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Posts by Kev

  1. Kev Space Nigga
    Also, don't fucking inch to it like you're building up tolerance to some lethal poison like you're about to be assassinated. Get the DPH and take 750. Bolt the doors.

    very bad advice. there was a reason i inched to it. at 200 i felt little to nothing, at 250 it did this. who the fuck knows what 3 times this amount wouldve done.

    being in this scene for so long, what i know is how different everyone is and how generalizing doses/effects is impossible. encouraging someone to take a potentially lethal dose, knowing fuck all about the persons history or tolerance is an extremely dick move.

    nothing about you is charitable.
  2. Kev Space Nigga
    looks like our 750 mg bet aint happening, sophie. for someone who preached empathy to me earlier, where the fuck do you come from encouraging others to ingest dangerous doses? being well versed in the philosophy of harm reduction, i would never do that shit, not even to people i hate.
  3. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Sophie Good. Also, it's a bad idea to keep a loaded gun around you when you're in such a state. I hope you had the safety on and no bullet in the chamber.

    i took some klonopin to calm down and i had a decent nap but not full 8 hours of sleep. you are right, i put the gun away. i'm perfectly coherent at the minute but i'm still uncomfortable.

    how the hell did this bullshit happen? i have been stressed out days prior and this crap just amplified it to insane levels. this is not something i expected from a downer. with benzos i do get rebounds but this shit is just out of this world. calmness, tactile sensation and drowsiness mixed with horrible anxiety, paranoia and dark thoughts. is this delirium feels like?

    fuck me
  4. Kev Space Nigga
    fucking hell i took 250 mg yesterday just to fall asleep and i felt drowsy but extremely uncomfortable, it kept filling me with negative thoughts and paranoia, which are persisting now 24 hours later. wtf is this bullshit?

    i have a loaded gun by my chair right now because i expect rioters or cops to bust my door down any minute. i know intellectually that iam experiencing an illusion but i cant shake these fucking thoughts.

    this sucks

    not gonna use recreational doses of tihs shit ever again
  5. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by stl1 Reread my post, moron.

    Originally posted by stl1
    Unfortunately, Trump's Wars are against the Constitution, the rule of law and the American citizen.

    Name a "Trump War"

    inb4 some retarded fucking semantical game youre trying to play. im not interested in playing that kind of autistic shit with you, nigger.
  6. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by stl1 You're not the sharpest tool in the shed, are you?

    The photo is obviously a work of art to discomfort whites by putting the shoe on the other foot.

    Or, in this example, the knee on the other's neck.

    Then you can start by putting your knee on that cop's neck and taking a picture of that, not on some random toddler that had fuck all to do with anything, you thick fucking prick.

    why dont you shoot up an elementary school the next time some asshole with no connection to that school gives you shit?

  7. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Sophie Fortunately this website is hosted in a placed called The United States of America and they have a constitution, this constitution has a first amendment. Something to do with Free Speech. Fuck outta here with your INGSOC shit. Even if the yanks did care, or the britbong authorities, i'm not in your jurisdiction. And guess what, my country has a constitution too, and it guarantees i can say whatever the fuck i want. But i don't take anything for granted, i'm behind 7 proxies, i even have a proxy for my DNS traffic. motherfucker.

    words of a totsean right there.
  8. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by stl1 Unfortunately, Trump's Wars are against the Constitution, the rule of law and the American citizen.

    Trump didnt start any new war, just continued obama's mess.
  9. Kev Space Nigga
    Such brave sacks of shit, needing to take out their problems on a toddler. abolish the cops already so we can throw out the trash. were overpopulated as it is.
  10. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby You don't know what the word literally means, and I don't see how I'm being a pussy. A teenage girl died from it the other day you smacktard.

    do you wanna fuck with semantics or do you wanna have a serious discussion? wow ONE teenage girl died from it out of HOW MANY that got sick from it?

    1. in the literal or strict sense: She failed to grasp the metaphor and interpreted the poem literally. What does the word mean literally?
    2. in a literal manner; word for word: to translate literally.
    3. actually; without exaggeration or inaccuracy: The city was literally destroyed.
    4. in effect; in substance; very nearly; virtually: I literally died when she walked out on stage in that costume.

    Look at the third one for the manner in which i used it, you grammar faggot. Covid19 is literally a seasonal flu, its not some apocalyptic fucking virus you stupid idiot.
  11. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby I don't think you know what the word "literally" means. Unless you're saying its a fake disease?

    Its a synonym of "virtually". "Fake" is also relative. covid19 is a seasonal flu with the same fatality rate as the flu. getting sick from the flu is a fact of life that will never, no matter what retarded fucked up shit in the name of not getting it you wanna try to do, ever be obliterated. you will always get the flu at least once a year. this psychotic social experiment of locking everyone up, destroying the economy in the name of trying to fight a mild disease that you will never eradicate is beyond fucking idiotic.

    in that sense, YES its a fucking disease because if you are under 60, it is literally harmless. you will live, you fucking pussy.
  12. Kev Space Nigga
    Trump 2020 fo sho, bcuz who da fuck else? All the others want to start a fight with a local superpower. Trump for all his flaws started the least wars of any recent president.
  13. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by rabbitweed People can and do die from this disease via transmission in public. Wouldn't you rather wear a mask and decrease your chance of a nasty hospital stay, or death?

