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Posts That Were Thanked by MexicanMasterRace

  1. ORACLE Naturally Camouflaged
    Isn't it funny that the Tramp supporters started posting personal attacks and literal gay porn?
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. I hear my neighbor playing a recorder through the wall, I should get mine out of the closet and put them to shame.
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  3. Fuck Your World African Astronaut
    Originally posted by DietPiano Be American
    -Understand that Free Healthcare isn't free no matter what
    -Pay for healthcare but get seen right away

    Be Canadian
    -get raped in taxes
    -maybe die because of wait times unlike Americans

    USA has lots of wealth.


    Kill The Old Stayed and New Found Wealth
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  4. WellHung Black Hole
    I would probably like aldra's cat more than aldra, if I were to meet them both.
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  5. Admin African Astronaut
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Yes all forms of money accepted good quality you buy now

    I buy now!
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  6. HTS highlight reel
    Originally posted by AngryIVer I like how you guys spout off about free healthcare when the healthcare you receive is garbage and takes forever so the more well off people end up going to private clinics anyway.

    >be Canadian child
    >get cancer
    >wait 2 months to see an oncologist
    >maybe die
    >OR parents pay for private if they can afford it

    >be American child
    >have diabetes/asthma
    >die because your parents can't afford your insulin/inhaler

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  7. STER0S Space Nigga [the disappointingly unanticipated slab]
    anyone ever tried this medication to combat their insomnia?

    is it weaker than ambien?

    i need yo input.

    i woke-up in the middle of sleeping-walking wearing clothes i don't remember changing into and a pocket knife stabbed into a bar of soap on ambien the other night and am paranoid now since i keep a loaded gun in my house.

    i don't want to end up being like that dude who shot his family members execution-style when he blacked-out/slept-walk on ambien.
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  8. WellHung Black Hole
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood its no fun if they don't fight back. What street do you sleep on maybe ill come visit

    I'll join him, and we will gang rape u, hydro. If u resist, I'll throw sulfuric acid in ur face
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  9. Originally posted by hydromorphone Go ahead and try, you'll have your dick torn off like the last idiot who tried.

    its no fun if they don't fight back. What street do you sleep on maybe ill come visit
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  10. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    At a friends house with my gf and a bunch of other people after driving down to San Diego to visit one of her friends at school. I forget what we did I think we went to some weird motel party. I do my usual and sneak off and smoke dope in the bathroom with the shower running. She and her friend have clearly started doing coke and the mdma capsules in the ashtray in the car are suddenly awol now too. Iā€™m unusually relaxed which is rare for me around a bunch of people I donā€™t know. Strike up conversation with some people at one of the SDSU off campus housing things and a handful of them come over to our house to drink. At this point Iā€™m probably a gram or more into my heroin (which at the time was an insane amount for me), maybe 6 or 7 beers and a few glasses of makers. Iā€™m just fucked. Gf comes back in, she and her skank friend prance and giggle their way to the bathroom together to take candid pictures of each other on the toilet. Comes out and sees me talking to a couple of the new people, one of which was a girl. Sheā€™s already being loud and obnoxious, but now sheā€™s also being super territorial n shit. Sheā€™s standing in front of me and wiggling her butt back and forth, and sliding her hand down my pants. At some point I tell her to chill, bc the other people obviously think this is awkward and her energy level is way to high for like 1am. I kinda disengage from her and she gets pissed, I say something like ā€œMaybe if you werenā€™t acting like a fucking tweakerā€. She and her friend leave.

    Its now like 2:30 and sheā€™s not answering my texts. I tell her if she too fucked up, just call me and Iā€™ll pick them up (rofl). Eventually I get pissed off that sheā€™s purposely not answering her phone, and I lay down in the living room and pass out with a mixing bowl and a water bottle bc Iā€™m almost positive Iā€™m gonna puke. Smoke some more heroin to settle my stomach and pass out. Come half conscious and sheā€™s on top of me on the living room floor, and there was some other random passed out a few feet away but she was just on her own little thing. Iā€™m so numb I barely know whatā€™s going on I canā€™t even feel me inside of her but I feel her scratching and grinding against me, then I pass out again.

