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Posts That Were Thanked by netstat

  1. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by rabbitweed I probably just need a good holiday and to get out of the inner city.

    Go to the forest and take some LSD or mushrooms. If you can't see why this is a good idea for your mental health and personal growth then you will be stuck in this cycle of negativity forever.

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. Zanick motherfucker [my p.a. supernal goa]
    your small-talk openers consist of displaying a dream that you’ll only ever follow vicariously because you’re incapable of the act. impotence is a polite euphemism for what you suffer, and you're relegated to witnessing foreign ejaculate go wherever it pleases on faces that could belong to you

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  3. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    And theres the bipolar like mine where I like to play with knives and do dangerous things and then regret them later. For me a lot of my "depression" isn't actually depression its anxiety where I feel really wound up but I think it stems from me being suspicious of other people. I carry a switchblade just in case.
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  4. WellHung Black Hole
    There are 2 different types of depression. Situational (environmental), and congenital (genetic). Congenital depression doesn't ever 'go away and then come back'. It's always there, it just ebbs and flows in severity.
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  5. Ghost Black Hole
    this is the only pseudoscience I believe in

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  6. Ghost Black Hole
    He wouldn't know what to do with a lady if she was spread eagle and dripping all over his mattress he keeps on the floor. He would just call the police and cry until she left and then go back to huffing cat shit and playing his ps2 rented games he never returned on his floor TV thinking he's hot shit
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  7. Nil African Astronaut [the overexcited four-footed chanar]
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby Ahh. You're a nigger, glad you got busted. Id fucking stab you if you broke into my place

    It was a vacant hotel. Shut down cuz of covid and empty. with heat and electricity, internet and cable.

    And a lot of booze which i stole. Had I just took all the bottles I could carry I would have been fine. I just decided to chill in there getting drunk.
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  8. Your daughter is confused who her father is
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  9. Lets see the names and lets see the cowards cower.
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  10. Nil African Astronaut [the overexcited four-footed chanar]
    That's literally racist!!

    Genetically prone to substance abuse? Fuck that, nigga.

    more like nihilistic self destruction and hedonism
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  11. Nil African Astronaut [the overexcited four-footed chanar]
    Yeah I feel a low mood coming on. A feeling akin to watching dark clouds rolling in on the horizon.
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  12. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    yeah I'm feeling it too

    probably some kind of j'ew sorcery
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  13. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Incel NEET's have no idea what this is

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  14. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Methinks Oct doth protest too much regarding the sexin of chillins

    I remember seeing a post of his about how he had sex with a 17 year old but "didn't know how old she was" and "it's ok because it's legal" which are textbook nonce excuses

    Folks he's the Jimmy Saville of NIS
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  15. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    if anything dietyellow is an ex-nonce
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  16. Meikai Heck This Schlong
    Haha OP made Malice kill himself then accidentally killed himself.
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  17. Nil African Astronaut [the overexcited four-footed chanar]
    Originally posted by rabbitweed Some crazies are better than others.

    All crazies are created equal and deserve a platform to be heard!!!

    That said... some aren't crazy enough and if I can read their opinion in a newspaper or see it on tv I'd rather it stayed there... I love my fellow totseans cuz sometimes we can say something original. Might be badly reasoned, based on shaky facts or to steeped in our personal biases but it will probably make another think.

    I don't like your blocking script, I like nis cuz we're not about anything and nothing is off for discussion... Whatever some people like a circle jerk.
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  18. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged

    FBI Uncovers Al-Qaeda Plot To Just Sit Back And Enjoy Collapse Of United States

    WASHINGTON—Putting the nation on alert against what it has described as a “highly credible terrorist threat,” the FBI announced today that it has uncovered a plot by members of al-Qaeda to sit back and enjoy themselves while the United States collapses of its own accord.

    Multiple intelligence agencies confirmed that the militant Islamist organization and its numerous affiliates intend to carry out a massive, coordinated plan to stand aside and watch America’s increasingly rapid decline, with terrorist operatives across the globe reportedly mobilizing to take it easy, relax, and savor the spectacle as it unfolds.

