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Posts by Kev

  1. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace "They"

    Once you start making up groups, you've already lost. There is no "they" and your entire argument is based on the fallacy that women are somehow pro open border because they dont want to be raped.

    News flash: Literally nobody wants open borders. Nobody wants to take your guns either. Quit crying

    no, i am asking questions. i have no idea what they are pro or anti because they seem to be both at the same time. from what i can see, they have no idea what they want.

    There is no "they"

    right, you believe gender is a social construct, never mind. what pronoun should i use again?
  2. Kev Space Nigga
    Did he win in a landslide or was it a 51% thing? that guy looks and sounds like he takes it in the ass from his wife.

    my pure condolences, neighbor. may i ask which province you are in? i know only BC, alberta, ontario and quebec, but i know little of quebec besides it being french and them wanting to separate.
  3. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Indiana-Is-Eternal It's illegal to have sex with 11 and 13 year olds though

    not when you are the same age and keep it between yourselves, thats why i said you shouldve fucked around when it was a lot safer to do so.
  4. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood I have plenty of self confidence and I think i'm a pretty cool dood, the problem is I am constantly horny and have a very over active sex drive which makes relationships difficult because nobody can keep up with my horniness and if i dont have sex multiple times every day I assume the person must hate me and doesnt really love me so I justify cheating on them.

    Muh dick mothafucka

    im a horny motherfucker too, im still not gonna let myself be controlled by some worthless whore.

    if you need to nut, either masturbate or get a hooker, they are a lot cheaper and more pleasant anyway. with a regular bitch, you dont know what youre getting or if youre getting anything at all. with a hooker you know exactly what youre getting for how much and how long.
  5. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace That's not even remotely the same thing or even accurate. Immigrants have lower crime rates than natural born citizens in pretty much every country.

    i'll be more specific: they decry any mention of the most misogynistic religion on earth as being misogynistic. in fact, they demand people tolerate it while simultaneously demanding a zero-tolerance policy for any kind of misogyny. so which is it?
  6. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Indiana-Is-Eternal Nah it could have been based.
    This was one of my earliest exposures to kikes.
    They really are sleazy little rats.


    you shouldve gotten some experience with 3D bitches instead when you were at the age where its a lot safer to play that game and when they truly like you for what you are, not your money.
  7. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Canada which is also a slightly gayer version of British culture because we suck the Queen's dick. And we are gay like the French and spell colour with a U like homosexuals which I REFUSE to do it's just too fukking gay it's COLOR if you spell it with a U people on the internet will call you a Eurofag. What a fucking joke of a national identity

    ah... this explains things a little better. canada is fucking scary, lmao. the most matriarchal country on the planet i heard, what the fuck is that like, to have a president who declared himself a "male feminist" with a serious face in front of a crowd? i heard so many horror stories from canada.
  8. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood When I had thousands of dollars saved up I was still depressed and would do drugs and go into tiny chat and make it rain and then miss work because I stayed up all night flirting with hts while tripping on bundy

    I just don't see the point of being alive if you can't find someone to fuck.

    well this is the problem of being blue pilled. you revolve all your selfworth around the approval of some bitch. this will always lead to a negative feedback loop, including where bitches lose even more respect for you and want less to do with you for the simple fact that they see you as too easy to manipulate and weak.

    rebuild yourself and stop twat-worshipping, muhnigga.
  9. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Mfw Americans tell me I can't discuss American politics

    My country literally has no culture lol it's just a slightly gayer version of American culture

    whats that, british?
  10. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Keep fucking poor African bitches and you just might.

    Why are racists always so attracted to black women?

    Idunno, must be a similar reason why women who bitch about rape culture want as many foreign islamic rapists into their cities as possible?

    Hypocrisy is imminent among retards.
  11. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood I just kept her around to fuck but when she was gone I realized how truly alone in this world I was and started doing meth and benzodiazepines because it made me not care about anything

    ha, pump and dump was somewhat viable up until #metoo. my world crashed too, but it does get better. watch as your life improves exponentially when those savings pile up. i am doing well in a recession, this wasnt the case 10 years ago when it made me homeless.

    realize that it is better to be alone and content than be around people who make you feel lonely. at the end of the day, we all die alone. dont let bitches project their own fragile psyche on you.
  12. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING 2020 IV: Intravenous Soyposting

    It's kinda interesting how even the Big Black Cock Crazed loons here, like Oracle, Techno and stl1, don't even want to talk about their man Biden. He's too sleazy and boring. Biden and Kamala are just the establishment, everyone gets that.

    Everyone just wants to talk about Trump, and feed on Trump's big dick energy.

    The US election is a referendum on Trump.

    It's pretty sad that Trump hasn't actually delivered on any of his promises, besides those made to jedis and billionaires.

    I think they want Biden to grope them and smell their hair?
  13. Kev Space Nigga

    someone on totse wore this, cant remember who.
  14. Kev Space Nigga
    Did you get Columbus Day off?

    i did, im staying up all night, popping pills and binge watching anime in his honor.
  15. Kev Space Nigga
    Twitter has been deleting all those as "child exploitation" or CP and banning accounts of anyone who posts them. i am surprised those are up.

    major cringefest tho, ew.

    i cant fathom how the same people from the #metoo crowd support this fucking pervert. i guess this is the consequence of allowing women to vote.
  16. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING 2020 IV: Intravenous Soyposting What turned you into a pedo?

