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Posts by Cheyes

  1. Cheyes Tuskegee Airman
    Painful experiences trigger a strong bonding mechanism in women, which is one of the reasons why they very rarely try to leave men who physically abuse them.

    Women who have general anesthesia during C-sections are significantly more likely to experience postpartum depression resulting in hospitalization, suicidal thoughts, self-harm and anxiety, according to recent study.

    This may be because general anesthesia during C-section deliveries can delay skin-to-skin interaction or breastfeeding from mother to infant, and can cause more acute postpartum pain.

    ‘These situations are often coupled with a new mother’s dissatisfaction with anesthesia in general, and can lead to negative mental health outcomes,’ said Jean Guglielminotti, MD, PhD, in the Department of Anesthesiology at Columbia University and lead author, in a statement.
  2. Cheyes Tuskegee Airman
    me and prettyhatemachine are throwing a 2007 party and guests are only allowed to dress like people did back in 2007

    we're paying the college club to throw it so there'll be plenty of college girls wearing 2007 clothes and hairstyles so if you wanna have sex with a 2007 girl this is your chance

  3. Cheyes Tuskegee Airman
    mmmmm, not quite. I kind of like some of those but they aren't quite flush with where I am...

    Post your favourite bjork video
  4. Cheyes Tuskegee Airman
  5. Cheyes Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by -SpectraL It's not accosting, it's apprehending. The word is, apprehend.

  6. Cheyes Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Nonce Is right do you like kids too?

    I do, actually.

    where can i find photos of nude underraged anime waifus?
  7. Cheyes Tuskegee Airman
    ran into this guy at the headshop when i was buying Crouton and i seriously thought about asking him to hook me up with some meth

    i didnt feel like talking to him though and i cant handle meth anyway
  8. Cheyes Tuskegee Airman
    its funny cause the reason he cried so much is because he had clinically low testosterone

    he stopped crying after he starting getting injections
  9. Cheyes Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by frala I miss Glenn and his white board.

  10. Cheyes Tuskegee Airman
    idk, weed usually makes me MORE nauseous if anything
  11. Cheyes Tuskegee Airman
    yeah me and my ex tried anal one time and it was simply not happening

    my other would not allow it no matter how hard i pleaded (giggity)

    "it's only for getting rid of things" or something like that
  12. Cheyes Tuskegee Airman
    Shut the fuck up.

    I'm just kidding

    I dug out a hat I got for my birthday, never wore, and forgot about a while ago and started wearing it now

    I've never worn hats in my life because I thought they looked bad on me and I never cared for the feel I guess. I like it a lot, my hair is really messy now and looks bad easily and I'm too lazy and cheap to get it cut so this looks very clean by comparison.

    also, anyone who wears a flatbill is a terrible person
    my grandpa wore flatbills but that was back when only farmers wore flatbills
  13. Cheyes Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Sudo why was a judge shoplifting from k-mart?

    i dont why that made me laugh
  14. Cheyes Tuskegee Airman
    i had three spoons of crunchy peanut butter
  15. Cheyes Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Corona-chan

    the one on the left is pretty hot tbqh
  16. Cheyes Tuskegee Airman
    he used to be a bigger deal back in the obama years

    which is also about the time glenn beck was taking the country by storm, single handedly building up the tea party from scratch pretty much

    then his ratings tanked so bad when he became an anti-trumper that he had to do a really awkward and comical about-face on air

    seriously watch that video, it's hilarious


  17. Cheyes Tuskegee Airman
    swim has thought about methadone before and even more thought about suboxone, which he's actually used before like 3 times (during wd though) but the biggest reasons he doesn't is because he'd get ripped off his gaba which he currently values a lot more than some govt cuck opiate that prevents you from getting high on real opiates and causes lots of problems long terms
  18. Cheyes Tuskegee Airman
    Been taking headshop Crouton again because it helps me not want to kill myself quite as much and things seem to flow a little better when I'm on opiates of some sort. I'll probably order some online because it's a lot cheaper but FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKK I don't want to actually commit to "needing" it that that badly to ordering it in bulk again.

    I dunno, I seem to be a little more amicable on it, my doctor said I seemed "better" off seroquel, and I'm sure that's part of it but I was also just starting Crouton again and I think that's why. my personality is a little easier on opiates. I've been seriously considering suboxone but they won't let me because I'm on too much gaba and pharmacy reporting flags all the doctors and tells them exactly how much I'm taking. Not that that's necessarily a bad thing.
  19. Cheyes Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by aldra there are very few circumstances where its therapeutic value is greater than existing medicines

    just drop the 'medical' charade and legalise it for personal use

    tbqh I think in my case it actually probably is, only for insomnia, and only non smoked/vaped ROA

    Ive exhausted basically every sleeping medication besides ambien/lunesta and my psychiatrist said like a week ago that those aren't good candidates but didn't tell me why. I didn't ask but I actually agree for several reasons.

    The only one that works is seroquel and edibles, and when you compare the relative toxicity of seroquel and weed.. weed does win in this instance by a landslide
  20. Cheyes Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Octavian Where can SWIM buy fentanyl?

    lol, whyy?

    i do actually have a source for you if you're serious just... be retardedly fucking careful. It's basically pure
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