    “We have intercepted electronic communication indicating that al-Qaeda members are actively plotting to stay out of the way while America as we know it gradually crumbles under the weight of its own self-inflicted debt and disrepair,” FBI Deputy Director Mark F. Giuliano told the assembled press corps. “If this plan succeeds, it will leave behind a nation with a completely dysfunctional economy, collapsing infrastructure, and a catastrophic health crisis afflicting millions across the nation. We want to emphasize that this danger is very real.”

    “And unfortunately, based on information we have from intelligence assets on the ground, this plot is already well under way,” he added.

    A recently declassified CIA report confirmed that all known al-Qaeda-affiliated organizations—from Pakistan to Yemen, and from Somalia to Algeria—have been instructed to kick back and enjoy the show as the United States’ federal government, energy grid, and industrial sector are rendered impotent by internal dissent, decay, and mismanagement. According to statements made by top-level informants and corroborated by leading Western terrorism experts, if seen through to its conclusion, al-Qaeda’s current plot could wreak far more damage than the events of 9/11.

    In the past year, money transfers to al-Qaeda cells around the world have reportedly been accompanied by instructions to use the funds to outfit safe houses with the proper equipment to receive American cable news broadcasts and view top U.S. news websites, allowing terrorists to fully relish each detail of the impending demise of the last global superpower.

    Additionally, FBI officials made public an internal al-Qaeda video today in which the terrorist organization’s leader Ayman al-Zawahiri chillingly exhorts his followers to “take a load off” and “unwind” in the name of jihad, and really cherish the victory over their enemy.

    “Praise Allah, for soon every American city shall be plagued with disaster and hardship,” al-Zawahiri said in the video, which includes several minutes of footage of young, masked al-Qaeda militants casually sipping beverages as they thumb through the latest issues of Time and U.S. News And World Report. “The infidels have brought this pain and destruction upon themselves through their arrogance and callousness. Soon, the United States will watch in horror as its bridges crumble, its desperate citizens suffer in want of medicine and paying employment, and its once vast riches are reduced to naught. The righteous warriors among our ranks must now unite, get comfortable, and look on from afar at the calamity unfolding in the West.”

    “We vow that we will not cease sitting around and laughing it up until America is reduced to rubble,” he continued.

    Al-Zawahiri, who is seen in the video reclining back in his chair, putting his feet up, and flipping on CNN, later shouts “Allahu Akbar!” when a story is aired about the decade-long trend of stagnant wages among American workers.

    The FBI has also warned that numerous al-Qaeda agents may have established sleeper cells for the purpose of “getting a kick out of” the nation’s downfall on American soil. The bureau urged U.S. residents to use caution around schools, hospitals, legislative bodies, prisons, and other decaying institutions whose imminent failure terrorists may wish to observe up close.

    Speaking on condition of anonymity, one high-ranking U.S. counterterrorism official has described the present situation as a massive failure of intelligence.

    “The warning signs were there all along, but unfortunately we failed to heed them,” said the official, who advised Americans to brace for widespread devastation. “If we’d listened to experts or even our own common sense, we would’ve realized that this plot was being actively orchestrated within our own borders. But we didn’t, and now every one of our citizens and our very way of life is at risk from this threat.”

    “Sadly, al-Qaeda has us right where they want us,” the official added, “and at this point, I fear it is too late to do anything about it.”

    Responding to the allegations, a spokesperson for al-Qaeda reportedly confirmed the terror group’s plot and praised the American people as martyrs of the highest order.
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  19. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by WellHung Folks, is it the freckles, or the pale skin, that make them fugly?

    They're cute af. also a true fact is they age slower than Asian Women.

    Redheads are pretty (not all but many)
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  20. Lanny Bird of Courage
    I feel like hermitage living could be really good, but you can’t half ass it. Like if you go off into the wilderness but just keep doing the things you normally do, internet, TV, assorted instruments of social control, you’re going to be pretty miserable. It’s hard to find a piece of media today that isn’t going to at least imply a value system wherein human relationships are the basis of a meaningful existence. If you want to go live in isolation you need to go full kaczynski.

    Originally posted by Indiana-Is-Eternal MOVE TO AKIHABARA

    I’ve been to akiba. It’s fucking cancer.
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