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Posts That Were Thanked by -SpectraL

  1. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    I got my coffee and it was good
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. stl1 Cum Lickin' Fagit
    Don't forget the udder one.
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  3. Technologist victim of incest
    Here’s my common sense thoughts on masks.

    If we ALL wore them, it would really help mitigate the virus. Now I’m talking about surgical masks, or 2 layer homemade masks, not bandanas.

    If we ALL had them on, if a person with the virus coughs into their mask, it will stop most droplets from getting through. Droplets that do pass through the mask, the droplets trajectory has lost a lot of momentum. Then, those weak droplets have a very difficult time permeating the mask of a healthy person.

    Just my thoughts. Seems common sense to me.
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  4. Cathay Coof African Astronaut [the ariled affirmatory basinet]
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  5. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by WellHung People still don't seem to realize that they should wear a mask as much to protect others, as for themselves. Pence said that he gets checked several times daily, and that he was sure he did not have Corona, when he went to the hospital. However, what if he picked it up at the hospital, somehow, because he wasn't wearing a mask , and then transmitted it, unknowingly, to several others? Why don't people think about that?

    well if this is even a "real" virus. A lot of people have that mindset, personally I don't care and will wear the mask just so I can be allowed to go to the grocery store or donate plasma.

    But theres tons of people that will go to the grocery store, a million people there.. but then will be out having picnics and jogging in groups with their friends, having parties, ect.. but If like someone they don't know not wearing or wearing mask walks down the street they'll totally look at them like STOP NOT SOCIALL DISTANCING FROM MEH! and run across the street into traffic.

    It doesn't really make sense, if you really believe in the virus. It seems like its mostly just false outrage and media blitz fear mongering and a way for people to act like paranoid douchebags to each other.
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  6. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Yeah it was, and he knew this going in. Its a requirement at the Mayo Clinic, as stated on their site. Explicitly says face covering or mask. Hence, not a full mask. (oxford definition of face mask: a protective mask covering the nose and mouth or nose and eyes.) Note how it doesn't mention the top of your head? Those are called full masks.

    They'll even provide one if you dont have one so there's no excuse unless you DONT WANT to wear one. Pence is a fucking idiot just like all of you.

    Pretty sure he's not an idiot and will be fine. He just doesn't believe the hoax like you sheeple
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  7. Originally posted by Technologist Multiculturalism is part of my everyday life, and I love it.

    this is a blatant lie and a complete bullshit.

    people like you are only into multikulturism so long as those people whom you claim to "like" abandon their real, masculine language and culture and adopt americas totally neutered, feminized, consumer centric, politically correct, juden-fabricated blank sheet kulture.

    you wouldnt like, much less tollerate multikulturism when the proud and masculine people of vietnam move into your neighborhood and start barbequing dogs on their lawn in addition to their freedom to bear arms and you'd shudder in fear of multurekulturism when the proud and masculine tribes people of borneo move in into your neighborhood and start practising their traditional kulture.

    of head hunting.

    of the non-corporate kind.
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  8. POLECAT POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret [my presentably immunised ammonification]
    ide prolly fall over gettin out of the way of the crazy guy with his hand in his pants swinging wildly back n forth mumblin
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  9. Originally posted by -SpectraL

    probably isnt doing any good for my karma to derive enjoyment from a crippled kid losing control of his wheelchair going down a steep hill and a high rate of speed followed by the worst swandive form into a deep body of water in all history.
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  10. Firekrochfatty African Astronaut
    Seasonal jobs that I did, cause in the 60's and 70's, it's all there was for me.....I picked and also shook Cherries for the roll-out conveyers, sweets and sours,(timing is different) and numerous types of apples. Cracked 800+ eggs every morning for the ski lodge, lift operator, snow maker, lumberjack/tree-topper, shoveling 44 stalls of pigshit, piers and boat hoists put in, in the spring after ski lodge and before cherries, take out of the lakes in the fall between apples and lumberjack.

