosers I can't believe how many gay people say this sort of stuff about antifa. I mean, they're standing up for LBGT rights but you always bash them.

    they're not standing up for anything; for the most part they're just dumb kids who want to get into fights and feel righteous about it. they get used as political ragdolls like every other street-level 'activist' group
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Originally posted by -SpectraL I'm writing a book about kr0z right now. It's call "The Life of Kr0z", and I plan to release it directly to paperback (and skip the hardcovers). There may also be an audio book, read in kr0z's actual voice.

    Make it a kr0z dog pop-up book.
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  3. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Blacks crave attention pretty bad. All humans do but especially blacks. And the communist new world order has decided to over-indulge people in what they crave so they stay addicted to things like attention.

    They sent a black dude from this site as part of the gang stalking crap. He was kind of cool but somewhat sociopathic and not interested in bettering his life. He wants everything handed to him the way the government has trained people to want. He thinks he'll just make it big somehow without working. Wants to "hustle" and do nothing else. Wants to mooch off people.

    Generally if you piss off the government like I have, they send these sorts of people to you. They attempt to force you to interact with people that will just waste your time or try to probe your mind and personality so they can use whatever they learn against you.

    But they're easy to spot. Intelligent people rarely participate in this sort of thing. If I normally don't want to be around even white people, what the hell would make anyone think I want to be around niggers? I'm anti-social because most people are a waste of time. Doesn't mean I think people are lesser than me automatically, but most people tend to seem that way due to the results of Milgram's electro shock experiments and my own experiences interacting with people. It's kind of sad it has come down to this forced-interaction crap. That's the best they can do apparently. Affirmative action has black people placed in TV ads, given job preferences, all that stuff, so that you have to see them constantly.

    And I honestly think that sort of stuff has made people more racist and made blacks more dependent on the government and the jews that control it. But of course that is what they want.

    EDIT: and this isn't the first time we've been infiltrated. Me meeting a fellow member of this site, and him turning out to be just a sociopathic gang stalking meat-puppet is nothing new. It happened on totse and zoklet. Zoklet didn't really matter because it was owned by Zok who would naturally go along with the communist affirmative action crap since he's half black.

    But on totse there was a gradual decline. They wanted to kill the site entirely if they couldn't convert enough members to their communist mindset and they couldn't. So it gradually got worse and worse, the openly communist members and the ones in the closet were hell-bent on destroying the site. To them, big government is a good thing.
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  4. HikikomoriYume0 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by -SpectraL We've been warning of this very event for 50 years, and everyone just chuckled and laughed and pointed fingers and told us we should go grab our tin foil hats. Well, they ain't laughing so loud now.

    "It's just a conspiracy goyim! Don't pay any attention it it!"
    30 years later it all comes true
    "What, are you a bigot? What do you have to complain about, the world is such a better place! Time for your re-education!"
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  5. HikikomoriYume0 African Astronaut
    There is this one animated video I watched a few years ago goddamn I wish I could find it
    It was a literal promotional video for the NWO and tried to make all of this seem as if it was a good thing ... I'm talking shit like the government telling you when you're allowed to use electricity and how much time you can play video games, when you're allowed to eat a steak dinner and what you're allowed to do with your children.
    Scary stuff.
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  6. HikikomoriYume0 African Astronaut
    Whenever I try imagining what the world would look like under their rule it looks so bleak and feels so cold, but what infuriates me even more is to know that people would be accepting of it and maybe even defensive.

    No one would have the right to own space, public housing would be the only thing available, everyone is mind controlled through social credit, food would be regulated (I literally used to read futurist blogs years ago where they talked about this in a good light), you would have no rights concerning your children and in fact birth would be regulated, no freedom of speech or expression, bleak ugliness everywhere in the name of inclusiveness, nonstop 24/7 government surveillance over citizens etc etc

    It would be 1984 + THX1138 ... hell on earth.
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  7. Narc Naturally Camouflaged [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    Originally posted by WellHung I purchased some songs from I tunes that I didn't have on CD or couldn't get elsewhere. Another one of your myths has been debunked.👍

    you can rip any song you want straight from youtube, for free.

    wtf would you buy music for?

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  8. WellHung Black Hole
    Originally posted by Common De-mominator Close regs and ban niggerfaggots

    just stop posting n this will be a better place.👍
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  9. GGG victim of incest [my veinlike two-fold aepyornidae]
    Originally posted by -SpectraL What these scumbags do is appoint "studies" and "contracts" with the money, then funnel off all the money to their buddies, who then kick it back to them in various forms which aren't easy to detect. If you're a politician, you are a scumbag thief by default; there's no mystery. If you weren't a scumbag thief, you wouldn't be able to be a politician.

    Lmfao that is exactly what I said above. The schools still get the work done on them though, even if the money is funneled away from the contractor. Like, if your politician buddy tells you you'll win the bid at 5 dollars, you bid 5 dollars and win the job. Now you get those 5 dollars because you had the lowest bid. You give 1 dollar to your politician friend, and now you're still making money with 4 dollars because you now have a job you wouldn't have had before, and the government overpays for these things anyway. But the school still gets the same amount of construction done no matter what.
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  10. HikikomoriYume0 African Astronaut
    too late everything you view and post on the internet is permanently stored on DOD servers
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  11. We'reAllBrownNosers African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson A fucking hurricane comes though and people blame the government and or local authorities when their shit floods.
    On one hand you could say they should've known better than to live in a place prone to flooding, but on the other hand, most people generally aren't too bright and need to be lead around like sheep, so it's only natural for them to expect the government could've done a better job making sure these things don't happen to them.

