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Posts by Kev

  1. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Wariat I wonder what it would feel like to fuck or be in a relarionship with a 16 yr old where irs legal. Like if she comes over the first time would you give her a glass of wine or tell her lets get naked right away or how would you guys fuck her? also how would you do it so she loved it or enjoyed it wnd kept coming back for more instead of becoming „damaged goods” and psychologically broken down like schrinks and the media claim happens in large age gap relarions?

    isnt the AOC in poland 15? bone one and find out.
  2. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby Russia seems like a cool place to visit

    i recommend watching bald and bankrupt so you wont have to. too many unwelcome westerners die abroad.
  3. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby Im pretty big. Just had whiskey dick im sure. It happens. I tear orfices up. Shes complained im too big

    so why did she accuse you of rape then, mr. babydick?
  4. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby You cant withdrawal consent at least not here. Ive had a girl try to do that and the cops didn't care

    Plus to be convicted of rape the burden of proof is on them. Thats pretty hard to prove 10 years after the fact

    where is here? its a new world now, not only will it be your word against hers but you will not even be allowed to present your case.
  5. Kev Space Nigga
    oh didnt realize you were new, are you a totse veteran? if not, how did you find this place?
  6. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby Yeah the last time i fucked her i just did to get off and go back to sleep and she was pissed but i lost a lot of attraction to her over the years to the point where she would get upset if i didn't fuck her. I broke up with her years ago. The only reason why I was hanging out with her two years ago was just on a friend basis and she literally got a house down the street from me so it was just something to so to kill time.

    I couldn't of cared less if she was seeing someone else at that point.

    She became a miss piggy but when i intially met her she was sweet and pretty but changed on me and became a really bad person where I actually changed myself.

    The last time we hung out she punched me because she was tripping and called it quits on even just a friendship level

    i think its bout time you figure out these cunts just arent worth it, they can have you put away for a long time if you dont bend to her will. after the weinstein precedent she can withdraw consent 10 years later and get you charged with rape without needing to prove shit.
  7. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby Well im a Catholic and i dont butt fuck little boys just women. And science is not always right just saying

    i wasnt blasting catholic followers, i was blasting the church, as in the vatican

    pay attention
  8. Kev Space Nigga
    I noticed every newly registered user is another account of a humiliated oldfag, have there been any actual newcomers here since me and rabbitweed joined? totse veterans count.

    edit- 1984 posts, orwell is still among us folks.
  9. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby Woah bro the catholic church is actually being censored by fail book for putting bill gates on blast. Not all catholics are bad

    i wasnt blasting catholic followers, retarded as they are, i was blasting the church, as in the vatican who by the way SUPPORTS faggotry, trannies and islamic terrorism.

    preventing scientific progression and murdering disbelievers was their forte back in the day, today it is pushing pseudoscientific garbage in addition to buttfucking little boys.
  10. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Wariat

    to me he seems oretty chill and normal. wat about u? I mean listen to his story, if its truthful who wouldnt be caught in wuch a sting or go for it? I mean what rape occurred anywhere?

    i didnt watch the video but know that the majority of people caught on that TCAP show had their charges dismissed because of a lack of any actual crime (most didnt even have a criminal record to begin with) not to mention all evidence was obtained by entrapment. they all had their lives ruined regardless.

    thats the nature of an inquisition, all it takes is an accusation.
  11. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by aldra He's a pragmatist before anything else. When I say 'soft' I mean he tries to work within the parameters of the current political order, trying to work with the west even though he gets burnt again and again. Many people would prefer he take a more hostile approach as they see this as a constant affront.

    i see what you mean. the only thing he is being too soft on IMO is not imposing the very real, devastating sanctions on europe by cutting off their gas supply. lets be real, nobody imposed any real sanctions on russia or else theyd stop buying their fucking gas which they KNOW they cannot without serious consequences to their economy.

    why the hell did putin never give the ultimate ultimatum: we dont trade with NATO countries, go fuck yourselves.???
  12. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by WellHung ur a douchebag loser with no teeth.

    i would hate to have dental problems in the 1950s, dentists were such sadistic douchebags back then. you changed my mind, i like modern life, the dentists are much nicer.
  13. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by livingelegy Islam would be pretty cool without all the fucking muslims

    my problem with islam is it legally requires you to take care of the stupid bitch and holds you responsible for her behavior. fuck that, thats way worse than this feminazi system we have in the west.
  14. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by livingelegy It's the 21st century, God is dead and we've killed him. Morality has gone out the window. People don't think about eternity, it's all about what happens in this life. Say what you will about religion but a God fearing populace is generally a morally good populace. Now no one goes to Church, doing what's right is as unpopular as it's ever been, now it's all about selfish behavior, unending nihilism and stepping on your fellow man to get ahead.

    its true, i hate to admit but the religious and traditional times were somewhat better times when i really weigh it together. it was far from perfect but people were objectively happier and more productive.
  15. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by jfakldjfkdaljfalkdfjlkad Increasing the minimum wage won't raise prices. It never has. It's been used as an excuse for not raising the minimum wage for almost 100 years.

    The minimum wage is supposed to be enough to live on. It's literally in the bill. Look it up.

    the wage system is fucking useless, you raise it and then what? companies fire more staff to retain their profit margins.

    congratulations, youve solved nothing.
  16. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny after the collapse of USSR the russians are dirt poor and dint have resources and sustenance to stand up to the western forces and NATO.

    they were dirt poor and didnt have resources and sustenance to stand up to the germans in WWII either, they still destroyed the pieces of shit.

    you think the banking cabal known as the west wouldve insisted on starting WWIII having only an army of soyfags at their disposal that cant even defeat some jungle savages in vietnam? and over what? their right to defend themselves from a russian invasion that never happened or the right to expand to russias border?
  17. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by jfakldjfkdaljfalkdfjlkad

  18. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by WALUIGI TACO STAND IS A REAL GAME Yeah so what? I don't have enough lanny points to warrant the same fair treatment as any other poster? Yeah it's his forum he can do whatever he wants, but criminals have the right to report crime just like anyone else.

    you depleted your own lanny points, no one made you. you expect to have the freedom to spam other peoples threads hundreds of times but when one of them makes just one offtopic post in your thread, you expect them to be punished.

    that is your flaw. if you want complete chaos, be prepared to accept both the benefits and consequences. if you want a somewhat orderly forum then expect to be bound by the same rules.

    you seem to want the benefits of freedom but the consequences of order to apply to anyone but you. shit dont work that way, son.
  19. Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by jfakldjfkdaljfalkdfjlkad Lol yeah that random ass google docs link is totally legit. "Retracted" all over every page. Yep. Totally legit.

    You are so fucking stupid.

    This was a study done by john hopkins university, the source of the coronahoax theory, the article was pulled from the website because of what an inconvenient truth the findings were, thats why its being archived.

    A scientific study cant be "retracted", at best it can be falsified by new evidence, the only example i can think of scientific studies being retracted is galileos famous theory. how legit is that? the catholic church had a brilliant plan: dont look into the telescope and forbid anyone else from doing so. was that legit? more importantly, did censoring the truth work?
  20. Kev Space Nigga
    *showers you all with positive energy and then i realize i have none*

    negativity is a bitch, im depressed and dopesick but i tried my best to repress it the last few weeks.

    but i did send some nice fan mail to an artist whose work never failed to put a smile on my face, he doesnt get paid for his work so i did my part in letting him know i exist, offered to pay in crypto.
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