    Some summers down south back home in Louisiana, it was sugar cane and strawberries, and occasionally Mulberries.

    It was part time work, but full time, 80 hrs a week in the summer, at $2.25-$3.35 an hour depending. All really long hours, no overtime, no insurance, no benefits........but.... good training for everything else that was to come. It 's just the way it was back then for some of us.
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  11. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Lol wtf do you watch APS?

    Gelico made a channel called M.A.D making a difference

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  12. Netflxchillr African Astronaut
    larry is confused...
    Libtards are the one's always "raging" over TRUMP, while we at libtard "stupidity."
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  13. Fucking lol, so much for #metoo and the dems mantra of "we have to believe these women".
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  14. Originally posted by -SpectraL I just came to watch the chestbursters.

    chestbursters have the safe effect on me.

    spontaneous orgasm. its a gift.
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  15. Firekrochfatty African Astronaut
    I'm going to tell you something. I do suicide watch... why? because I have shit in my arsenal that makes humans think. I'm one of the the nastiest, ugliest, less than worthless, worth less than nothing, vile, meanest, piece of shit fuck that has probably ever walked this planet. My testament for this, I left in Siberia, Between Novisibirsk, and Irkutsk. There's one in a BILLION, not million chance that this body I'm in still exists. I love living in this realm. That means only five other people on earth would have survived what happened to me.... I'm a fucking monster, and can back it up. All that aside, please, indulge me for a minute or 2........... or not.

    I'm NOT a "badass"... I'm just fucking mean. There's a difference.

    Now I want you to think. You've heard of entities that can get out of body right? I can get out of body .... I can also move shit around on YOUR plane, (like a poltergeist), and could do a multitude of other things as well. Point aside, I have actually seen people commit suicide..... it's sad.... They get extremely angry when they find out.... that they still exist!!! They stand over their bodies, screaming all kinds of shit, throwing mega tantrums, and even trying to get back into that dead soulless body that they just mutilated. It hurts like a motherfucker, and can't be done anyway. It's why there aren't any zombies. Thing is, because they did what they did, they have no power, not like others in this realm, because of the laws beyond. I don't know how that works, It just does. It's a penalty of some kind I guess. you don't want that.

    Then, they discover this. they freak out AGAIN, because others in the realm are able to to a great many things. They can't. They can't go back and change things, and they have to watch the chain of events that they put into motion on this plane. They also start worrying about hell. Real hell. The fear alone drives them insane. Sometimes I go back, and I don't see them anymore. Don't have a clue Where they went... I can tell you though... IF they went there, the blue fires are the hottest. Unfucking believable .....Gorgeous as they are, you don't wanna be in those. nope, pass.

    Forget about your ma for a minute.... it's just you..... nothing but you... life is totally different, right? You power YOURSELF... Nobody can power you. go outside... look at all the amazing things around you... the animals, the trees, the lakes, your earth. IT'S POWERFUL! It has beauty unmatched, and is cruel, unfair, and tough. YOU are tough. you've made it this far. many have not...... reeally, in the grand sceme of things, the things don't matter UNLESS YOU MAKE THEM MATTER. The birds, ants, and trees NEVER think of suicide, and their lives are tougher than any of ours... They wouldn't dream of it! all mentioned are smarter than you will ever imagine.

    You don't like your world.... then change it!!! YOU AND YOU ALONE notchermom.... can change it. Now you know what happens beyond if you commit "train-bammage" or.... brain dammage? same fucking thing actually... so toughen up, and get mean.

    I say, the only reason that you (anyone) haven't changed things is merely that you haven't gotten mad enough. like smoking for instance, or getting to the gym, what ever.... It's because you haven't gotten mad enough to change it.

