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Posts by Cheyes

  1. Cheyes Tuskegee Airman
    basically lsd would do the same thing for migraines that ergotamine and triptans would, which is vasoconstriction of brain vessels, so like ergotamine it would work for some and not for others. ergotamine does not help me, imitrex and other triptans make them significantly worse. LSD is too complicated of an experience to get into why it has the effects that it does, but they have generally caused lots of hurty, and I didn't know those hurty things along the way were migraines until after my final trip thus far. then it all made sense finally

    so since ergotamine makes my headaches worse, and LSD is made out of ergotamine, it makes sense that it could in theory make them worse apart from just amplification of everything. It does not occur the whole time though, it only occurred for part of the trip, which corresponds with how I generally have migraines everyday but only during part of the day.

    Now for cluster headaches there is a much bigger case for psychedelics, possibly including LSD but most famously psyilocybin(sp) as a means of treatment, but I'm unaware of how cluster headaches work, but I know it's differently than migraines.
  2. Cheyes Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Splam House MD self induced a migraine then cured it with LSD!

    that's mushrooms.

    also that's cluster headaches, which is well documented.

    not lsd and migraines. totally different kinds of headaches.
  3. Cheyes Tuskegee Airman
    That's not fair. That's precisely the part that I'm confused by, and also the one you don't seem to want to answer...

  4. Cheyes Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Technologist Besides me calling Benny a faggot, and teasing with people, please show me where you get this idea. Please show me a quote of mine that just screams homophobia.

    I’ve had heated discussions on here about my belief that people are born gay. So please point out my homophobia.

    Originally posted by Technologist Besides me calling Benny a faggot, and teasing with people, please show me where you get this idea. Please show me a quote of mine that just screams homophobia.

    I’ve had heated discussions on here about my belief that people are born gay. So please point out my homophobia.
  5. Cheyes Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Sophie He wants to discuss the possibilities of him representing you when you sue the person that hit your car, over coffee of course.

    Also, on the real, why would a loli move in with you? I know it's not happening but what's the sitrep.

    then he can invite me to starbucks and buy me a fuckin coffee and lemon heroin muffin at jedibucks like a normal guy

    >>also im not complaining about a birthday card with credit in it; thats more affection than I get from most these days

    anyways, well not by themselves obviously, i mean as an extra value meal with somebody else
  6. Cheyes Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Technologist Asks if someone is illiterate using a non-wordπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. Irony, it’s what’s for dinner.

    by the way

    on the subject of sexnologist

    why are you so against him being a faggot
  7. Cheyes Tuskegee Airman
    havent seen whole titanic movie since i was a kid i think... should probably see it at least once, especially now that i know it's not completely made up

    Originally posted by aldra got paid, dunno whether I want to buy watercooling parts or drogs

    in the same boat, i found some very cheap zolpis which i was thinking of trying finally before you started talking about them, but i dont really need 100 of them but also dont wanna pay half for only 10 of them.

    also if you're gonna buy dregs I suggest doing that BEFORE you buy computer parts with liquids in them
  8. Cheyes Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by ORACLE Only narcissist retards who think they're smart would thank the post

    uuuuuuuhhhhhh, NO i thanked it because im a retard who thinks he's retarded you silly goosth

  9. Cheyes Tuskegee Airman
    yeah sploo had about 100 more IQ than the rest of us combined


    anyway, i believe it is the schizophrenic users that have the most intellect capacity

    so, in order of more schizo=more brain power

    1. peedee
    2. jie (sorry bud)
    3. deepee (especially before the two Incidents of Balancing & Reorganization)
    4. juicebox (pbuh)
  10. Cheyes Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by aldra depends on the kind of migraine I guess, I know some types are blocked by psychedelics but I guess not all considering he's saying he had a migraine on LSD.

    that could've been psychosomatic though; I remember one time I choked on a drink and was choking for a good 30 seconds before I realised I could just stop.

    A big component here is that didn't understand what it was, like at all until a few days later after I'd stopped hallucinating and reflected for a while after things calmed down and realized OHHHHHHHH that was a migraine attack.

    Migraines have different causes I believe not that necessarily natters because if psychedelics all blocked them they would be willing to prescribe small amounts of weaker ones I suppose.

    Thats why imitrex and ergotamine are a thing, because they work similarly but for about half the people including myself they do nothing whatsoever (ergotamine helps a tiny bit but not enough to offset the nausea) or make them worse (triptans, lsd [lsd mostly through amplification of everything]).

    tbqh I'm not 100% sure that's the specific kind of headache I have given that there's over 150 different kinds of them and they're tricky to differentiate, but that's what they tell me I have so I go with that.. and it responds to botox.

