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Thanked Posts by MexicanMasterRace

  1. Originally posted by tr1pl3_thr3@t Lunch with some of my crew. They like the Adobo … definitely a compliment when Filipinos like the Adobo an American made 😁

    Not saying they didnt like it but Fillipinos will say and act like its good even if it isn't because they're so incredibly nice. I bet it was fantastic tho

    My family has Mexicans, Fillipinos, and southerners, so we get the best food from 3 different countries on the holidays. Also I'm hungry now. Send adobo.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. Originally posted by CASPER I got u beat fam. if my dick was just 24 inches longer i could tit fuck myself.

    You can do a giraffe tittyfuck by sticking a fleshlight between there

    Giraffes use their long necks to reach for the highest and most nutrient filled leaves, so you know this tittufuck is some good shit

    Im going to bed thanks casper
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  3. Originally posted by Wariat Vinny how can you say companies womt pay me the big bucks for work like this when it is sexy, elegant and to the point?

    i mean this is elegant work min you. woth the bug bucks by any company the size of stackery or 360 dialog. You agree? star trek?

    I thought you were joking at first but you've made so many of these I'm not sure anymore
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  4. Originally posted by Octavian He's never had sex

    Thats not true.

    Mash fucked a potato once.

    I also remember him doing an enema live on camera on his bedroom floor. This is not relevant but it is a juicy piece of trivia
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  5. Originally posted by Octavian Jesus Christ, how can you miss someone you talk to everyday?

    What a simp.

    "He's texting me right now"

    *literally 3 hours later*

    "Omg i misssed u so much how hav u been"
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  6. Also they're probably going to throw out Bill Krozby's donation once they find all the alcohol, benzos, and semen in his blood.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  7. You're learning
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  8. tldr:

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  9. I'm not getting stoned tonight. I did the last two weeks, and I got high for breakfast, then again for lunch... but I'm not going to get high for dinner.

    However, now my addict brain is telling me to get familiar with Mr. Williams.
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  10. Originally posted by Splam There's other laws to deal with those offences.

    Age of consent is retarded how it's applied in some states strictly by the book.
    Take France for example. Emmanuel Macron's wife is/was a child predator. Really?
    Tonnes of guys out there have to go knocking door to door and inform their neighbours because once upon a time they were 18 and their GF was 17. It is not rape and should not be confused with it. Takes away the meaning of actual rape.

    You're retarded.
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  11. Originally posted by Sudo There's nothing wrong with gardening at all, I'm just saying you garden like a bitch. I bet you can't even build a retaining wall and don't put marigolds with your tomatoes. You don't plan garlic in the fall and of all things plant sunflowers, the most useless space wasting plant, all they will do is shade your garden and prevent sunlight from hitting it. What an amateur. Is this your first day being Mexican?

    I bet you put Popsicle sticks with your beans BITCH

    Yeah Sudo, very astute. Sunflowers are a bitch flower. Not like having 4ft flowers the size of your face looks badass in your garden or anything.

    Anyway, what kind of fuckups are you doing while I'm... planting seeds too close together. Cheating on your girlfriend? Hiding drug use? Still ignoring your kid? Thinking about prison again?
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  12. Ancestors is a really interesting really difficult game. I can't evolve past this first ape stage lol. My beta ape, Kek, is having trouble finding a mate. He had 3 sisters and not a very big family/tribe. I think i can do wincest but im not sure. I need to breed him so his kids don't throw up from eating berries. He has those good berry eating genes.
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  13. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny

    anyone with a double digit IQ would know thats short for belly button lint since thats what were discussing here.


    low iq spics.

    I have a triple digit IQ so thats probably why i didn't get it.
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  14. Originally posted by frala FINE. I AM GOING TO BED.


    Alright. Fine. Have fun waking up tied to the radiator again.
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  15. Nonce asking for help hiding CP alert


    Most of us wouldn't even think of "do we or do we not put CP on this"

    But a nonce does and will mention it to throw us off the track

    Doesn't work tho

    Im on to you, nonce
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  16. Originally posted by -SpectraL If they can't get any genuine footage, they shouldn't post any then.

    If they can't get any genuine footage, you should shut the fuck up.

    In case they do get genuine footage, you should continue shutting the fuck up.

    Thank you.
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  17. Originally posted by Sudo But you are treating them like actual people and allowing them their sexual deviancies, even if they're not exclusive to children. I'm sure a runaway mexican virgin ranks pretty high on any nonces bucket list.

    Are you saying that children went unmolested because your butthole was ravaged by a pedophile? Was this a selfless act of "taking one for the team?" What is your "team?" When do you play and should children be allowed to watch (obviously accompanied)?

    Everything you said ignores the first part of my post so I'll ignore your post too

    Today I planted some sunflowers. I'm pretty sure I planted them too close together but I figure I'll take what sprouts and line it along the garden. This way I can keep the pot looking pretty and spread around the sunflower joy as well.
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  18. Originally posted by Sudo So you PREFER to have pedophiles fuck you in the ass? That's disgusting and literally enabling child abuse. It's of concern to anyone with children if a dirty lonely mexican is actively searching for pedophiles to have sex with. That's fucking frightening

    I didnt know he was a pedophile at the time. They hid that from me.

    And even if I did know and was in to it I'd be doing the world a service by keeping pedophiles away from children and in my butthole
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  19. Originally posted by Erekshun Been couped up for 4 days, thinking about going for a ride


    Unless you're a fucking chicken. Which you very well might be.

    How am I better at my second language than you retarded right wingers are at your first?
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  20. Originally posted by mmQ My fingers slipped and I accidentally typed in naval academy gay porn.

    Best misclick ever!! Thank you!!

    haha I got curious and went to google 'naval academy gay porn' and one of the suggestions was 'closeted navy teen licks up foreign street cum while on shore leave' haha! Oops!
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