    You have the power to change the course of history if you want it. yours, and others. Those corona victims would love to have what you have. It's a trivial thing, compared to drowning in your own smegma. Soldiers would love to have their arms and legs back.. to be LIKE YOU. Now help somebody! You have this power. go fucking do it, before I find out what you look like and beat you silly in the realm beyond. I'll introduce you to the blue fires... I told you that I was fucking mean. I'm a Djinn, and have EARNED IT.

    now change your life.
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  16. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Netflxchillr I'm, kinda, 100% "believing" this^^ woman's claims against sleezy Joe Biden.

    it was just a sniff bro
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  17. Originally posted by aldra it's a good explanation for why corona deaths are overreported, better than the usual 'big bad pharma' etc.

    even better: if you look up the CDC reporting document (its online someplace) it literally says that a 'COVID-19' cause of death can be added to an autopsy report WITHOUT having an actual test done confirming or ruling it out.
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  18. Technologist victim of incest
    Originally posted by CASPER Ok dude. Theres no solid evidence that its significantly helping normal ER populations, just like theres no statistically significant evidence that its harmful. We just straight up dont know yet. Way too early.

    I found this article, and even though it goes against my narrative in this thread, it shows both sides. Very good article!
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  19. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace There's significantly more left leaning than right leaning people in this country. The major issue is that young people don't vote. It's like 30-40% compared to 70% of elderly, who tend to be more conservative leaning.

    It's really only a matter of time before someone like Bernie wins. I feel like Trump was the last big push. He didn't even win popular vote which normally means you lose the election. You can tell me I'm bitching about electoral votes but the fact is that Trump won by the skin of his teeth against Hilary who many Democrats straight up despised. I don't think Biden elicits as strong of a response and he's also got the Obama factor to help him.

    Plus there's the whole swash tide thing. If Trump wins 2020, a Democrat will win 2024. If a Democrat wins 2020, a Republican will win in '24 or '28. This has been pretty consistent through America's history with these polarizing politicans. Like how after Abraham Lincoln (R) we had Andrew Johnson (D). After Nixon/Ford we had Jimmy Carter. The pendulum swings one way, then the other. Black president? How about a racist president! And events like COVID-19 only quicken the swing.

    Every single War in American history has seen another party take office either by the end of the war or during. We have not had more than 2 consecutive presidents of the same party since 1929. It always switches. No party other than the Democrat-Republican party has ever held office for more than 16 years in a row. And if you look at recent history, the pendulum is swinging less and less towards the red, and more and more towards the blue. Republican party will probably be completely wiped out in the next 100 years.

    when that happens there will be the next US civil war
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  20. Originally posted by stl1 The New York Times

    Nervous Republicans See Trump Sinking, and Taking Senate With Him

    Jonathan Martin and Maggie Haberman

    WASHINGTON — President Trump’s erratic handling of the coronavirus outbreak, the worsening economy and a cascade of ominous public and private polling have Republicans increasingly nervous that they are at risk of losing the presidency and the Senate if Mr. Trump does not put the nation on a radically improved course.

    Many Republicans believe President Trump’s daily news briefings are inflicting grave damage on his political standing. The scale of the G.O.P.’s challenge has crystallized in the last week. With 26 million Americans now having filed for unemployment benefits, Mr. Trump’s standing in states that he carried in 2016 looks increasingly wobbly: New surveys show him trailing significantly in battleground states like Michigan and Pennsylvania, and he is even narrowly behind in must-win Florida.

    Democrats raised substantially more money than Republicans did in the first quarter in the most pivotal congressional races, according to recent campaign finance reports. And while Mr. Trump is well ahead in money compared with the presumptive Democratic nominee, Joseph R. Biden Jr., Democratic donors are only beginning to focus on the general election, and several super PACs plan to spend heavily on behalf of him and the party.

    Perhaps most significantly, Mr. Trump’s single best advantage as an incumbent — his access to the bully pulpit — has effectively become a platform for self-sabotage.

    His daily news briefings on the coronavirus outbreak are inflicting grave damage on his political standing, Republicans believe, and his recent remarks about combating the virus with sunlight and disinfectant were a breaking point for a number of senior party officials.

    full article @

    what did jéw yoke times said about trumps prospect of winning on november 7 2016 ?
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