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Posts by Doyle Sauce

  1. Doyle Sauce Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Doyle Sauce

    wait.... Why are they starting with epsom salts that may or may not contain menthol

    bro did you have nothing better on hand to long form say the chemical name to sound cool for the camera like some sort of ghetto phosphorus aggregate???
    "Wow and you ordered all the stuff to make this off using prime shipping? and have enough material here to cleanly reduce an ounce of crank and recycle it for additional use BUT DOES THE MAGNESIUM INSIDE THIS AGGREGATE SLAG EFFECT THE MODIFIED BIRCH REDUCTION GOING ON IN A SHAKE AND BAKE REDUCTION OF EPHEDRINE???"


    Bro MAGNESIUM SULFATE is for DRYING SOLVENTS which you don't even need to do for like 90% of cooks, where tf is the red devil lye?


    it's not the victory we asked for okay but if society is too stupid to understand why i'm ordering 100kg of lawn fertilizer, that's on them.

  2. Doyle Sauce Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by The Self Taught Man OTC LSD - pull up your lawn, there exists an ENDOPHYTE STRONG type of grass seed that is coated with a fungus to aid in pest resistance, it's called Neotyphodium coenophialum infected Kentucky 31 tall fescue grass. Seed this stuff heavily and fertilize with lots of phosphorus. Mow the lawn when it gets as high as your ankle and save all the clippings. Get a 55gallon steel drum and punch some holes in the bottom with a screwdriver, put a few layers of enhancement paper on the bottom and suspend this over a trough. Blend the grass clippings into pulp, get ~100gallons of strong wax eating plant fat dissolving solvent, Xylene is $155 - 10L where I live but it's cheaper if you buy a pallet. Anyone with a business license can buy 10L drums of solvent so it's OTC.
    Fill the drum with the ground up grass clippings and solvent, let it drip out and keep running solvent through it until it no longer leaves grease stain on enhancement paper when the solvent dries, test it over time, remember you are THROWING OUT the solvent (recycle it later) and keeping the grass clippings. Once you defat you base using Chloroform and Ammonia.

    from "practical LSD manufacture"

    this can be done at a gram scale quite easily, or scaled down to fit 10lbs of grass clippings.
    Evaporate the Chloroform extract to 1/15th of what it was and add twice the volume of Ether.
    extract 4 times with water and tartaric acid, Alkaloids go in the water, shit stays in the Ether. CAUTION: Emulsions!. Have a vibrator hooked up to a veriac and crank it up to max, toss in some Everclear and it should break the emulsion. Toss out the ether keep the water
    Freebase to 8 - 8.5 with Ammonia, Toss in some Ether and pure freebase amides will go into ether. Do this 4 times. Evaporate under vacuum for residue of pure LYSERGIC ACID AMIDE. Store in freezer.

    "The extraction solvent is made up by adding one-tenth gallon
    strong ammonia (28% NH3OH; 56% NHtOH) to nine-tenths gallon
    methanol. After mixing, this is added to nine gallons of chloroform to
    give 10 gallons of extraction solvent. The use of methanol is
    necessary because without it the ammonia does not mix into the
    chloroform. Instead, it would float on top of the chloroform giving an
    unhomogenous mixture.
    The extraction is done by trickling this extraction solvent into the
    top of the bed of crop, allowing it to flow downward through the crop,
    and collecting the extract as it flows out the bottom of the pipe. This
    extract must be protected from light to prevent its destruction. The
    extraction of a 200 pound crop requires about 150 gallons of solvent.
    One can monitor the extraction by catching a little bit of the solvent
    coming out the bottom of the pipes in a watch glass, and shining a
    black light upon it in a darkened room. The lysergic amides in the
    crop fluoresce a bluish color. When this color no longer appears in the
    extract, the extraction is complete."
  3. Doyle Sauce Tuskegee Airman

    You don't find LSD

    LSD finds you

    Nanaste, truth in triangles
  4. Doyle Sauce Tuskegee Airman
  5. Doyle Sauce Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by aldra I don't remember you being so schizo last time you were here

    OP has been posting all over twitter and reddit losing their fucking minds spamming every drug board known to man because I guess they were asleep the past decade and missed all of this

    well guess what pal there's nothing left. If you are a fed they pay you too much and if you are scrambling for a bust, maybe try uhhh.... wait drug labs don't get busted anymore.. market is too diversified.. anyone can make anything anywhere do to technological advancements making "clandestine drug chemistry" almost totally useless and obsolete in the modern economy


    well I hope you didn't do something stupid like dedicate your LIFE SPIRIT ESSENCE to this shit because I have to find new reasons to get out of bed, the war is over bro we won the drug war. This is what victory looks like

  6. Doyle Sauce Tuskegee Airman
    Wow he sure trolled Us

    He actually doesn't believe in regulation and happily smokes all the weed he gets as payment for turning in local growers he meets at biker gatherings


    and if you have anything wrong with that you are a triggered normie and probably voted for Brandon