    I honestly dont know. I am not exclusive by any means, tho.
  17. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby He doesn't try Anything for himself unless its in the vr..

    Like you could walk down the street and try it for yourself. But op has to just imagine

    He can order some online, its legal after all.
  18. Kev Space Nigga
    Your job title isn’t the only thing that determines how influential you are. Every word you use at work expresses your personal brand, from your confidence and authority to your depth of knowledge. And it’s verbs–those action words that should be the engine of a sentence–that most often trip us up.

    Overusing certain weak verbs can make you sound weaker, too. They can undercut your ability to inspire others and suggest to listeners–from top executives and colleagues to your direct reports–that you aren’t really sure of yourself. So while there’s certainly room for uncertainty in any workplace, you might want to trim these verbs from your vocabulary.
    1. “Think”

    Who doesn’t use the expression “I think?” Your coworker might say, “I think we should move ahead with this project,” or your boss may tell you, “I think you’ve got a good idea.” Harmless enough, right?

    The only trouble is that “think” doesn’t sound definitive. It subtly saps the power of whatever follows it. “Think” derives from an Old English word (“þencan” or “thencan”) meaning to “conceive in the mind, consider, meditate.” In other words, you’re subtly suggesting that you’re still considering the position you espouse–that you’re not sure of it.

    In ordinary conversation, “I think” is a throwaway phrase that won’t even register on most people, but you may want to steer clear of it at work. While it’s fine to mutter occasionally (“I think I’ll have coffee with my friend”), you’re better off axing any prefatory phrase in professional settings. Say, “You’ve got a good idea” or, “That’s an excellent proposal.” If you want a replacement verb, try, “I’m confident your plan will work!”
    2. “Need”

    When your boss says, “I need this report as soon as possible,” she undercuts herself. Using “need” conjures up a feeling of dependency on the part of the speaker, rather than of obligation and responsibility on the part of the team. I once heard a vice president say to her subordinate, “I need you to do something for me.” It made the tone of her request sound pleading rather than empowered. Simply put, “I need” makes you sound needy. To project more confidence, swap it with firm but polite phrases like, “Please have this report to me by next Friday.”
    3. “Want”

    “Want” is really similar to “need”: It suggests the speaker is wanting or lacking in some way. If a boss tells a subordinate, “I want you to improve the quality of your work,” that statement suggests the boss is not getting what she wants–which maybe she isn’t. But the better way to get what you want is to simply set forth facts: “Your work on this report needs to be higher quality.” That puts the onus on the employee.

    Similarly, if you tell your boss, “I want a raise,” you’ve made an emotional appeal and signaled your lack of confidence. It’s better to bring together a verb of conviction (“I believe” or “I’m convinced”) and your reasons: “I believe my pay and performance during the last year make a strong case for a raise.”
    4. “Guess”

    “Guessing” conveys tentativeness. I once heard a CEO tell analysts, “Our best guess is that our profit for year’s end will be marginally better than last year’s.” There were so many ways he could have reframed that more confidently: “We expect our profit for the year to be ahead of last year’s,” or, “Our results should surpass last year’s.”

    If you aren’t sure of the results, that’s fine! Don’t lie or exaggerate. Rather than “guess,” use the most confident expression you can.
    5. “Hope”

    Leaders often begin statements with “I hope”: “I hope we’ll get that sale” or, “I hope you’ll be able to take on that assignment.” Rather than inspiring confidence, “hope” has a prayer-like quality, suggesting that the speaker has little control over the outcome.

    What are some alternatives? Instead of saying you “hope” that a team will bring in a client sale, tell them, “I’m looking forward to a win,” or “I know you’ll give it your all.” These statements are much more empowering. They show your confidence in what your team can already do, rather than subtly questioning their performance in the future.
    6. “Suppose”

    You’re having coffee with a colleague who asks if you’re going to an upcoming town hall meeting. If you answer, “I suppose so,” you quietly indicate that it doesn’t really matter to you–you’re not really engaged.

    There’s no occasion in the workplace where conveying your indifference and inertia will improve your influence or authority. Instead, find something to express your passion for (even if it’s not the meeting experience itself): “Yes, I’ll definitely be there–I want to hear what management has to say.” You may not think this matters when you’re talking to a teammate, but it does. News travels fast, and if the words you repeatedly use suggest a “don’t really care” attitude, it’s only a matter of time before your reputation and influence begin to dip.

    Language is a powerful force in all your impromptu conversations. And because there are more chances to use them, the small words and phrases you resort to every day at work can have an outsized impact on your leadership ability. Cut these six verbs from your lexicon, and you’ll start to notice your power and confidence climb.

    I dont disagree with the article but its missing many more examples.

    any of you care to add more?

    "inappropriate" is a big one, i only ever heard women and the most vaginal men utter that.
  19. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby Lets just say its of the feline persuasion you weird furry

    furry? i would fuck neither, but i would pet the feline persuasion. ^^
  20. Kev Space Nigga
    what species is that cougar? the cute kind or the gross kind?
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