    Wake up. Mouth tastes awful. Itā€™s fucking cold bc someone left the patio door open, and all I found was a bath towel to use as a blanket. Thereā€™s a groan like a bagpipe being stepped on. I feel so awful I just want to go back to sleep. My belt and buckle are digging into the back of my ass and Iā€™m sweaty and itā€™s freezing and I move my hips to try to pull them up. Try to get under the towel, but her hand is against my cheek and itā€™s just so fucking cold. I think thatā€™s what made me realize the groan was coming from her. I roll over and push her off me and her blue eyes are open but half shut. I know she sometimes has night terrors and sleeps with her eyes open, but she doesnā€™t make noise like this. I try to shake her awake. Iā€™m whispering to her. I shake her harder. Now Iā€™m getting loud and panicky. The feeling when I realized what was going on was like having everything in my chest sucked out into the vacuum of space. I think I said to the sleeping girl ā€œis this real? Is this realā€ over and over again. Now Iā€™m cursing and freaking out. I try doing cpr, but the sounds sheā€™s making sound like Iā€™m hurting her. A couple of her friends have woken up now. Someoneā€™s saying ā€œGive her some water! Give her water!ā€ And Iā€™m like she canā€™t even swallow dude. Someone says thereā€™s a fire station a couple blocks away. I canā€™t find the keys. Iā€™m about to cry. One of the other friends is calling 911. One of the people from earlier offers to drive. I put her over my shoulder to get her out the door and she throws up. I lay in the truck bed with her and she almost slides out the tailgate when he rounds the end of the block. Guy rings the bell. The firefighters were awesome. I wish I couldā€™ve been that calm. I canā€™t tell them what sheā€™s taken bc I really donā€™t know. I tell them her name. They ask if has any medical conditions or allergies. For some reason I feel that her strawberry allergy is pertinent info. Theyā€™re shining lights in her eyes and putting a tube down her throat. Other emts or whatever put her on a thing and before know whatā€™s going on, theyā€™re already gone.

    I didnā€™t think to ask where they were taking her, or whether I could ride with her. The guy that drove me, is really cool. Offers to smoke me out. Weā€™re just really quiet but then I start having a panic attack so I ask for him to drop me off. Go back. Find her keys. Take her car. Park behind a market and get high. The last 2 balloons arenā€™t in my wallet. I get furious. Then I finally cry and I cry for like an hour until I have a headache.

    Would not recommend the experience.
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  11. The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  12. Octavian motherfucker
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny you dont have to fuck it if you dont feels like it.

    its not your uncle or daddys friends.`

    The whole point is to admire the birds' beauty. That looks like some sick bastard has glued a bananana on it's beak and spray painted it.
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  13. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Originally posted by Fonaplats I got something for when its time.

    Pepcid AC and Monistat?
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  14. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Also, see if you have a xylophone or other assorted childrenā€™s toys. That sound seems to be very IN now. Lol
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  15. no lettuce or tomato on the burger what is this shit
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  16. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Ukulele plunking and pan flute with obnoxious window-rattling bass

    Got the DRIP
    From ma DICK
    Bitch Iā€™m SICK
    Hit a LICK
    Now Iā€™m FLUSH
    Smoke too MUCH
    Gonna THROAT
    Fuck this TRICK
    Ecstasy in my FIJI
    All these HOES
    Wanna SEE ME
    Rub they FEET
    On my PEE PEE

    *anime samples*

    *ukelele interlude*


    Tiktiktik TIktiktiktik

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  17. and by immigrants that means white people from Europe.
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  18. Back in my day people didn't lock their doors!!

    homeless people would walk in and use our bathroom we didn't bother them though because folx were kind back then.
    also there were no homeless people because there weren't as many niggers and spics so there was more room for white people yup those were good times you kids don't know
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  19. cigreting Dark Matter
    Originally posted by Grylls are u goin with ur boyfriend fegget

    goin with ur granpa fagit
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  20. RottenRobert African Astronaut
    Originally posted by iam_asiam68 we went to help kuwait liberate from iraq, not israel, you retarded used up douche'

    You are a senile douchebag Rimmer I am talking about the war with Iraq in 2003 over non-existent WMD not the Gulf Persian War (1990ā€“91). At that time Israel was blaming Iraq for sponsoring terrorism in its country; like bombing cafes and public places with suicide bombers wearing explosive vests. Their Mossad fed Bush false intel which he swallowed.

    I remember Colin Powell giving a presentation of how Saddam was making chemical weapons in moving tractor trailers LOL

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