    I guess we'll find out for sure once I get to try aimovig
  11. Cheyes Tuskegee Airman
    I hope you're being facetious
  12. Cheyes Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Splam Theoretically impossible to get a migraine attack while tripping.

    Fucking lol


    I first noticed that I had migraines while tripping a few years ago
  13. Cheyes Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Obbe If you smoke it wrong it just makes you sort of fuzzy headed for a few minutes. If you smoke it correctly it will make you forget who you are and what reality is and will send you on a trans-dimensional trip, you will perceive things and will not be able to comprehend them, time will dilate and you will spend an eternity in this other world and finally as you start to come back to reality a friend may ask you how you are doing or what it was like, and you will try to describe it but all that will fall out of your mouth is a mess of nonsense. Within a few minutes everything returns to normal and you can speak again, but you will quickly start to forget the details of your trip and it will seem more like a dream.

    it sounds up my alley, i want to try it. i would have to make sure i was migraine free though or things could get hairy

    head killing migraine on 1mg LSD is not recommended

    it served as kind of a portal to the cops outside my apartment, we were using it as a vehicle to read other's thoughts but it ended up just hurting the crap out of both of us and they thought i was doing it on purpose but i wasnt

    there were no cops though
  14. Cheyes Tuskegee Airman
    loli is not moving in afterall. this is both bad and good

    (((interestingly))) 1 business day after my car got hit I get a " happy birthday" letter from an injury attorney with a gift card to a coffee chain

    nigga its not even fucking close to my birthday
  15. Cheyes Tuskegee Airman
    yeah me too. they need to make it stronger, you dont get a confirmed kill unless you get the prescription strength
  16. Cheyes Tuskegee Airman
    They are the most deadly of the deadliest medicines and they kill your liked ones.

    Diarrhea pills- these use to be schedule II, then they unscheduled them and everybody started dying

    paracetamol- these are invented to kill off all the illiterate niggers in PAIN and are the preferred kill self method for WASPS

    Triple C's - these are meant to kill off all hooligan teenagers seeking medically induced spiritual guidance to help fix their lives

    Visine- WASPS use this as an inexpensive way to secretly kill their goyboi husbands to inherent his moneybags by adding an imperceptible amount to his bloody caesars for a few days

    Benadryls- these will stop the heart of aspiring schizophrenics who cannot wait for their disease to manifest naturally over the course of many many years

    Synthetic aspirins- aspirin regimens can thin your blood so much that if you start bleeding you might not be able to stop just like my uncle

    Anti-anti-diarrhea potions- laxative potions can dehydrate you so much that you get paradoxical rhabdo aka kidney and heart failure due to not enough electrolytes

    Omeprazole- popularized by curt cocaine lyrics, omeprazole can inhibit your gut juice so much that it lets deadly bacterias pass on to your heart and brain, killing you

    SudoEphedrine- this will more than likely blow up your house and burn you to death just for trying to cure your depression

    Benzedrex- while not the most dangerous roy on this list, benzedrex is the most vasoconstrictive stimulant known to POPE ROSHAMBOLOL (pbuh), making stroke a real risk, as well as requiring the user to eat menthol cottons which can get stuck like a highlighter in the transverse colon, requiring emergency ass surgery in some cases

    Plan B'Quanda by johnson & johnson, a family company- these pills have the sole purpose to KILL BABIES



    Virtussin- you can buy this otc is some states. Ive done it.

    If you've ever wanted to be as cool as JUICEWORLD and overdose on weak gay opiates, then this is the only juicebox you should be sippin' on

    And more.

    Over the counter drugs are too deadly for consumers and need to all be banned.

  17. Cheyes Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Sage advice…those angry 58yr old real estate women are desperate for cock and companionship and will pay out the nose for a 42yr old toy boy.

    there was this kinda weird tall skinny 40 year old chiewieeekekkeeenn I talked with for a minute about something and something about the way she is I kept thinkin how i wanna have weird sex her
  18. Cheyes Tuskegee Airman
    32 cent beer

    here the beer is 3.2 percent beer

    Hurrr muh rehabss alcoholoucs bad
  19. Cheyes Tuskegee Airman
    i love al quadea
  20. Cheyes Tuskegee Airman
    Why did you talk about injecting dilaudid with your doctor
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