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Posts by MexicanMasterRace

  1. Originally posted by Meikai I was under the impression that he inherited some and freed them, but reading about his family they were members of a church that opposed slavery so even that probably isn't true. Even if Lincoln had owned slaves in the capacity I thought he had, it would mean very little.

    It really shouldn't be a question if I'm talking about Trump having done more for black America than the guy who signed the Civil Rights Act.

    I meant more about Lincoln having slaves.

    I can't stand people getting all revisionist about Lincoln. He spoke out against slavery for decades. People think this lanky nigga just showed up and became President, but he was in politics for a long time before that. History doesn't just happen in a blink.
  2. You're also an absentee father, have multiple assaults, are a thief, alcoholic, strangle women, rape women, pedophile, etc.

    That 'you would do it' doesn't surprise or shock me. I expected you to defend Giuliani as you do other rapists like Epstein and Ghislane Maxwell.

    It's not that it's 'weird' you retard. Journalists do interviews in hotel rooms, but the interviewee doesn't usually try to sleep with them. He's an old codger who is over 3x this woman's age. Shit is vile and disgusting and no different from a pedophile trying to fuck a child, which you should know all about D-man.

    Also lmao @ "they wouldn't use underage girls." Yeah. Fucking obviously they wouldn't use them here. But if you want to get dirt on a politician, and you have the power, you use an underage girl. Putin literally kills people who run against him, or will hold onto dirt on them for decades until they do something wrong and he can make it public and use it against them. If you think Putin is above using a 15 year old girl you are brain dead. This is literally how Epstein operated and kept people from exposing him for decades.

    You don't wonder why Trump wished Ghislane Maxwell good luck? She's literally a convicted pedophile, doing exactly what pizzagate thought Democrats were doing, but real. Both her and Epstein are/were Republicans also. But Trump said that shit because he knows they have dirt on him. It'll likely come out after the election when he has nothing to offer Putin or the pedophiles anymore.
  3. Originally posted by Meikai Civil Rights Act? Psh. Record employment numbers - Trump's leadership has allowed black people to have more jobs than ever, which is clearly an accomplishment because black people are lazy ne'er-do-wells.


    It's more than doubled in the last year. To be expected because of COVID, but could've been avoided if Trump had acted rationally.
  4. Originally posted by Meikai It's true. Lyndon B. Johnson ain't got shit on Trump, and Lincoln had slaves so.

    He didn't actually own slaves. Like I have said before, Lincoln was anti-slavery for years. Slavery was ended in 1964. This is Lincoln from 1937.

    "Resolutions upon the subject of domestic slavery having passed both branches of the General Assembly at its present session, the undersigned hereby protest against the passage of the same.

    They believe that the institution of slavery is founded on both injustice and bad policy; but that the promulgation of abolition doctrines tends rather to increase than to abate its evils.

    They believe that the Congress of the United States has no power, under the constitution, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the different States.

    They believe that the Congress of the United States has the power, under the constitution, to abolish slavery in the District of Columbia; but that that power ought not to be exercised unless at the request of the people of said District.

    The difference between these opinions and those contained in the said resolutions, is their reason for entering this protest."

    This is how you sling shit in the 1800's.


    If A. can prove, however conclusively, that he may, of right, enslave B. – why may not B. snatch the same argument, and prove equally, that he may enslave A?–

    You say A. is white, and B. is black. It is color, then; the lighter, having the right to enslave the darker? Take care. By this rule, you are to be slave to the first man you meet, with a fairer skin than your own.

    You do not mean color exactly?–You mean the whites are intellectually the superiors of the blacks, and, therefore have the right to enslave them? Take care again. By this rule, you are to be slave to the first man you meet, with an intellect superior to your own.

    But, say you, it is a question of interest; and, if you can make it your interest, you have the right to enslave another. Very well. And if he can make it his interest, he has the right to enslave you.

