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Posts by Kev

  1. Kev Space Nigga
    i shouldve said nobody with any self dignity cares about some disabled manchild.

    I am THE MOST OBSESSED NOW even though I only started talking about it recently.

    you seem to have an encyclopedia of every little personal detail of this tard that you can spout on cue, i call that pretty fucking obsessed.

    its pathetic.

    edit- what illegal activitiy do i encourage? i mean this is a totse clone and on bad ideas we encouraged each other to do a lot of illegal shit so that isnt really out of the ordinary but i dont recall doing it here on NIS.
  2. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny you dont need an errection to rape.

    but you need to piss of the kikes to get a unanimous media sponsored salem witch trial which today manifests itself in the form of rape hoaxes.

    and michael jackson sure did piss off the kikes by telling the truth about them in one of his songs. coincidentally, the allegations followed.
  3. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood I wonder how that happened

    because someone came across his sonichu comics and posted them on 4chan, WOW

    people that grew up around and in internet culture, so not you.

    dafuq are you even talking about? i grew up around somethingawful, newgrounds, ebaumsworld, seanbaby, totse and 4chan. our cringe comic relief on totse was tr1p and handofzek, those were my chris chans. they were fucked up, funny and pitiful but at least werent outright mentally handicapped.

    only someone with no dick picks on the handicapped.

    given youre the laughingstock of this forum, it makes sense why you are the most obsessed with chris chan.
  4. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny sounds like your eager to show it.

    not to you, faggot
  5. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Holy shit you are so fucking fake. You think the only reason people are obsessed with chris chan is because of kiwifarms? Jesus christ….

    the reason he has fame is because a bunch of retards as moronic as him dedicated an ED page to him and gave him all this unwarranted attention.

    Yeah… why would anyone care about him? Fucking insane, that internet it's crazy. this is all so wild. That's was everyone's reaction when the incest story broke.

    him fucking his mom is literally the only reason i even remembered him. with so many interesting people out there, who gives a fuck about some cringey autist and his shitty sonichu comics that no one reads?

    get a fucking job
  6. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Meikai Bob Dylan? More like Bob Diddlin', am I right folx?

  7. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by blaster master I mean, I understand what your saying, but come on man you have daughters.

    Everyone knows Cosby did it, same as Michael Jackson and R. Kelly.

    Bob Dylan wrote fucking songs about it.

    "She tastes, just like a woman. She makes love, just like a woman. But she breaks like a little girl."

    michael jackson cant even get an erection, he was injected with estrogen by his father way before this tranny shit became a trend, he didnt diddle any kids, you fell for a psyop.
  8. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready if they try and piss on your bed or pillow or behind the water heater then you piss on them. I was told this. let them know who is the fucking King of that house. get your own piss and put it in a spray bottle and grab them if you didnt see them pissing and rub their nose in it then spray some of your own piss on their head. if you see them squatting or spraying then grab the bottle and spray them.

    when they stop doing it. then call in a carpet cleaner and professionally chem clean your house.

    is it true children care more about their cats than their boomer parents? i can see why.
  9. Kev Space Nigga
    kiwifarms is the internet culture? yeah, okay.

    what kind of loser is so interested in mining every personal detail of a handicapped fuckup?

    a fugly ratfaced boytoucher on welfare perhaps?

    GTFO my internet
  10. Kev Space Nigga
    i dont obsess over an autistic tard so i will never get to know him like you do. maybe you should dump HTS and become buttbuddies?

    either way, your source says "now called christian" in the third sentence. it isnt 1992 anymore, fool.
  11. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny i guess i'll have to pave the way for you.

    thats what friemds do for each other.

    you still wont get to see my big dick, fag
  12. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by AngryIVer Because this site has like 6 members using 3-5 accounts each.

