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Posts by Ernst Kaltenbrunner

  1. Ernst Kaltenbrunner Tuskegee Airman (banned)
    Originally posted by -SpectraL They hire these useless weaklings. There's their first mistake. I believe if they can't take down another man in hand to hand combat, then they shouldn't be a cop at all. If the other guy is unarmed, and they have to shoot him to take him down, then they should go work as a ballerina or a car park valet. No weakling should EVER be given a badge and a gun. In fact, I would make it a requirement that all officers must be over 200 pounds, no fat, and able to lift a person over their head and throw them, otherwise they can fuck off.

    that...except minimum weight requirements arent appropriate. i have seen many semi-midgets who literally wipe the mats in H2H. my boot camp there was some short redneck...about 5-foot something...who paired up with a 6-foot something (chunky, but not in the best physical shape) and the redneck grabbed the dude like a rag doll, slammed him onto the mat, then grabbed the dudes ankles and spun him around till he was flung outside the losing-line.

    also, my little sister at 7 beat up a 13yo girl that was about two feet taller than she was.
  2. Ernst Kaltenbrunner Tuskegee Airman (banned)
    Originally posted by Fonaplats I went to walmart Saturday.
    They were packed.
    Probably 60% of the people had no masks on.

    Got lost trying to leave the parking lot and we drove past Sam's Club.
    They had a line to get in the door and were making people wear masks and only allowing so many people in the store at once.

    Mind you Sam's and Walmart are owned by the same people and these stores are right next to each other.

    Everyone who hasn't been living in a bomb shelter is already fucked.

    walmart reduced hours in an effort to save money. i know for a fact they arent cleaning anything more meaningful than what they normally do. there was a freezer door handle covered in some sort of smegma several weeks ago that is still covering the handle.

    additionally...the simple math of the same number of people needing to do the same amount of shopping faced with reduced time frame to do said shopping in will obviously result in a higher concentration of shoppers during that actual open time.

    i know the walmart near me is experiencing a significantly increased level of 'shrinkage' that should help their bottom line
  3. Ernst Kaltenbrunner Tuskegee Airman (banned)
    Originally posted by Solstice People here are in such withdrawal of space invasion from social distancing I swear they would butt fuck you in the aisle of Walmart if you let them.

    The distancing is awesome, everyone should stay the fuck six feet from each other anyways and give each other some goddamn space. Fuckin faggots all up in my space.


    ive spent my entire life practicing the actual and more accurate term: anti-social distancing. ive come to enjoy berating people that dont grasp the concept...especially retard orientals whos idea of personal space involves physical contact. social distancing is what i to to the possessors of the assorted orifices requiring exploration of my protuberances.
  4. Ernst Kaltenbrunner Tuskegee Airman (banned)
    Originally posted by Technologist Well most of the country is starting to open, or have already started opening in phases. I’ve agreed with Gov. DeWine on most things, but I think it’s a bit soon, we shall see in about 3-4 weeks.

    Here’s my question though: if most people are gonna stay home anyway, how are our small businesses gonna do with a very low consumerism? Most of our restaurants have to open at 1/4 the occupancy, how will they make enough to stay afloat?

    Don’t think the small business loans are gonna help, that was a fiasco.

    I’m sad for our small business owners. Opening now may not be the answer🤷‍♀️

    you dont qualify as a human being. you certainly dont qualify as having the mental aptitude for determining what a governor should do.

    your answer is your question. the quarantine has absolutely nothing to do with keeping people from catching a disease and everything to do with crashing the financial and social system.

    companies are saving a fortune in having people work from home and using the excuse of 'but its for quarantine' to reduce work force and non-income-stream overhead. disagree? look at the profitability rates of the major companies...not counting cruise lines and airlines. jeffy bozos is making a the expense of the backs hes prancing on.
  5. Ernst Kaltenbrunner Tuskegee Airman (banned)
    Originally posted by G Classics have no era = timeless.

