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Posts by Ernst Kaltenbrunner

  1. Ernst Kaltenbrunner Tuskegee Airman (banned)
    Originally posted by Cly Just normal wear and tear, dude.

    i guarantee shes worn and torn now.
  2. Ernst Kaltenbrunner Tuskegee Airman (banned)
    Originally posted by A College Professor actually you do, doyle head. why are you always fronting like you have something to prove big ape

    if youre trying to say 'doily' youre a fucking idiot.

    having something to prove would imply i had any consideration for anyone that was reading what i type. that would be an incorrect assumption.
  3. Ernst Kaltenbrunner Tuskegee Airman (banned)
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny must be hard to take a selfie with that.

    it obviously wasnt a selfie, retard.

    since youre obviously retarded, ill point out those are shaved legs that belong to a chick.
  4. Ernst Kaltenbrunner Tuskegee Airman (banned)
    Originally posted by Grylls Wanna see my cock too faggit

    post it or fake news.

    calling what you have a 'cock' is like calling a finger weenie a sausage.
  5. Ernst Kaltenbrunner Tuskegee Airman (banned)
    Originally posted by A College Professor you'd know a thing or two about that big ape

    you dont see me online drooling over a chick like a 50 year old virgin who will never get my cock plunged into any of her orifices.

    i get mine in the real world.
  6. Ernst Kaltenbrunner Tuskegee Airman (banned)
    Originally posted by Octavian Your Nomme de guerre was a true hero.

    I just want you to know that.

    hitler was right
  7. Ernst Kaltenbrunner Tuskegee Airman (banned)
    Originally posted by A College Professor stop bathing so much and let the dirt bu9ild up on your body its natural and darkens youre complexion then switch to yellow shaver's cream ( why is barbosol shaving cream white instead of cream colored… )


    only a nigger would say something so barbaric and unhygenic. youre a disgrace to the rats, roaches, and other vermin in this world.
  8. Ernst Kaltenbrunner Tuskegee Airman (banned)
  9. Ernst Kaltenbrunner Tuskegee Airman (banned)
    Originally posted by Erekshun Op, you say you are an Xray tech, why do you fear taking an Xray? Do covid patients need an Xray?

    of course they do. its added cheese to pad the bill with.

    fucking vultures.
  10. Ernst Kaltenbrunner Tuskegee Airman (banned)
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny unlike you, a nigger, i live free from the yolk of your white masters.

    the yolk is the best part. it also has the most micronutrients and flavor. the whites dont have as good taste.
  11. Ernst Kaltenbrunner Tuskegee Airman (banned)
    Originally posted by Technologist You treat people like shit, you get treated like shit in return.

    you are shit.

    now you know why people treat you like that.
  12. Ernst Kaltenbrunner Tuskegee Airman (banned)
    Originally posted by Technologist Ok

    youre not an idiot.

    that term is reserved for humans.

    youre a dumb animal. a feral beast deserving to exist only behind bars...either a prison or zoo.
  13. Ernst Kaltenbrunner Tuskegee Airman (banned)
    Originally posted by Technologist I read these. Either a big-time hate crime, or he’s plumb nuts, or both🤯

    youre just mad you didnt get to suck his mandingo crotch rocket before they locked him up.
  14. Ernst Kaltenbrunner Tuskegee Airman (banned)
    Originally posted by CASPER check out these mental gymnastics. Trying SO HARD to explain why an avowed racist killing white people bc they were white…is probably not a hate crime.

    This is the type of shit that makes people furious. I mean like i said, hate crime laws are bullshit. BUT if theyre applied at all, and not in some cases, it gives the impression that certain victim classes are more important.

    like ive said...'hate crimes' and 'hate speech' are literally anti-white racist policies. they specify that a crime against a white is less meaningful than a crime against a s­hitskin.

    the kike-controlled media is intentionally inciting strife in the way they report all news reporting. i just dont know what their end-game goal is but there is zero doubt they are doing it.
  15. Ernst Kaltenbrunner Tuskegee Airman (banned)
    Originally posted by Technologist Do you know what it feels like to look at another human being and say to yourself, this guy has something that quite possibly could kill me? And all I have to do is breathe?

    Fucked up feeling to say the least.

    almost as sad as you and your distorted concept of spending your life being afraid of everything. any time anyone does anything they are at risk of dying. boo hoo, youre a cheap street whore and are too stupid to make your nigger clients wear a rubber when theyre pounding your gaping chasms in exchange for pocket change.

    if you really want to know what its like to know youre a hairs breath from dying from another human being that wants to kill you and has the means to do it, join the military and go to a combat zone. the weak get dead. the mediocre get out alive. the strong get an adrenaline rush. youd give all the niggers STDs that havent even been discovered yet.
  16. Ernst Kaltenbrunner Tuskegee Airman (banned)
    Originally posted by Pillpopper I've heard of creative ways of spending the stimulus money but that's fuckin nuts. Buy something that will increase in value and then sell it and then buy the death machine and have lots left over.

    i know people who made $1,000 in four days on the crashing stock market
  17. Ernst Kaltenbrunner Tuskegee Airman (banned)
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby Hey this isn't your weekend at bernies sexual fantasy, cool it chicken.

    every weekend is your asshole getting ripped open by large herds of feral niggers fantasy.
  18. Ernst Kaltenbrunner Tuskegee Airman (banned)
    Originally posted by Technologist Just read they’re considering charging the father and son with federal hate crimes.

    Georgia is one of 4 states that does not have a hate crime law, so they’re going with federal charges.

    i cant call you an idiot. the term is only applicable for humans.
  19. Ernst Kaltenbrunner Tuskegee Airman (banned)
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace …and had our NIS profile come up. They could pin all kind of motive on you for the media. Doesn't make it your motive for killing someone.

    ive repeatedly stated that i fantasize about my posts being read in open court...having one side or the other actually have to say some of the shit ive posted in front of a live studio audience.
  20. Ernst Kaltenbrunner Tuskegee Airman (banned)
    Originally posted by CASPER So what do you think about the hate crime charges tech just mentioned?

    I think hate crime laws in general are fucking retarded, but if theyre going to be applied, it seems like there should be some standard criteria.

    hate-crimes are literally the same as racism...except racism against whites. theyre saying the exact same crime committed against whites by niggers isnt as serious as when a white does it to a nigger.
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