  7. Doyle Sauce Tuskegee Airman
    Kafka is my alt
  8. Doyle Sauce Tuskegee Airman
    I think a big reason why fentanyl is so popular to manufacture versus other more potent opiates is because the precursors are very easily made from common industrial chemicals

    The precursor used is N-Phenethyl-Piperidone (NPP) which can be easily synthesized from Piperidone and Phenethyl-tosylate or Phenethyl-bromide through a simple SN2 mechanism.The NPP is reacting with Aniline giving the Imine derivative which is reduced to the 4-Anilino-N-Phenethyl-Piperidine (4-ANPP). The 4-ANPP is then reacted with Propionyl Chloride giving Fentanyl which is then purified.

    I don't know if the "4-Piperidinone " route is still the most widely used but I suspect whatever the popular production methods are probably line up a lot with chemical diversion ease. I have never seen a UN study tracking this or anything, maybe nobody has considered chem tracing fentanyl labs

    That's one way they keep up with the underground is by scanning samples for impurities so if someone has traces of a broth 0.01% reduced peptones in there THEY PROBABLY BREWING SOMETHING
  9. Doyle Sauce Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by aldra if all opes were legal nobody would use fent, the only reason it's so popular is because the much lower mass:dose makes ILLEGAL LOGISTICS way more profitable and forgiving

    It definitely wouldn't be as popular but it's more than just regulation I think it's more of en economic factor. Having GLOBAL JUNKIES relying on poppies grown in Spain/Afghanistan or MEXICO (I doubt thats as big as they say it is) isn't really robust enough to support it, it's a wonder how the cocaine market is able to keep up.

    You think it would be the other way around since opiates are so potent and people can blow through a gram of coke a night. Considering you can cut a kilo of raw heroin to very little purity and still have it "rock the block"

    But synthetic drugs I think wouldn't just vanish as being able to cook up kilos from stuff from industrial byproducts that would otherwise be considered waste is eventually going to be exploited by someone and even if all they do is make some off brand shitty cheaper "feroin" people will probably still buy it, as you can likely sell it for BIG BUCKS PROFIT very cheap, and it costs nothing to make from easy to get shit.which usually just gives them more money to market whatever bullcrap a person is selling
  10. Doyle Sauce Tuskegee Airman
    and sometimes when you do go to the government saying "i've been fucked please help" they were either involved or do nothing but "advocate" for your cause like oh gee thanks, I got totally fucked over life ruined but at least a politician might help me some day pass a law to force the market into action
  11. Doyle Sauce Tuskegee Airman
    No point in killing a customer base that could easily be hooked for life and keep coming back

    In a "self regulated" market in fact companies wouldn't want their competitors coming in with a shittier cheap cut toxic version undercutting them, killing their customers for a quick buck

    We already have enough power as consumers to "cancel" and boycott bad actors in society/economy although instead current society relies on government over reach and uses these POWERFUL CONSUMER TOOLS AT OUR DISPOSAL to "cancel" and "deplatform" racists like Dr. Seuss!

    There is no reason for government mask mandates for businesses, some people believe in it, some don't. the Consumer should have the right to choose if they want to shop at a pro/anti mask establishment.

    If someone is selling a toxic drug they should be punished, cancelled by distributors, suppliers and forced out of the market BY THE MARKET instead of by some jack booted thug nazis playing moralist police WE STOP THE BAD GUY well sometimes they let the bad guy get away if they grease the right elbows, it's 99% of the time the CONSUMER the PUBLIC that identifies bad actors in the first place, and they have no option but to go to the government.
  12. Doyle Sauce Tuskegee Airman
  13. Doyle Sauce Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker Your beliefs are why you will never amount to anything worthwhile.

    your opinion is about aas something something as my beliefs, loser

    Go vote for another anti freedom republicunt though you fascist nazi. Legalize cocaine, fuck niggers
  14. Doyle Sauce Tuskegee Airman
    is she single
  15. Doyle Sauce Tuskegee Airman
    we ain't about to start defining geometry i tell you kwhat but we do support fringe scientific research, you could be right for all we know. I can't say otherwise to prove you wrong so ITS SCIENCE
  16. Doyle Sauce Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Grylls A triangle has three sides and three angles, therefore it should be a named a siangle kk

    take it up with the math journals, not us LUL
  17. Doyle Sauce Tuskegee Airman
    The last innovations were discovered by this group out of SC that elicited the help from their local prison moonshrine community in clandestine innovative research

  18. Doyle Sauce Tuskegee Airman

    *noise of him going through a portal*


    *cuts to him rolling down the highway on a hog*

  19. Doyle Sauce Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Grylls I fucked a 13 year old, what you gonna do?

    In fact she was 12 when I took her virginity

    Come at me

    I hope she was polish
  20. Doyle Sauce Tuskegee Airman
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