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Posts by Kev

  1. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by STER0S zopiclone [lunesta] or zolpidem [ambien]?

    food tastes fucking nasty when im on zolpidem… especially salty food.

    then dont swallow
  2. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by aldra read some trip reports. as I understand it it shuts off the 'active' part of your brain making it easier to fall asleep, but people already susceptible to sleepwalking will often be asleep but carry out normal activities anyway.

    It was in the news a bit here when the Z-drugs started getting popular; tonnes of women tried to cook while they were out and ended up starting fires of various sizes, others tried to go for a drive and woke up crashed into a ditch, and there was one amusing case where the woman gained like 50kg and found, after setting up a camera, that she was sleepwalking to the fridge every night and eating everything in it

    that resembles a lot of what people tell me about xanax, how does this drug differ from benzos?
  3. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING 2020 IV: Intravenous Soyposting Except they're not "fluctuating" and you know it. They are increasing because almost our entire society is based on digging up fossil fuels and burning them.

    Are you really unable to attribute smoke to a fire?

    since you are well versed in research, look at the historical CO2 levels and then tell me there is anything unnatural about the current period.

    better yet, look at the historical temperature record and look further back than 1880. its all i ask of you. take one quick glance at the global COOLING trend and then tell me there is a good reason to get hysterical over the CO2 hoax, or believe it at all for that matter.

    Are you really unable to attribute smoke to a fire?

    are you really delusional enough to believe that we, a puny speck of existence are capable of competing with natures wildfires and volcanoes? the 1814 volcano emitted enough smoke into the atmosphere when it erupted that it turned 1815 summer into a winter, but by the end of the year it cleared up and life went back to normal.

    can you recall us personally pulling anything like that off recently? you give us too much credit. we can pollute the ocean, we can destroy forests but to think that we can change the weather is delusional to a psychotic level.
  4. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker You may die before that

    not naturally. in more likely circumstances, youll reach the end of your lifespan decades before i will. my generation as a whole will, even if i individually get hit by a car tomorrow. the best part: ill still be able to get it up to masturbate to your last breath.
  5. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING 2020 IV: Intravenous Soyposting Why is CO2 accumulating in the atmosphere not a problem?

    because theres jack shit you can do about it. the CO2 levels will fluctuate with or without the permission of one species that will exist and go extinct like any other in a few million years.

    And don't you agree that fossil fuel depletion is an issue too?

    of course, but what do we replace it with?
  6. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING 2020 IV: Intravenous Soyposting

    first of all, post the actual link instead of a google search so i dont have to guess what you clicked but if its this one then i see no data, just an assertion. what was the average global temperature of 2019 exactly so i can compare it with 2005, was it a single day or all 365 days averaged out, where are they starting at? if their range is 2010-2019 then its plausible 2019 is the record in that range.

    so many questions... so little research you bothered to do.
  7. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING 2020 IV: Intravenous Soyposting Why does everyone talk about humans impact on the environment as being small? Everywhere I go I see humans have turned forests into fields, have irrigated arid areas, built artificial lakes, blocked rivers, built roads across whole continents, dug up whole mountains, and sucked geological quantities of oil and gas from the planet and burned them in the atmosphere.

    Humans certainly don't seem puny.

    Deforesting (now being done by proponents of "green energy"), erosion of the soil, plastic pollution of the ocean are legitimate topics that desperately need to be discussed. co2 levels and global warming arent one of them.

    its a psyop campaign literally funded by those same rich polluters you hate to distract from the conversation we should be having, but instead the media wants you to prioritize needless bullshit and ignore the real issues.
  8. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING 2020 IV: Intravenous Soyposting Except that temperatures have been rising these past 15 years, even though we're in a local solar minimum.

    That is false, the record high global average temperature was observed in 2005, it has been falling since.
  9. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING 2020 IV: Intravenous Soyposting What's the logic here? A volcano or an asteroid impact can change the climate, therefore fossil fuels can't?

    The sun has a far greater effect than one volcano or asteroid. a volcano can change next year's summer into winter and then normalcy returns but fluctuations in solar radiation can create a mini ice age that lasted a century 500 years ago or the middle-age warming period that was hotter than this one.

    any amount of co2 being released by humans is so puny that the effect is almost non existent. co2 levels rise and fall all the time, this centurys period is no different.
  10. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING 2020 IV: Intravenous Soyposting Climate science is a joke, but it doesn't matter. We do know that CO2 levels in the general atmosphere are rising, and will soon be at dangerous levels.

    try looking at a graph that goes further than a puny 50 years. also funny how temperatures are not rising as of 15 years ago despite all that co2.
  11. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by aldra While I agree we should improve efficiency and reduce waste as much as possible, the reason I'm not totally sold on global warming or any other man-made climate change is that the oldest climate records we have are from ice cores roughly 200,000 years old.