    Like, if you're not trolling HTS, I seriously recommend you read some actual historical literature. I took an entire semester on the Civil War so fucking try me. The idea that Lincoln had slaves, or was pro-slavery, is totally revisionist and against everything he said in his speeches for decades. The only reason he didn't abolish slavery was to avoid starting a war, and because slavery WAS constitutional back then. It isn't anymore.
  5. Originally posted by -SpectraL How are you feeling right now?

    I plead the 5th.
  6. Originally posted by -SpectraL §m£ÂgØL will be the next one to pass away.

    Doubtful. If anything it would be you, boomer.
  7. Originally posted by Archer513 I don’t see any scientists running for office.

    Which bought and sold scientists should we listen to?

    The ones working for drug companies

    The ones who’s grant money is predicated on the whims of a woke-critical race theory following dean who got the job because they were black

    The ones working for lobbyists

    The ones working for the solar and wind industries

    Which ones?

    Merkel is chancellor of Germany and a physicist.

    For the US? This election season we had the chance of Mark Kelly (astronaut) Nancy Goroff (bio chemist) Adam Hattersley (aerospace engineer) and more. There are always scientists running.

    Honestly it's hilarious that you talk about conflict of interest when you sit here supporting a failed businessman who has not paid his taxes for half of the last two decades.

    Scientists understand the importance of science. Hence why Germany didn't really have a problem with COVID and we did. They were out partying without worrying about lockdowns, masks, or getting sick. They didn't have an influx of deaths. Their hospitals didn't fill up. They did fine and are doing fine.

    That's the power of science.

    Lack of science and you get the black plague which lasted for 200-300 years. People wouldn't social distance back then either. There was actually a tendency to start partying and drinking once people in your town got sick, because you knew you were fucked and they didn't think there was any way to stop disease. Now we know better.

    According to Trump last night, 2.2 million MORE americans would've been dead from COVID if Trump hadn't closed China when he did. In which case, this disease is VERY serious and masks and social distancing are really important considering he's saying that enough Americans to fill Houston would've died from it in one year.

    But sure. "Plandemic".
  8. Originally posted by Technologist He cracked me up last night. “I’m the least racist person here.” LOL
    Sure sign of a total racist.

    That’s like saying, “I have a black friend.”

    It's even worse than that honestly. Don't forget he said he's done more for the black community than any president in history, with the exception of POSSIBLY Abraham Lincoln.
  9. Bill Krozby, I'm guessing you haven't seen the movie if you think it's taken 'out of context.' Guy was very clearly expecting to sleep with this young woman. He asked for her address and phone number, put his hands on her lower back/hips, was taking off his microphones, hands down his pants for a few seconds, very clearly bothering with something other than his shirt, and it went on too long to be just fixing his balls or something, which he shouldn't be doing in front of a journalist anyway.

    Sacha Baron Cohen said, "If the President's lawyer found what he did there appropriate behavior, the heaven knows what he's done with other female journalists in hotel rooms. I urge everyone to watch the movie, it is what it is, he did what he did. Make your own mind up. It was pretty clear to us."

    I will say she flirted pretty hard with him. "You're so funny", putting her hand on his leg multiple times through the actual interview which had pretty normal questions. He was telling her that she looked pretty even during the interview. They clearly planned to do this because during the interview Borat interrupts to try and sleep with Giuliani instead of his daughter lol.

    The scariest part about this is how goddamn easy it was for Borat and his team to pull this off. What do you think the Russians could do? I mean fuck, this actress could've easily been underaged. Giuliani would've just slept with her? All they had to do was trick him was create a fake media presence for her and boom, he's willing to interview.

    And Giuliani is just a crackpot conspiracy theorist, not retarded like Trump. It's probably even easier to get dirt on Trump. Especially before he became President, God. I can only imagine what kind of shit they did with him in the 80's and 90's.
  10. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson What's fake about it?

    There is a thing in the good ol USA called "innocent till proven guilty".

    He wasn't proven/found to be guilty and so is therefore **innocent**.

    Well…there is at the moment…I wouldn't be surprised that the dems might change that if they could to guilty until proven innocent.

    I know you're an illegal immigrant so let me explain the impeachment process to you.

