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Posts by Cheyes

  1. Cheyes Tuskegee Airman
  2. Cheyes Tuskegee Airman
    it can, but not usually

    crack makes you shit like a jackrabbit though
  3. Cheyes Tuskegee Airman
    dont you live in seattle? Just go to different stores and dont go as often

    those places have turnover like crazy
  4. Cheyes Tuskegee Airman
    i love techs mom too
  5. Cheyes Tuskegee Airman
    what do you work in big boy
  6. Cheyes Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Misterigh Oh.

    dont bring that donttellem shit in here boy this is a TROPICALFORUM
  7. Cheyes Tuskegee Airman

    I fucked up the thread title, it was supposed to be MLK badder boy than thought or something similarly retarded
  8. Cheyes Tuskegee Airman
    my brother likes wheel of fortune and hates jeopardy

    i hate wheel of fortune and like love jeopardy

    it was quite the quandary when we were living together
  9. Cheyes Tuskegee Airman
    Everybody likes OP's dad.. He's the friendliest guy you'd meet, never made an off-colour remark to absolutely anyone I can recall

    off-topic: his mom is a piece of crap and nobody really likes her. They're a terrible match and I've always thought that
  10. Cheyes Tuskegee Airman
    I was thinking

    what if you worked at dairy queen and had a machine by the drive thru or even just jotted down the numbers on the credit cards before you gave them back to the customer?

    obviously might not want to use them all at once
  11. Cheyes Tuskegee Airman
    I would make a good gorl if I wanted to

    I have the perfect body type.. Once I skim down my stomach to completely flat and plump up my booty with oestrogen, the rest of me is so perfect for transitioning to gorl that I'll be a star.
    well I'm not sure about the face, but nobody's face transitions well anyway, you can't ever get the guy out of your face

    i love gorls. i love talking to them about their problems and tearing down the other girls but im not one of them so it doesnt matter and they dont start to hate me because of it

    picture that.. going from where I am now to being on the cover of some faggoty magazine. But think of the fame and connections and resources that come along with that.

    Also I could use my position as a boygorl to speak out about the hypocrisy and retardation of the modern trans community but they wouldn't be able to silence me because I'm one of them so I get a free pass. It's like being black and the n word.. nobody can call you out for it if you are one.

    some people transition I think purely because they suck at being a guy and want more attention from people and feel like being a gorl will upgrade their social standing. the special knuckleheads here are the ones that change to being a gorl but are still "only attracted to and fuck women" OK YEAH GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE STACEY, I mean I totally understand why they do that and thats probably exactly the way i would do it myself tbqh family, but that's still pretty bullshitty to me for some reason, it's not from the heart
  12. Cheyes Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace LOL

    Not even worth replying to tbh. You are insane

    if you would look on wikipedia or any article about the caucuses or talk to any iowan who has caucused you would see immediately how wrong you are
  13. Cheyes Tuskegee Airman
    I can't remember for sure because the market's offline right now, but I'm pretty sure SWIM ordered from this guy that got arrested in a bust. I only found out from nonchalantly walking into an article on my way to somewhere else. He's big enough that I think SWIM will just kind of blend in but it depends on whether the guy saved all the addys in his computer out of carelessness or never saved them in the first place.

    doubt it'll matter but it could trigger a flag on an addy if they care that much, but fairly unlikely
  14. Cheyes Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by CandyRein I follow a lot of transgenders on YouTube , they have big personalities and seem like a lot of fun..

    There are two I know would make me question my sexuality if I were a male…because they fine af

    One has a deep voice tho ..

    Op you seem to have a personality that doesn’t need to pay for sex

    I’m assuming this was a want and not a need situation

    I can't speak for all transgenders, as some like our dear HeteroTransSexual-noob have very amicable personalities; the more shy and reserved they are the better. They might be a little weird and fucked in the head, but aren't we all

    The ones with big persoanlities always have garbage personalities, and they're garbage people. The ones with medium sized personalities are usually garbage people too but there's some exceptions.
  15. Cheyes Tuskegee Airman
  16. Cheyes Tuskegee Airman
    Thats not what happens when you die friend

    Best do that now
  17. Cheyes Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Dregs the value of PI. end of story.

    The Life of Pi never ends


    GET IT?

  18. Cheyes Tuskegee Airman
    its funny because Wario is lacking in the talent department for both his passions- journalism and gay porn, and yet he makes up for it with tons of effort and somehow ends up doing alright
  19. Cheyes Tuskegee Airman
    less than 5 times
  20. Cheyes Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Dregs even i need a break from dick…every single day for the rest of life…getting dick? naw thanks. you appreciate it more when its like every few weeks or months. when you apppreciate it more…the money money that comes your way as well

    so i rather be in other people's shoes from time to time..

    balance that shit out.


    i'm losing my schizo status daily except days where I crack corn and don't care, so I need you to cover for me when I'm gone

    we're down mashlehash


    Originally posted by Totsealum Hope it works out for you. I've found NA/AA to be a bunch of bullshit. It would help a little at first. For me I've found Harm Reduction is the most effective for me. The 12 step programs where I reside is usually old people or a revolving group of people that may stay in the program a month. They all suck Bill W/ big book in AA. In NA they suck the basic text. I truly think that ones that gain sobriety/clean time are at a point where a multitude of things would work.

    anyway, yeah

    i would be more apt to go to meetings if most of them weren't always step meetings, so like step 2, step 7, step 12 focused all the time, I like the meetings where you just talk about your problems or meditate
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