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Posts by Kev

  1. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Rizzo in a box a life was permanently altered for the worse? what kind of weird fucking guilt trip is this, what the fuck do you think JP could do? prescribe you a particular diet of herbs and exotic chemicals in order to save the underage sex slave you have? why do you want to talk to one of the most dangerous people to have ever posted on totse?

    to be fair I should know better, from my years of being on the internet I know people create all sorts of para social relations, and you might be just a simple autistic man looking for guidance from the people he looks up to. but in reality, you glow hard.

    if he doesnt want to talk to me, he can just tell me to fuck off. what are you so worried about?

    a life was permanently altered for the worse? what kind of weird fucking guilt trip is this, what the fuck do you think JP could do?

    how many times do i need to repeat that its irrelevant? its way too late, it happened, its done, it cant be undone.
  2. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by aldra you should read some Dmitry Orlov if you're interested in that sort of thing; he tracks and compares the collapse of the US against the collapse of the Soviet Union as he lived through it

    I don't really like his writing style though

    link? i would love to read it, cant say the same for any of the shit obbe posts.
  3. Kev Space Nigga
    super illegal doesnt mean it was cool shit and like i said it doesnt matter, a life was permanently altered for the worse before i or joe could do anything about it, it is over and done with.

    whats the big deal rizzo? i only want to talk to him.
  4. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Grylls Rain is actually tears from satan because hes in hell which is our heaven, basically god is keeping the nigger alive in pain for eternity feeding him apples from the garden of eden

    U did know satan is just a mad nigger right?

    Hence him being red






  5. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Kuntzschutz I just figured you were an fbi agent with morals. Deep cover.

    Im not a tweaker, id use the shit less than twice per year. One of my best friends died, followed by my mom around a week and a half later then my sister about two months later, all under mysterious and similar conditions. Then i find out a friend recently had a stroke and half his body is paralyzed.

    I felt bad and wanted to stop thinking about it all, so i used it once this year. I have some discipline and run at least once per week.

    Theres a lot more to it but anyway, i dont think i am a tweeker, at least not a hardcore one.

    Running helps more than drugs for dealing with grief, for me at least. I lost a week of training due to shit going on, so i resorted to meth.

    Anyway, speaking of alts, Issue13, an old school member, mentioned the similarity between this queer hiki and angry blue bird of death of zoklet and totse.

    That one always claimed to be canadian. I looked into it, and there is indeed an extreme similarity in posting style and subject matter.

    I dont know whether to take that as a compliment or an insult. its flattering someone thinks im clever enough to be deep cover, but pretty fuckin insulting nonetheless to be called a pig.

    sorry about your friend tho.

    are you a totse OG? i cant recall your name, but i will be especially impressed if you can remember who i was on totse.
  6. Kev Space Nigga
    coffee makes me sick now and anxious as fuck without any positives. i called rabbitdweeb a hopeless drug addict for his coffee guzzling and he got defensive, lmao.

    i dont like dopaminergic shit either, dont know if its my ADD or what.

    why were you bit by a tick? clean up your trashy whorefilled mansion, nigger
  7. Kev Space Nigga
    he took such a liking to you yet you wouldnt even give him a second thought, thats nice.

    what are my interests? thats complicated, my interests are to bring this fucking murderous government down by any and all means necessary.

    as i said, my original reason for needing to talk to him is now moot, i wish i could give details and vent the fuck out about it but i cannot, it is highly illegal in nature and no longer relevant anyway.

    my reason now is personal, nothing more special than simply catching up. dont give yourself an aneurism looking too deeply into shit, i already gave myself several while looking for him, but it was worth it cause i got to read him roast mantittied carbonB and danny.
  8. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood no, whoever wrote that article is a fucking retard and you believe it just like anyone that follows the mainstream. Guess what? Stormfront is MAINSTREAM MEDIA racism is A WIDELY HELD AND POPULAR BELIEF you are JUST LIKE EVERYONE ELSE and you are all WRONG anti capitalist collectivization enforcers with your UN drug laws. You hate freedom and capitalism and just want to be a real life nazi that nationalizes DER JUDEN business.

    you have refuted nothing in the article. they claim a "voluntary" covid19 camp is open and ready and just happens to be fenced off, just also happens to be in the middle of fucking nowhere. the army just happens to assist in the vaccination effort in another province.

    the people in that concentration camp are all voluntary patients who want protection from a mild flu.

    i never said anything about stormfront, capitalism, mainstream or non mainstream media. when the mainstream media claims a fenced off concentration camp in the middle of nowhere is some voluntary recovery center for a mild illness, it only takes a ratfaced retard to believe it.
  9. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Rizzo in a box Okay look man, I'm not gonna malign his name by suggesting something like that, but you need to think about it like this: totse was a hotbed of criminals, radicals, deviants, and feds. JoePedo was at the intersection of several things which are prime targets for the intelligence community: drugs, radical politics, and a certain sexual persuasion. His connections with various deadhead/hippie type stuff might just be a relic of the Laurel Canyon days or just how it is when you live in California (as far as I know no one knows where he's from but if I had to guess), or he's just in really, really fucking deep. When you're as smart as him the feds don't catch you, they recruit you.

    Now like I said, I don't think he's CIA or whatever, and he would feel offended if he heard me say that (as a hardcore anti imperialist), but bro. You don't swim in these circles and ever stop to think, "Maybe all my friends are feds?"

    lmao who the fuck do you think you are asking that question? i treat EVERYBODY like a potential fed and i honestly do not think Joe is a fed nor is he stupid enough to be caught, for the longest time i thought he has been caught until February 2020 when i came across his forum and saw he was alive and well.

    the fact that he has a unique, easily profilable typing style that even a moron like me can see a mile away and manages to still operate in anonymity is mystifying to me. i personally had to curb mine (spellcheck in firefox was a fucking god send) to stay safe.

