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Posts by Cheyes

  1. Cheyes Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace I sleep insufferably less. I'll get like 3h a night for a day or three then finally one 9h night and feel great. Then it cycles back around.

    Lately i haven't been sleeping much and I'm starting to hallucinate things about my new job at night.


    Originally posted by Solstice Of course I did, a can of Four Loko is literally the same thing as drinking an entire bottle of wine, especially the 14% versions (which come in the Sour varieties too, not just the Gold) for what, $2.50 or so? The sugar content and resulting stomach pain from consuming one is fucking brutal though.

    The 12%, 16 oz, $1.70 canned margaritas I drink sometimes are almost just as brutal but they aren't quite as syrupy/sickly sweet and still get you pretty decent at ~3 drinks a can. Though slugging down 2 of them back to back still results in me writhing around in sugary agony more often than not. Probably just the whiskey-induced ulcers.

    I drank some 4lokos some time ago and i like the 14 sours or the 12s cos they taste better but man... i drank 2 within like 2 hours or somethijg and i puked in my sleep and woke up and had to throw my mattress topper out and miss work for like 2 days because od the resulting hangover

    I did not save money buying the cheap booze that day
  2. Cheyes Tuskegee Airman
    If canada has as shitty of "undocumented citizen" laws as us I think im
  3. Cheyes Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by aldra Interesting. I knew that the Pearl Harbour attacks were allowed to happen, but not that they were explicitly provoked

    Are you so sure though?

    Japan decided not to go for a second bombing run that if successful (and it most likely would have been) would have leveled so much of the US fleet that they would have lost war.

    The reason they didn't is because one of the generals when asked if they should said "No; the element of surprise is gone". The us forces at pearl harbour were stretched so thin and the base beat up well enough that they wouldn't have fended off another attack.
  4. Cheyes Tuskegee Airman

    claaaassic Spectral!

    it means "coloured people time", as in when a person is running late you make a joke that they must be running on CP time

  5. Cheyes Tuskegee Airman
    she seriously gets hotter and hotter and hotter every single year

    she started out pretty rough tbqh

    shes gonna be the hottest thing in the galaxy by the time she's 35 if she keeps that up
  6. Cheyes Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Sudo hawt

    something about Ann Coulter makes me want to go beast mode on her dusty old twat too. Maybe 20 years ago Ann when she was going out with Bill Mahrensteinfeld

    lol that fuckin giraffe?

    i use to like her back when in my glenn beck years

    ohh the tides
  7. Cheyes Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Biden was involved in SOPA, PIPA and DMCA, also with Lieberman the Communications Decency Act back in the 90s, that would possibly send you to federal prison for up to 20 years for being rude online - along with the website admin (so post Goatse and both you and Lanny go to get your shit pushed in). He also tried to ban encryption - all encryption, and was a pusher of the "Clipper Chip" that the NSA was trying to mandate be installed in all computer devices.

    Nasty piece of ship

    that's terrible. at least the MOON PERSONs are finally starting to hold congress against the wall to protect privacy... not that will necessarily stop them from being shitty, they'll just sneak it in there with vaguer, subtler, and more technical terms. but not quite as far.

    Thats why joey boy is hard for me to not be dead neutral on. I like some of his positions, but he's such a mixed bag with some decent stances and some horrible ones to balance it out into a shit pudding. I actually want to like the guy, I mean anyone who casually refers to CP Time here and there has to be a pretty good gont overall.
  8. Cheyes Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by I Live In Your Crawlspace Secretly4 Jedinited is a really good airline if you like arriving late, they perform all of their maintenance when the planes supposed to be flying.

    They will gove yoy extra stoopwaffels when you complain and a slap on the ass

    i cant read
  9. Cheyes Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by theshroomguy This is why I only do online college, all the education with out having woke social justice bullshit shoved down your throat.

    i might have to join you in that for a year, i really fucked up my current plans on a technicality
  10. Cheyes Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Cheyes

    She's an air stewardess for United now.

    Those outfits are cute af tho tbqh family
  11. Cheyes Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Wariat Thats crazy. How does one stand that pain from cigarette butts not to mention the other stuff without screaming?

    I held a few on my arm to join the cigarette club in high school. It's not that bad

    Anyway, ot yes my ex wanted to be abused I think, she brought it up one time but I never really pursued it for some reason. I would today

    Originally posted by Wariat I think life itself is an act. Everyone has some act they need to play to feel fuilfilled. Like half of sexual tension is the act and them pretending not to be interested for example. Their act is theye not interested and it was all you despite them looking and acting like they clearly want it but reject you at the end of the night hoping youd haggle them or be all over them to get it.

    Ya, and if you're soyMORALLY SUPERIOR BEINGboy apparently that involves going tongue flutter on a chubby prostitute..
  12. Cheyes Tuskegee Airman

    Originally posted by mmQ 5 Today, adults with mental retardation are marrying and having children, and adult unmarried women with mental retardation (even moderate to severe mental retardation) are having children. The true prevalence of parents with severe intellectual limitation is unknown and possibly unknowable. An accurate differential diagnosis of the cause of cognitive deficiency in an adult who is living in the community is difficult to obtain in the absence of records of formal childhood testing. Nevertheless, in a key informer survey performed in the city of St Louis, Mo, the number of children of mentally retarded mothers, who were identified, suggested that adults with mental retardation were having children on the same order of magnitude as the rate in the general population, with a mean number of 2.8 children per retarded


    Ya but that's st louis

  13. Cheyes Tuskegee Airman
    also why are you buying paper plates?
  14. Cheyes Tuskegee Airman
    Hey doesn't CHELLEEEE know how to cook?

    Why doesn't SHEEEE make you guys dinner?

    i would be way cooler than makin you fend fer yourself
  15. Cheyes Tuskegee Airman

    She's an air stewardess for United now.
  16. Cheyes Tuskegee Airman
    it also makes you grow boobies lol
  17. Cheyes Tuskegee Airman

  18. Cheyes Tuskegee Airman
    thats the coolest job ever

    you could totally extort people
  19. Cheyes Tuskegee Airman
    i had to quit taking mine because if you mix it with cocaine you die
  20. Cheyes Tuskegee Airman
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