    Totse had like 30,000 active members at any given time so a dedicated section for sharing links made sense. For here there's multiple general sections and enough topical sections that any link you feel like sharing has a specific section to share it.

    totse didnt have 30000 active members, it had around 50000 members and 5000 of them active but i get your point. without yung blood, theres no gold. its all disilusioned aging veteran fucks around here, even the younger ones like me and hiki.

    i guess we gotta accept that its never gonna be fun like the old days? if only 8chan didnt sell out to the jedis...
  13. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready I thought Scron was a modern hip Iggy Pop looking mofo.

    But this site is known for hurtful phrases

    without the talent.

    iggy pop was an ugly motherfucker but at least produced something of value. ratboy is just an ugly methrat on welfare and a shitstain on society.
  14. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood People keep saying his last name as "Chan", it's pretty funny


    CHRISTIAN, actually.

    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood I have been reading about chris chan since I was a virgin WITH RAGE

    fucking trannies doesnt count, youre still an incel with rage.

    now huff raid and die.
  15. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny ↑ double posting due to cock-shot induced anxiety.

    its ok, nothing wrong with having a small penis.

    easy for you to say, i cant afford penis reduction surgery so i couldnt consummate with any of my lil girlfriends
  16. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Chairman Takeshi Kaga And you can't here? Sounds like you're saying it fine.

    not without getting piss dumped on your head (lauren southern)

    And that's it, right? They have total freedom of speech right? For example you can compare the dictator to a cartoon, right?

    In China, you are compelled not to question:

    x The Chinese Communist Party

    In America, you are compelled not to question:

    x The intrinsic goodness of the jedis
    x The innocence of black people
    x Infinite amounts of nonwhite immigrants flooding into your country
    x Your entire neighborhood being replaced with aliens
    x Men who masturbate into each other’s anuses
    x The precise number of jedis that died during World War II
    x The moral superiority of women
    x The superior job performance of women
    x A woman’s fundamental right to murder her own children
    x Children being injected with sex hormones
    x Boys having their penises surgically removed

    Secondly, the punishment for questioning things is much less severe in China than it is in America. In the latter nation, punishment for speech deemed incorrect is unreasonable and actually insane.

    Ways you will be punished for speech in China:

    x The government will bring you into court and charge you with specific crimes, telling you exactly what you did wrong and what you are being punished for. You will be permitted to argue your defense.

    Ways you will be punished for speech in America:

    x Private monopolies will collude to shut down all outlets of publishing on the internet, all financial services and your basic ability to buy and sell.
    x Corporations will fire you and collude with one another to prevent you from being rehired (permanent unemployment as punishment for speech).
    x You will be sued by billionaire jedi legal firms with unlimited money for reasons that make no sense but which would cost you hundreds of thousands of dollars to fight. You will be ordered by a court to pay millions of dollars to jedis (indentured servitude as punishment for speech).
    x Domestic terrorists will be sent out on the street to attack you, with the blessing of the federal government. If you defend yourself against them, you will be charged with assault or various other charges.
    x If your car is attacked by a mob of government-endorsed terrorists, and you crash your car, you will be charged with murder and sentenced to hundreds of years in prison based on your beliefs and jokes you made.

    yeah, china and most countries the ZOG government smears as authoritarian are objectively freer than the jewnited states.
  17. Kev Space Nigga
    Whats a good program that can backup and restore key metadata like partition tables, the MFT and so on? i just lost half the partitions on my backup drive and i was able to bring back some of them because i coincidentally knew the offset of one but the rest are fucked, luckily it was just the backup drive with nothing that important on it, but it disturbs me that losing such a tiny piece of data like the header can fuck shit up like this so i am wondering about a program that backs only this up. its fast, economic and smart, yeah?

    if not, im writing down the offsets of every partition and backing up the first GB of the drive. what do you think?
  18. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ People like St|1 are way too stupid and brainwashed to even take a moment to read that, much less understand what it means.

    all that copy pasting uses up all his energy, hes got a wankoff intermission and will be back in a few hours.
  19. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Chairman Takeshi Kaga Lmao for real?

    yeah, its amazing, you can actually say there are only 2 genders. unfortunately, murder rape and petty theft are punishable by death.
  20. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood thats not how nation states work

    youre stupid
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