    People have and always will die from a common flu, whats your point? this disease is about as deadly as that. if you are under 60, your chances of dying are literally zero.

    quit this hysterical faggot act already, this is the behavior of a walking bag of estrogen.
  14. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by cigreting i dont think tech understands what conspiracy means
    it ok tech me still wuv u

    even im not sure wtf it means anymore with the moron public twisting words to mean all kinds of things. deducing from the context it seems to be a synonym for 'crazy talk' but that begs the question of why an untruth needs to be a conspiracy in the first place, why not just say 'thats a bunch of bullshit' like a normal person instead of playing all these word games?

    powerful people and governments conspire, big fucking shocker right there.
  15. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Lanny One would be rightly skeptical that there was any kind of causal relationship there. I mean I get the general point here, police wrongly killing people is bad but there some level of police killings are kind of unavoidable at national scale and civic order is valuable so a police force is probably a net win, justifying police as an institution. But like you have to get into pretty radical fringes before people seriously argue for total disbandment of the american police force. There are plenty of opportunities to reduce the frequency of the police murdering people that don't entail an increase in murder rate, and plenty of opportunities to reduce the murder rate that don't involve more police executions.

    Even the radical fringes call for demilitarization of the police, not outright disbanding.
    there is confusion in the language. right now, there are way too many pigs, far more than needed to handle 911 calls which is why so many of them are just paid to patrol and stir shit up to keep up their body count quotas, its fucking sickening and the people are finally rising against the biggest armed gang in America.
  16. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Greek Style I already pointed out his pedo smile.

    In case you aren't familiar with the concept:

    You guessed 9 of 18 correctly (%47.4). Your grade: C

  17. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by rabbitweed If you had a police force that killed twice as many people, but the total number of murders in the US were halved, that would be a net win for human life, but would be regarded as a horrific tragedy by the powers that be. Let that sink in for a minute - certain kinds of murders are acceptable, and others are not.

    so murder is ok as long as it is committed by the government? what a cucked statement.
  18. Kev Space Nigga
    West Midlands Police have arrested a 12-year-old boy as they investigate racist tweets sent to Crystal Palace star Wilfried Zaha ahead of Sunday’s Premier League match against Aston Villa.

    Zaha shared screenshots from his Instagram account on Twitter this morning after waking up to a series of abuse , including a threatening message accompanied by an image of the American white supremacist group, the Ku Klux Klan.

    The message read: ''You better not score tomorrow your black c*** or I’ll come to your house dressed as a ghost.''

    Crystal Palace issued a statement in response to the racial abuse via their official twitter account: ''This is an absolute disgrace and should not be happening. We stand with you, Wilf, and anyone else who has to suffer such horrific abuse.''

    And West Midlands Police confirmed that a 12-year-old boy had been taken in custody.

    A statement read: "We were alerted to a series of racist messages sent to a footballer today and after looking into them and conducting checks, we have arrested a boy.

    "The 12-year-old from Solihull has been taken to custody. Thanks to everyone who raised it. Racism won't be tolerated. "
    Photo: AP

    Crystal Palace manager Roy Hodgson was asked his thoughts on the racist abuse aimed at Zaha in the lead-up to the match.

    "It's very saddening that on the day of a game a player wakes up to this cowardly and despicable abuse," he told Sky Sports.

    "But I think it's right that Wilf made people aware of it - I don't think this is something you should keep quiet about - I think it's very good that our club, Aston Villa as well and the Premier League are doing everything they can to find out who this despicable individual is and one can only hope that he will get identified and he will get called to account and that he will pay for these actions ... because there's literally no excuse."

    The incident comes as English football continues to embrace the Black Lives Matter movement following the death of George Floyd last month.

    Since the tragic events in America, all Premier League matches have seen players take the knee before kick-off in solidarity and support of the black community.
  19. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Sophie Ok so will you concede that you can get delirium other than by taking stims and downers together?

    Which has never happened to me incidentally. Only thing too much stims gives me is psychosis, and the difference between psychosis and delirium is that you perfectly remember every second of psychosis. In fact you remember it vividly because it's scary as fuck.

    well yeah, taking uppers without downers can do it too but i thought dph was a downer, its a sedative after all.

    psychosis is not fun, i experienced that before and dont care to ever again which is why i wont touch a molecule of acid.
  20. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Sophie 750 it is. Don't say i didn't warn you. Also, don't fucking inch to it like you're building up tolerance to some lethal poison like you're about to be assassinated. Get the DPH and take 750. Bolt the doors.

    nah, im not a dumbass. lurking on totse all those years wasnt for nothing. if i took anything from it, it was to know my dose if i cant know the chemical formula. i have work tomorrow anyway, cant show up there all fucked up.
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