    Assuming we had 100% accurate and complete climate records from 200,000 years ago to now (we don't), how can we possibly model the baseline temperature levels for a planet that's 60 billion years old? That's literally trying to draw a statistical conclusion with 2 out of 60,000 datapoints. In no other field would that be taken seriously.

    there is no baseline temperature, probably because variations of the radiation of the sun controls the temperature here. imagine how insane i must be to believe the sun has anything to do with the temperature!

    Nonetheless, all that matters is that we know definitively that the planet has endured far worse climatic shifts in the past way before we burned fossil fuels. that alone refutes the global warming gibberish.
  12. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by aldra Putin actually enacted a very reasonable law banning 'sexual minority' propaganda (Russians generally refer to straight and gay as 'natural' and 'unnatural') targeting children under 18 which has made him a Homophobe Extraordinaire. I wish we had that kind of foresight

    Russia never legalized faggotry up until that US puppet Yeltsin came to power and destroyed the country. russians are smart and have a great leader now, they know how to deal with this shit.

    we fucked up from the very beginning by becoming obssessed with faggotry instead of calmly dealing with any queer that tried to push his disease outside the bedroom. instead there was a witch hunt like the one targeting pedos today where all sorts of batshit crazy SJW moralfags caused more damage than the queers themselves.

    this is the backlash to that. now im wondering what the backlash to todays gayass cancer culture will create. i dont think i even want to know.
  13. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by aldra yeah it's like a weak benzo until everything goes all wobbly, you black out and wake up to find your car crashed and your house on fire

  14. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by rabbitweed I've absolutely experimented. I'm just not an addict.

    My big thing was sleeping pills, believe it or not. Especially zopiclone. I probably would have become a zopiclone addict had they been more easily available.

    I remember we'd be ready for a night out and I'd take zopiclone so I could loosen up. I also remember taking them then going on midnight runs.

    Fuck now I miss zopiclone. I haven't had them for years. Oh god I'm going to get them on the dark webs and become an addict like all of you faggots won't I?

    probably the peer pressure is real homie, you know you aint cool if you dont conform.

    zopiclone is just a benzo imitator from what i heard.

    I've absolutely experimented. I'm just not an addict.

    alright well the answer to your question is a definite no, im sure not everyone here is a drooling degenerate. you arent alone, nigguh.
  15. Kev Space Nigga
    Uh so what is all this based on? all i see is "perceived" "the consensus is" and so on. am i supposed to give a fuck what a bunch of soy-boy incels perceive as reliable?

    There is consensus that news broadcast or published by CNN is generally reliable.

    LOLOLOL, the fake news network that said iraq had weapons of mass destruction. right.

    There is consensus that BuzzFeed News is generally reliable.

    that is just gold....fucking buzzfeed of all things is reliable?

    yeah fuck wikipedia the propaganda machine of the status quo. i never use it for anything other than finding the exact release date of a movie, or the birth date of an actor if for some reason i gave a fuck to know.
  16. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by rabbitweed And don't give me some crap about "I'm not addicted, I just smoke/drink everyday" because that's an addiction.

    well i have a whole week off work and i swore i would ride out this short vacation sober, not even a zanny to go sleepy. been 3 days so far and its fuckin boring but i kept my word.

    i think im a functional pill popper, not an addict.

    gotta say im skeptical that you are a former totse member and never experimented ever. that shit is as rare as a negro klansman.
  17. Kev Space Nigga
    Soy-boy, the amount of CO2 we have now is nowhere near unnatural, nor is the warming and cooling period.
  18. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal I hated school and had no interest in society so I embraced my own world and became a hikikomori.

    you dont just get born hating school and society, have a little better self reflection than that.

    any confirmation of Bill Krozby's summary?

    Originally posted by Bill Krozby because he had such a shitty child hood, his dad never being around his mom being a total loon that had to dump him off at his grandparents while she was in the loony bin and living with her lesbian gf, so his grandparents bought him a play station to get him out of their hair.

    No one accepted him growing up because he kept going down a downward spiral and it made him have to validate himself by trying to be obscure and not like that people who blew him off.
  19. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby hell damn stupid's slampig has a cute tattoo, so dainty and cute though I'm sure she probably beats him up to get laid, how else would a woman like that have a gont willing to have three kids with …. aye brone.. aye dios mio

    a soy-boy and a landwhale, yeesh! imagine those freaks breeding. i would rather watch gay porn.
  20. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker I can't see you at all. Where are you?

    somewhere inbetween your terminal and my terminal, cyberspace. behind my terminal im stroking my dick while imagining your accelerating deterioration. itll happen while youre on your deathbed too. ^^
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