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Thanked Posts by MexicanMasterRace

  1. Southern Comfort is fucking vile.

    They should've been legally required to tell me how disgusting it is at checkout.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. Originally posted by Wariat if he comes to warsaw he probably eill end up eith a knife to the neck.

    Nobody wants to go to fucking Warsaw.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  3. Originally posted by Octavian


    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  4. Guys I have something to tell you.

    I'm gay.
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  5. Originally posted by mashlehash Yeah you traveled like a hobo over to PoC's house and you tried to have a threesome.

    Close. It was actually a foursome. Me, PoC, and his two cats.
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  6. I literally pick fruit for a living
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  7. Originally posted by CandyRein Oh ya.. :)
    I made this couple of days ago..

    I got the link from the crafts department … 😋

    One of my girlfriends wants one now ..❤️

    It’s a draft tho.. just wanted to see if it would work.. ❤️

    Now I’m gonna buy a bunch of those tanks and different links to make that in different colors..


    It has a wash tag at the back. You literally just cut this in half and added strings. Holy shit lol
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  8. The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  9. Originally posted by Wariat nope, youre wrong on many parts. get an education. plenty of them dont have to after a certain ammount or simply domt do it or simply have cases expunged. again get an education.

    I dont care, Wariat. You're a piece of shit. And more than that you're just annoying as fuck. I've had the misfortune of speaking with a few pedophiles and you're by far the least likeable. Which I guess i should be thankful for. Successful pedophiles are smart. They know how to manipulate children. You couldn't manipulate a dog.
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  10. Thats when it started for them... You want China to predict the future next pandemic?

    What about all the western countries that sat there for 3 months doing absolutely nothing? What about the places that continue to do absolutely nothing? US has the most deaths because people dont take it seriously.
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  11. Originally posted by Sophie Facepalm all you want, it works in reality. It's even better with less regulations because companies don't have to pay high school kids as much. One regulation everyone has to abide by though is that kids that are highschool age are only allowed to work 5 to 6 hours a day and not a full week. This means all the grocery stores here want to hire highschool kids. It's cheaper, and the kids make more than when they take a paper route or whatever the fuck. Everyone benefits. And the kids even have time left to do duster if they really want to

    No, it doesn't work and I'm not going to waste time bothering with your retardation. You have a very sheltered view of the world.
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  12. Originally posted by WellHung But don't you think they will have a lot less/none to throw out, since there are no dine-in services these days?

    Maybe, but if you're hungry it's worth a try. McDonalds is still gonna have a bunch of fries and maybe some stuff on the warmers. Check out the dumpster diving sub on reddit. Pretty sure it's just r/dumpsterdiving. They'll be able to give you lots of tips.

    I looked into it but I've never actually needed to go so I haven't. I've seen people get some really good hauls from Gamestop. Grocery stores also throw out a lot of food but both of the ones I've worked at had compactors which was pretty fucked. I remember one time I crushed multiple 24 cases of pickle jars just because they changed the labeling on them. Did similar with Hershey once and it was fucked because they absolutely would not let us take any of them home. Occasionally something would be put in the break room for employees but that was it. Grocery stores throw out TONS of food every day. Find one that puts that food in a dumpster and you will probably eat for days on a good find. I've even seen people find still frosty meat.

    There's absolutely no shame in reducing waste in the world and saving money while doing it. As long as you check everything you eat you'll be fine. Even stuff that's labeled expired is often good well past the date.
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  13. Originally posted by Sophie How the fuck would you know?

    You probably have a sad diet if it has never been fucked up from a delicious meal. Too much spice, too much sugar, grease, or any combination of these things. Maybe even delicious street food that gives you cholera, but was decidedly worth eating anyway. I mean, haven't you gotten stoned and made some really weird shit? One time I made a sundae with jelly and bits of this very salty Mexican dried meat called machaca. The sweet + salty was amazing but the 100g of sugar was just too much.

    Call me a fatass or whatever, but to live a proper hedonistic life you must engage in gluttony, and pay the porcelain price.
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  14. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny have you ever worked on cow farms ?

    Vinny they already have enough to feed their cows. Even the babies. All of those cows are genetically engineered and fed hormones to produce far more milk than their babies need.
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  15. I guess if you believe in two dozen different conspiracy theories, one of them is bound to be at least a little bit right.
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  16. -butthole



    -ear hole (left)

    -ear hole (right)

    -vagina hole

    -uranium hole (where the pee comes)

    -womb hole

    -clit hole

    -bellybutton hole


    -nasal hole (left)

    -nasal hole (right)

    -boob hole (secret)

    If you guys think of any holes i missed just let me know
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  17. Originally posted by Stopffs Archer … is that actually a photo of tech? I haven’t been around NIS for a year.

    You should leave for another year.
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  18. Originally posted by Stopffs Ummmmm … wtf are you quoting me for with your comments?

    #1 - you and your husband make absolutely no matter in my opinion of a giant boob called a titty

    #2 - I don’t see your name in this thread title

    #3 - narcist much? Unless that photo is actually you, you quoting me and your weird comments to my post (opinion about a large boob in this thread) have nothing NADA to do with you and your husband .. fucking weirdo

    Hey why dont you kill yourself you ragged cunt stain?

    #1- Nobody loves you, nor have they ever.

    #2- The only reason you are upset that Tech mentioned her husband is because you can't get laid. Not even during your short stint as a lot liserd.

    #3- Have you seen your face? LOL.

    #4- Send me your address and I will personally come stab you and your entire family. Mess with Technologist and I'll find it for you.

    Do not fuck with Technologist ever again you sore dicked loser.
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  19. Originally posted by Octavian Lol I love how Candy desperately tries to convey this Nicki Minaj persona that fails cause she's an ugly dog.

    Nicki Minaj is already ugly tho lol. She's got a nosejob, dresses in the ugliest clothes, and her husband is a convicted sex offender who raped a girl at knife point. Her older brother got arrested for similar so you know she's fucked in the head and goes searching for these people. Just like CandyRein
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  20. Originally posted by CASPER i never watched the shield. The main guy seemed too muchlike an actor. aybe ill give it another watch

    I thought you meant 'Actor' and became briefly interested in a mustard stained cop
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