    The vast majority of americans are descended from settlers who were duped into going to the Americas from Europe, thinking it would somehow be a better life and that they'd escape tyranny. Turns out they just invented a worse kind of tyranny, a more noxious and insidious kind. But the people are still dumb and designed to be lead around like sheep, so it's hard to expect them to be anything more than mindless automations that can't be held responsible for their government. Decades of mind control means that voting doesn't mean anything anymore, it's pointless, the government controls every aspect of everyone's lives now. The only way out is a violent, bloody revolution in which the traitors suffer a brutal agonizing death. But that's difficult to manage when everyone is so complacent and docile after decades of thought control.

    So yeah, it is the government's fault. They talk about how blacks should get reparations. I think everyone in the US should, for starters, because as I said, they were duped, born into mental slavery, they had no choice in the matter.
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  12. Originally posted by Narc except this time


    Originally posted by Narc and this time


    i asked a famed online clinical psychologist about this and his answer was that these people, people like technologist, they all invariably are masochists and crave, secretly or otherwise, the pain that victims endure, possibly due to the way they're wired naturally but more probably due to the prolonged duration of victimhood they endured early in life especially during their developmental stages ... to the point they became addiicted to the pain and suffering of victimhood,

    and so they scour around, both IRL and on the internet for avenues to be victimized so that they can sastify their needs to be pained like a victim and to vent their pains to any and every heads that will turn their way.

    being illuminated victims complete their lives.

    or maybe they just missed their opportunity to announce their victimhood in the past and are now looking around for surrogate perpetrators so that they could have a second chance to boldly proclaim

    ich bin einen victimnahren.
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  13. Narc Naturally Camouflaged [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    Originally posted by Technologist Yes, and I DO believe we’ve evolved since then.

    The Neanderthal in chief has devolved our country.

    to be fair tho, the elite and the bankers, media and military top brass already did it years ago.

    bit late to be getting butthurt about it now with trump

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  14. HTS highlight reel
    Infinityshock is just Michael Douglas's character from the movie Falling Down. He's a good man who's been pushed to the brink by an uncaring world ruled over by uncaring admins who ABUSE their powers.
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  15. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    yeah something interesting I've noticed since I've slept with a lot of chickens you can tell the ones that are on anti-depressants because they fall asleep almost immediately when the head hits their pillow and the start lightly convulsing... I'll ask them later if they take anti-depressants and they have always said yes.

    I rather be crazier than a shit house rat in this world than not being authentic to gods plan and how I want to feel. It's kinda rich that the gubberment knows how illegal drugs effect the brain yet if you look at a commercial about psyche durgs they claim they don't know how it works. Kinda sick really but people fall for it because they were already indoctrinated early on.

    Some people are extremely pissed off at the world and depressed but that doesn't mean they need to be on stuff like that.

    its "treatment" for people that have a spiritual malady, not a disease.
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  16. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink

    anti-psychotics and anti-depressants fuck you up to where you're more susceptible to mind control and weird influences. you're honestly better off drinking, smoking weed, or doing a line than that stuff.

    if you're going to do drugs do the good ones, not the dummy ones.

    *gets off high-horse*

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  17. Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Dark Matter [my scoffingly uncritical tinning]
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Like my old mom used to say, it's usually the simplest explanation that turns out to be the truth"…and in this case the simplest explanation is "people lie and make shit up".

    To me it seems like the simplest explanation is that there are aliens.
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  18. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    ITT: OP is mad that blacks laugh at him and call him a faggot because he is afraid of them

    what else is new here, most of you gonts make the same thread everyday, whats the next fread?

    NIGGER RAPES A WHYTE WOMAN.. she probably had it coming so who cares?
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  19. Dregs African Astronaut [that freakishly double-edged allmouth]
    Originally posted by -SpectraL You're #347, so you have a while to go yet. Closest estimate would be sometime in the fall, around Halloween.

    Cool. You are really best poster out there. Just sayin. Not in any way sucking up or sucking your dick. Honest to all that read this. Spectral is such brilliant mind. He sees and breathes all. I hope he spares me in the Final Judgment.
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  20. Originally posted by Common De-mominator The referral link gives them 20% of the profits from the DNMs they referred those customers to. So they're directly profiting off the sale of illicit drugs through those referral links. It's an ongoing two way relationship. The money tracks all the way back.

    thats just like how commission works.

    say a used car dealer introduced a would be bank robber a decent reasonably priced car and made a clean 20% commission from it,

    and days later that same car is used as a get away car in an armed robbery. should we charge the used car salesman withnaiding amd abetting armed robbery ?

    drug dealers sell drugs, they didnt force you to buy drugs.
    referrers refer you to drugs, they didnt force you to buy drugs.

    refferrers are nothing but practitioners of freedom of information.
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