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Posts by TJ

  1. TJ Houston
    to Wario

    in the short of it. Russia had teamed up with Germany in 1939. and Stalin didn't know Hitler was going to fuck him over TWICE. Hitler made a deal to share Poland with Russia but it was so Hitler could get closer to the Russian front. Stalin thought Hitler wouldn't be crazy enough to fuck him over and move into Russia. he got one warning and ignored it. the second time, Russia was force to fight in its most brutal battle in its history of existence.

    And Hitler thankfully was retarded enough to try and do it. it cost him the war and then his life by Russian Forces.

    or so the story goes. I still wonder if he ever made it over to Argentina or even Mexico. lol Maybe he ended up dying in Texas somewhere.
  2. TJ Houston
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby Hey at least I'm not a baptist, they have a long and prosperous history of rape and torture.


    You're a Catholic aren't you? lol
  3. TJ Houston
    Originally posted by Technologist Is this really an issue? Seriously? No one here knows if Nancy had been tested that day before going, if that’s the case, then she can’t pass it on to the stylist. The stylist would need a mask if she hadn’t been tested.

    She made multiple references about The Donald not wearing one.

    The stylist was supposed to cut her hair outside like everyone else has been doing. She violated the rules she help put in place for the City of San Francisco and State of California.

    She wasn't even wearing a mask. she could argue that because she was a high profile person that she feared being in public like everyone else (on the sidewalk of the business) but she also didn't wear a mask. it doesn't look good for her.
  4. TJ Houston
    Originally posted by aldra sugmond frued?

    Fuck you and Australia you half breed PoS

    Originally posted by Bill Krozby I once read that, I believe its spinzo, but to be honest I've been fundamentally rethinking his plight because I'm actually a christian.

    You sin a lot for a Christian. Get married. Make it right
  5. TJ Houston
    Originally posted by Grylls I’m gonna doze off in a min I’ll read that post tomorrow pal



    there is a conditioned called galactorrhoea which reduces milk flow in Women breast feeding while on SSRI

    the same term is used for mens penis not being MILKED properly.. its a brain issue which can't control the flow of body fluids like Breast Milk and the milking of sperm from ejaculation

    I looked it up. it's kind of funny but kind of messed up too. at least it will make you put more effort into hammering away which should get her off a few times
  6. TJ Houston
    Originally posted by TJ Fuck off Scron. You're a pathetic confused Homosexual who pretends it's not gay to be in love with a chick with dick.

    Remember. there are no Chicks with Dicks. Just Dudes with Tits.

    You never responded back. Did I hurt your feelings Scron :( it's OK to be confused about your sexuality. it is a bit different. almost closeted in a sense. but you just have to accept OK :)
  7. TJ Houston
    "Once, sometimes twice but never thrice. but 17 is the rejuvenation of comedy". (or maybe it was 13.. i forget)

    Robert Latta "Cognitive Shift"

    Plato and Aristotal and frued tried to figure out the repetitive rift that goes from being annoying to becoming uncomfortable laughter.
  8. TJ Houston
    Originally posted by Grylls Interesting, but I thought the point of viagra was to push more blood into your penis because of low blood pressure

    it confused doctors as well. it wasn't designed for erectile dysfunction but rather for high blood preasure. so it does raise the blood pressure away from the heart by going into the penis. but I don't think they were testing for BP rising in a pocket area. and it was doing just that. going into the penile region creating a balloon effect.

    One thing I notice. it doesn't stop reversal of seamen in ejaculations. sadly a side effect by SSRI is a reverse jizz problem. you kind of feel an organic sensation but it's reduced but cum just goes hog-wild all erratically. I guess like Bucky Larson becomes a star.

    better than no sex though. and your dick just sits there weather you wash it off or it gets sucked off. all hard like it wants to take on the world.
  9. TJ Houston
    Originally posted by infinityshock lovingly allowed lard-ass lanny the luxury of lapping the loins-leviathan while the little lad larps as a laotian ladyboy lapdancer................................................... (banned) sounds like a bunch of faggots that run around raiding the used tampon disposal receptacles.

    what i want to know is what you do with the used tampons after youve stolen them

    Just narrow down to a one liner. it's funnier this way.
  10. TJ Houston
    Originally posted by ORACLE I am Captain of the Red Brigade and I am looking for crewmates to help me sail our aquatic low-rider, the Gram Galleon, towards the shores of adventure, where great booty lays waiting to be grabbed.

