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Posts by Kev

  1. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Sophie You really are fucking stupid aren't you?

    you tell me, you cant decide if im a genius or not apparently.
  2. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal It's about an ASI that took on the form of a loli unravelling the mystery of her friend who suicided yet somehow sent the entire classroom emails after her death.

  3. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal You should watch it a few more times.
    It's very deep and layered, the first few times won't make much sense.

    Also SEL isn't cyberpunk it's a psychological horror series.

    its not the one about a hacker girl who everyone thinks is a normie because she uses a PC instead of iphones?
  4. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal It's not boring you're just an ADHD retards that can't handle anything that isn't gas paced pew pew action filled popcorn cheese aimed at teens.

    i do have ADHD, doesnt mean i dont appreciate deep shit but SEL was completely unmemorable to me, an acid trip at its finest.
  5. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal Wow you have no taste
    If you don't agree with SEL and Haibane Rennie you should kill yourself, I'm not joking.

    Also I am the most attractive person here, you're just jealous.

    SEL was boring as shit and i am into cyberpunk.
  6. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal Don't you mean

    1 - cock nose with no bridge
    2 - revenge of the elven ears and flaring eyebrows
    3 - James and the giant chin
    4 - "my neighbor scared me away with a toy bat"
    5 - "why can't I ever take a photo without looking like a soulless douchebag"

  7. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal Yeah I'm not nostalgic for 2011 I just happened to be editing home movie footage from,that year.

    It was memorable though.

    - Japan tsunami and nuclear spills
    - Arab spring
    - Norway shooting

    - I was blue pilled and artificially happy

    seriously though, isnt it just possible that we are simply pushing 30 and jaded? our good memories coincidentally happen to be our adolescent years.
  8. Kev Space Nigga
    but loli dolls are illegal there so ur still uncivilized
  9. Kev Space Nigga
    Haibane Renmei
    Initial -D
    Girls Und Pander
    Lucky Star

    werent banned in china so they probably suck?
  10. Kev Space Nigga
    in the #me2 age, thats a suicidal career choice
  11. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal Wow quite a lot has changed since then
    I though yt changed their design around 2010.
    That k-on video probably has 25 million views by now.
    And look kotaku, back before they went to shit.

    Never thought I would have fond memories of the early 2010s.
    It's fucking crazy that this is all old now …. 2010 feel a like just yesterday and back then everything felt so futuristic.

    I feel you, but tell me something, did 2011 feel awesome in 2011? or were you longing for 2001? in 2001 were you longing for the year before? now it may seem like the world is going to shit, which may be accurate but could it be we are deluding ourselves with false memories?

    instead of lamenting the future, try to consider what you will take for granted today and enjoy it knowing it wont be here in 2030. sure we might get VR and holographic shit but i guarantee we will still be nostalgic about the inferior past.

    could it be we assume the world is changing drastically but we are not? when i think rationally of why i have nostalgia, its impossible to miss the slow speeds, the inferior hardware, the inferior everything.

    lets try to focus on the real issue
  12. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by rabbitweed It's odd. Every time I try and treat women the same way I would a close male friend - respecting them, their intelligence, giving weight to what they say, etc etc - it always goes horribly. But if you treat them more like misbehaving children, it goes much better. They seem to thrive when given boundaries, yet they always want to test you and push them.

    Why is that? And why is this not more widely recognized? Polite society would say I'm a monster for talking like this. But it's true.

    Why? estrogen, thats why. an extremely toxic chemical that gives the sufferer the amazing superpower of being able to shit out babies but with the adverse effects of enjoying being treated like shit while simultaneously bitching about being treated like shit, claiming to want one thing and then bitching about you taking her literally when you do give it to her and even when all her paradoxical needs are met, she will find something else to get vaginal about and demand the world rotate the other way for her.

    When you treat these estrogen-cranked harpies as your equal, of course nothing will make sense, but when you treat them exactly what they are, a bunch of retarded children, civilization thrives.

    It's odd. Every time I try and treat my severely autistic brother the same way I would a close male friend - respecting him, his incoherent babbling, giving weight to his random outbursts , etc etc - it always goes horribly.

    does that help?
  13. Kev Space Nigga
    i have been called a kremlin troll probably 10000 times by now. so the side that accuses everyone of being a conspiracy theorist thinks that everyone who disagrees with them is a paid kremlin troll from russia.

    from now on, every time you hear "putin troll" "mueller report" or "russian election interference" just spam CONSPIRACY THEORIST and make sure to ignore all substance (easy to do since theres rarely any) of their text in the process.

    fight fire with fucking fire.
  14. Kev Space Nigga
    pussy, i can get rock hard and even cum while on a chemical castrator, its difficult but doable.

    ask your sister to undress for you maybe? that should help
  15. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by rabbitweed In another thread, Technologist said:

    I'm game. Let's have this discussion. To start off with, could you please define what 'systemic racism' is and why you think it exists? We can use the USA as a case study (unless you'd prefer another country ?).

    One thing I ask is no linking to media stories. Hard facts and figures from governments are fine, links to studies are fine. But we'll get nowhere through "my editorial says this" "oh yeah, mine says this".

    Let's begin!

    joke's on you with this one, bro. i cannot think of a bigger waste of time than debating a woman.

    take a quick look at what they contributed to mankind (nothing) and then tell me theres some intellectual value with having any kind of exchange with them.
  16. Kev Space Nigga
    Poland seems more developed, Bulgaria is poor as fuck. even the war-torn balkans have better living standards than piss poor bulgaria.
  17. Kev Space Nigga
    i wanted to move to north korea but their internet suxorz.
  18. Kev Space Nigga
    After you, butthead.
  19. Kev Space Nigga
    I cant remember the year i joined, when did the wintermute drama happen? and then totse went offline for like 3 months.
  20. Kev Space Nigga
    Are Azerbaijan turks? this region always confused me.
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