    You obviously respect the guy as much as i do, not wanting to hurt his wittle feelings and all and you never kept in contact with him? what kind of fucking friend are you? besides nsin, star wars fan and slim, he took a liking to you. wtf man?

    when he sees this thread, i think he will have my back instead of yours
  10. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood And you don't know even basic facts or understand why someone would care in the first place which is exactly why you are suspicious as fuck. You are just trying to deflect by making it about me being OBSESSED.

    you care because you are just as cringey and pitiful as him.

    who else laughs at handicapped people?

    i may have laughed at Dax flame but at least he was a fucking actor.
  11. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Lanny You’ve ignored me every time I actually took the time to read your copy pasta and links in the past so before I waste my time commenting on that article I’d like to ask if you’ve actually read it, and if you have what you think it’s actually saying.

    exact reason why i skip past his copy pasted shit
  12. Kev Space Nigga
    also what do you mean by "if he wasnt an asset"? are you suggesting he is a pawn of the american government?
  13. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Rizzo in a box haha I saw you sent me a PM a while ago asking the same question. no, I don't know where he is but I have heard that he is still around if you find the right forums for drugs and chemistry. The fact that you're so intent on finding him makes me feel a little sketched out not gonna lie. Dude was so subversive and so smart, if he wasn't an asset then he would be a prime target for the juiciest sectors of the intelligence agencies for sure.

    i did find him on the dark web by accident, he was running a totse-lookalike on the dark web but BLTC was called "better living through biochemistry", then a god damn skiddy faggot hacked the host on march 10 last year and deleted all the database files which took all the sites including his offline. coincidentally, i urgently needed to talk to him weeks later but with his site down couldnt find him, that led me here.

    My original reason for needing to talk to him is gone, but after all this effort i put, i will not put it to rest. i can understand why you feel sketched out but rest assured my intentions are not nefarious, i have nothing but respect for teh guy, he was an asset to totse and would make a great asset to NIS if it was not on the clearweb.

    i cant find him on other drug forums, believe me i tried. his name got mentioned on bluelight 7 years ago but thats about it. his typing is so unique that i wouldve spotted it if he was posting on an alt, and i havent.

    he is incredibly fuckin elusive, i looked in the totse archive for an email and the closest i got was a few people requesting his email and his response always being "make a throaway account to give me and i will contact you"
    that lil fucker! and of course, none of those throaway accounts exist 12 years later.

    you know where nsin, star wars fan or slim-ov-derby are at?
  14. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Wariat Why are americans so obsessed with child porn or protecting female rights and kids? I dont get it. I mean why so much more obsessive over this type of shit than virtually everyone else in the world combined including the british who are known to be tough on crime these days and shit and also puritanical. Like why in america are females constantly given breaks in courts or treated completely differently by cops? ever heard of karens?

    kids get busted and get their lives destroyed every day for innocent sexting, none of this has anything to do with protecting children.

    its all about karen and protecting her privilege, but even she is only a useful idiot that will be disposed of once her usefulness dries out.
  15. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by AngryIVer Yep, I found the news article and came here to post it:

    he is guilty of calling a 12yo beautiful basically.

    he was arrested for being a simp.

    her parents sensibilities were offended because someone not rich enough to their liking dared to look at their daughter and they had to make an example out of him.
  16. Kev Space Nigga
    what did lsd do for you? i took it around the same age and had a bad trip, cant understand why hippies loved it. meth and coke just gives me paranoid idiocy, i have enough of that when im sober.

    i wonder if fent is like heroin without the nausea and without the itchiness of morphine?
  17. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ What are the units of measurement involved? Faggits? 20 faggots = disqualification?

    its a gayometer, i think 11 is the worst. the worst you can get without physical contact i think is a 8 where you beat off to guys which vinny was about to do.
  18. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny it means when someone claims to have something big, it is customary for another party to ask to see it.

    for verification purposes.

    you asked for penor pics before that clarification
  19. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready They taught this weird shit post 9/11. I started noticing this weird Militant style of teaching during P.E. but said "Maybe this is good for them" where they would stop in place during the whistle. but then on a local forum of my Town, Parents were openly saying it looks weird how some girls anf even boys were frozen in motion and had to stay that way for 1 minute before the second whistle blow which looked sexual in nature.

    several PE Coaches and teachers were also under investigation for making sexual advancements towards students. and other shit going on. all in one area of the county as well.

    thats the fault of your generation for not educating your own fucking kids, for being so childish and retarded that you cant bring yourself to tell them where babies come from because you cant say "vagina" in front of them without giggling like you are some preschooler.

    so you demanded that someone else teach your kids about that stuff, now you are complaining teachers are perverts. wonderful.

    it literally is why MOON PERSON and Zoomers hate the Boomer generation. placing all the worlds blames on Mommy and Daddy and Grandma and Grandpa.

    because you are useless retarded fuckstains that destroyed the country with your social experiments and got massively rewarded for it while mine gets to deal with the fallout, then on top of that you somehow have the fucking nerve to call my generation self entitled.

    All of the NSA shit was going on prior to 9/11 secretly. 9/11 gave them legal use of prying in on Americans.

    all done by your generation, the oldest MOON PERSON was just barely able to vote on 9/11. bush is a boomer, so is clinton.
  20. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Grylls lol gud

    ok soz kevin wat shud i call u

    kev motherfucker

    only my ma calls me by my full name, or people i respect, which is almost no one
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