    I need

    A first mate

    A cook

    A navigator

    A marksman

    A doctor

    A shipwright

    A lookout

    A quartermaster

    A musician

    A helmsman

    Apply for positions below.

    Is the shipwright a scrawler? i can do that.

    as long as you purchase me a brand new tablet with spell checker.
  11. TJ Houston
    Originally posted by infinityshock lovingly allowed lard-ass lanny the luxury of lapping the loins-leviathan while the little lad larps as a laotian ladyboy lapdancer..................................................... (banned) youre close enough to female. get on with it.

    theres going to be more than enough reciprocating of my cock in your various orifices to leave you satisfied and creamified.

    Jump into the east river
  12. TJ Houston
    Originally posted by HTS 😍

    Hi HTS. you decided not to go through with it. can you get a ball replacement? like maybe from a pig or even cooler a horse.
  13. TJ Houston
    Originally posted by Grylls I bet it at least takes blood pressure pills or whatever the elderly do

    Probably viagra also 😂

    viagra was used for lowering blood pressure by dropping it into the genital region in men. people started noticing they got erections much easier. it's a By coincidence "Happy Coincidence" medication that refueld a price gouging for a medication that was an alternative to other BP medication. or something like Diovan. then the patent ended ;) now poor folk can get boners too.
  14. TJ Houston
    Wario WTF are you babbling about?

    calm down. go back to working on your art. use the anger and channel it into your fucking artwork and then come back and share it with us. it's good therapy for you and build your skills.

    stop trying to rape underage girls you fucking pedo freak.
    I think you made progress dating older women but try smiling in your pictures to match the smiles they give off. you look like you're turning into Mr Hyde.
  15. TJ Houston
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker You take meds becasue you are retarded.

    I do?
  16. TJ Houston
    Originally posted by infinityshock lovingly allowed lard-ass lanny the luxury of lapping the loins-leviathan while the little lad larps as a laotian ladyboy lapdancer..................................................... (banned) now that youre done gibbering get on with posting nude selfies.

    Only for the females on here that reciprocate.
  17. TJ Houston
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker Falling property values are a good reason to be upset.

    Happened to us as well. they turned our lovely town (which people always said on a city forum they used to leave their doors unlocked at night)

    They started placing all of the sex felons in our town because it was on the edge of the Bay Area with the lowest house prices (still half a million priced) in the bay area. and then Section 8 housing (housing vouchers to tear down the projects in Oakland to build expensive condos)

    they lead people out of Oakland and San Francisco by giving them vouchers to get a large fancy house. so our property value plummeted. then some racist cunts kept saying it was all Black peoples fault. this got the NAACP involved. many people on housing vouchers were Hispanic and White and Asian as well. but it seemed like someone was grooming the city to guarantee section 8 would stay by utilizing racist comments to turn game. Then Blacks and other PoC home owners were like "This isn't about racism.. you're bringing in gangs from the ghetto and its affecting my house value as well" which was a good thing because no white people were going to say shit. that was an obvious No win situation.

    but over time, prices went back up. and this happened prior to 2008 fiasco. learn to live with people of all races and anger settles down. as long as bad cops don't lean on black mens necks. or anyone's for that matter.

    Finny should learn to just get along with all people and all races. he doesn't have to get along with Ghetto thuggies or ghetto rats throwing shit at his house (kids) or asshole rednecks telling him he drives like a sissy.
  18. TJ Houston
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker What is your favorite brand of hater or do you just buy the store label?

    I try not to hate. it's a waste of time. meds help too. when I get angry I just want to take a fucking nap.
  19. TJ Houston
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker That is just an opinion which doesn't change the fact that your brain is fucked.

    Originally posted by infinityshock lovingly allowed lard-ass lanny the luxury of lapping the loins-leviathan while the little lad larps as a laotian ladyboy lapdancer..................................................... (banned) youre adorable when you so dramatically mistake humor for foreplay.

    almost erotically so.

  20. TJ Houston
    finny is an Irish name

    Is Infinityshock that red head guy from NYC? he's not 90 years old hes more like 30 at best. He moved to Florida too.

    He got mad his neighborhood on Stanton Island was overtaken by blacks.
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