    The house votes on impeachment. They convict based on the charges. That conviction is impeachment.

    The senate merely votes on removal. It has nothing to do with the court case. It's like getting a $200 speeding ticket but not having to pay it. It's still going on your record, you just don't get punished for it.

    This also says NOTHING for the multiple ongoing investigations on Donald Trump and his family. Eric Trump was just interviewed for fraud a week or two ago. There is no shortage of investigations on them. Trump has already settled multiple times in court after breaking the law and stealing from people/charities. This dude literally is not legally allowed to run a charity in the state of NY because of it.

    It's no coincidence that there have been over 100 convictions in his administration. All his closest friends seem to go to prison.

    Micheal Flynn? Prison

    Micheal Cohen? Prison

    Steve Bannon? Trial in 2021 for charity fraud

    Paul Manafort? Prison.
  11. Originally posted by Technologist Absolutely 100% believable. Those right wing, nut job, white supremacists made those riots much worse by attacking protestors.

    But you know racism doesn’t exist, §m£ÂgØL.

    How could you?

    Yep. Trump is literally condoning this shit in public. Hitler said similar stuff. "They need to be taken care of." "We're going to fix this problem." People think Trump needs to say "I hate black people and you should go out and kill them" before they think he's condoning racism and violence. Protip: Most racists aren't going to say that. They know it will be used against them.

    A vote for Trump is a vote for violence and racism. It is as simple as that. This shit didn't happen under Bush or Obama.
  12. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson "according to a new analysis from a centrist thinktank."

    Sounds legit.

    Yep. CSIS. That's what happens when you look at objective reality instead of making up your own facts. Many former high ranking government officials work for them. They helped mold the current US cyber warfare policy. They actually receive money from multiple world governments for their impartiality, including China, Taiwan, Japan, Germany, UAE, USA, Australia, South Korea, Turkey, Canada, the EU, Netherlands, UK, Vietnam...

    They take money from Bill Gates to the Koch brothers.

    Pray tell what sort of left wing bias Bank of America, Chevron, Pan American Energy, Exxon, Beoing, Lockheed Martin, and Saudi Aramco (the Saudi government's oil company)

    They're all left wing amirite?




    Just maybe you have no basis for your conjecture and simply "don't agree" when presented with cold, hard evidence. Maybe you'd like to post a study of your own showing that left wing extremism is worse than right wing extremism?

    Either way it's only 53 domestic terror attacks. Attacks, not all killings. Meanwhile an average of 50 Americans die every year from lightning strike related fatalities.

    Really says something when you are 5x more likely to be killed by lightning than attacked by left wing extremists.
  13. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson While that mouth is open…

    You're going to what? Hmmm? What the fuck could a straight man like you possibly want to do when another man's mouth is open?
  14. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson It was $1
    It was for lunch
    We only have a microwave oven at work
    It's not unusual to have a quick convenient AND HEALTHY meal for lunch

    At home I eat $100 steaks and feed mature tube steak to my illegal Mexican maid.

    Yeah, okay dude. You don't have to explain yourself. You eat like a girl in kindergarten. Its fine.
  15. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Only because she's got a great bum.

    I didn't know you were into bestiality. Gross. I hope you don't have a dog. Is that what people from the UK do? Let their dogs lick their dicks?
  16. Originally posted by I Live In Your Crawlspace Secretly4 I predict §m£ÂgØL will abandon his account again as an announcement of fear

    This thread is fucking stupid.
  17. This nigga seriously buys his veggies in frozen meals LMAO.

    No wonder he's so retarded on 200 calories a day.
  18. Originally posted by stl1 Buy one of those baskets with legs and steam your veggies.

    Yep. That's how real men do it. You get crisp, nutritious cooked vegetables
  19. Originally posted by stl1 Listen to the scientists!

    Is that honestly so much to fucking ask?

    Jesus Christ America.
  20. Originally posted by Kev lolololol fine ill leave ya alone, i gotta go to work anyway.


    Say hi to Trump and Maxwell for me
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