  6. Ernst Kaltenbrunner Tuskegee Airman (banned)
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby oh pashore, you are the living end matt, get off the gas.. I bet you're going to start calling me a rapist now..

    your asshole raped that niggers dick, you dirty faggot
  7. Ernst Kaltenbrunner Tuskegee Airman (banned)
    its better than a bunch of niggers expecting some love and he gets his asshole ripped again.

    although im getting the sneaking suspicion that he enjoys being sodomized by niggers that dont pay him.
  8. Ernst Kaltenbrunner Tuskegee Airman (banned)
    Originally posted by Stopffs This is happening to me as well .. I tried everything .. clearing cookies, cache, using different browser.

    I’m sad 😢 it works to upload but won’t give bbc code unless sign up

    If anyone has a suggestion for photo uploads to get bbc codes that would be great!

    sign up using a disposable email. thats how i sign up for every website i use...include faecesbook and all j­ewgle sub-sites.
  9. Ernst Kaltenbrunner Tuskegee Airman (banned)
    Originally posted by Grylls Don’t fuck with my polecat bralala

    post more nude selfies in your duvet, pretty girl.
  10. Ernst Kaltenbrunner Tuskegee Airman (banned)
    Originally posted by mmQ It wasnt part of my unemployment. It was part of the new stimulus package. It was actually $20,000 I forgot to put the extra zero.

    I'm getting another one next month for $200,000 and then finally one more for 2 million. I guess maybe you'll cowards just dont qualify!!

    you might want to up your medication dosage. you suffering from delusions of grandeur.

  11. Ernst Kaltenbrunner Tuskegee Airman (banned)
    Originally posted by G AJ1 Lows

    Ray Ban Aristas

    the 80s called. they want their bling back
  12. Ernst Kaltenbrunner Tuskegee Airman (banned)
    poorfags begging for the government dole. pathetic.

    theres a saying in prison. if you find a candybar on your pillow...dont eat it.

    theres a reason for that.

    the same reason that applies to .gov gibs.
  13. Ernst Kaltenbrunner Tuskegee Airman (banned)
    Originally posted by Grylls An old white man

    your favorite sex partner
  14. Ernst Kaltenbrunner Tuskegee Airman (banned)
    ive received zero dollars total.

    ive lost nothing...if anything my income has increased and where i work the future projects have increased. the owner took a two week break from any new sales, using the wuhan flu as an excuse.
  15. Ernst Kaltenbrunner Tuskegee Airman (banned)
    Originally posted by Wariat I domt agree. I think Kenya is a beautiful and interesting country and not some savage land like you guys are trying to pciture it and i havent read her story or what happened but i doubt she just got kidnapped for no reason. it would. happen probably faster in mexico. plus she didnt dow rong by going.

    ive been to several countries in subsaharan apefrica for extended periods of time and i can confirm the indigenous population is a pestilence upon the planet that should be eradicated. i could write books on the bullshit niggerdom ive witnessed. shit that doesnt even make it into the media...and shit that ive just seen start to get into the media, 20-plus years later.
  16. Ernst Kaltenbrunner Tuskegee Airman (banned)
    Originally posted by Fonaplats

    Here is the color of my teeth as compared to my known to be white shaving cream.

    Obviously all my drinking and drugs took priority over my physical well being.

    How do i reverse the aging process?

    you have a purty mouth
  17. Ernst Kaltenbrunner Tuskegee Airman (banned)
    Originally posted by Octavian Muhammad will fuck her

    shes too old for mohammad
  18. Ernst Kaltenbrunner Tuskegee Airman (banned)
    Originally posted by CASPER Wait YOU think hes too racist? lol.

    E: Ifinslly started reading your hyperlinks.

    lol my thought was “man this white guy types pretty ghetto”

    Im sure theres some retarded white people like that out there. But yeah faking hate crimes should be punishable wih the sentence for the alleged crime, plus possible enhancements.

    theres a reason that white guy types pretty ghetto. because niggers are stupid.
  19. Ernst Kaltenbrunner Tuskegee Airman (banned)
    Originally posted by mmQ Thank you. 😊

    youre a sad nigger
  20. Ernst Kaltenbrunner Tuskegee Airman (banned)
    Originally posted by Grylls You’re*

    And all you do is post pics of niggers


    an idiot.

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