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Posts by MexicanMasterRace

  1. Originally posted by Xlite There are several entities "out there" that people would consider gods, which is why we have religion.

    During my trips i've had several encounters or feelings of being in the company of something.. different. It doesn't happen every time, but when it does it is unmistakable. You get enveloped in a field love and bliss by some awe inspiring presence, you can't always see it but you can't definitely feel it. You have a feeling that this is important.
    I would into further details but i'm too fucking stoned right now.

    I said GOD holy fuck.
  2. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson
    " Is God real?"


    I didn't ask you tho, so why are you still talking?

    That's a rhetorical question btw.
  3. Yes what? Nobody asked you shit
  4. Originally posted by DontTellEm Protip. Get a life, fag boy george.

    Protip: Try using soap when you shower.
  5. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Which has nothing to do with

    ….BLM are/do…so again I'm glad you agree they are brainless.

    Nope. BLM doesn't hold gatherings. Already went over this with you.

    Again, not voting for BLM. But at least they wear masks. Nobody catches covid at a BLM march.
  6. Protip candy: dont call someone 'usted' when trying to insult them.
  7. Originally posted by CandyRein You know exactly what I said

    Actually I don't understand. Work on your Spanish
  8. Originally posted by CandyRein Eso es usted afrutado…

    Work on your English before attempting Spanish.
  9. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson

    If this guy was a Disney character he'd be the elephant with the big floppy ears and the feather held in his trunk.

    I bet you watch a lot of Disney huh?
  10. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson

    Didn't say it was…It's a GATHERING of BLM supporters..aka, the brainless, as you noted.

    I'm not voting for BLM. I'm voting for Biden. You can't help what the populace will choose to do all on their own. But you can help by not organizing such events in the first place. Especially as someone who is supposed to be a leader.
  11. Originally posted by Kev bullshit, thats enough to kill 3 people. you shouldve told them that since you broke no laws, they have no jurisdiction to detain you. cmon totse veteran, this is basic shit.

    That's not enough to kill even a child. Benzos are ridiculously safe and you need industrial amounts to overdose on them. Probably more than the majority of people on here can afford or obtain. The LD50 is in the thousands. For an average 160lb/~70kg person it's like 150,000-200,000mg needed to hit the LD50, which is not even guaranteed death.

    90mg isn't shit. I've taken ~100mg of etizolam before while already in a binge. You just lose a few days and maybe sleep a lot.

    Where it becomes dangerous is when you mix it with opiates/alcohol but honestly even then I don't think it's as dangerous as mixing drugs which have more significant respiratory depression. Benzos are a lot safer than most people think.
  12. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson I'm glad you agree BLM are brainless.

    BLM isn't an organized group. There are brainless people who support it, yes. They are not reflective of the movement itself though.

    If there wasn't a pandemic I'd be out there protesting as well. There are a lot of people who would be, but aren't because they don't want to get sick. Otherwise these protests would be much, much, much larger.
  13. Originally posted by cigreting A drive in rally doesnt count according to this clown

    Yeah, because it isn't a rally. It is a televised speech. Rallies have crowds. People driving by do not stick around. They do not form a crowd.
  14. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson The Chinese Communist party IS comprised of Chinese people…The masses allow them to make the decisions by not revolting against them.

    Chinese people in China make the decisions that govern the Chinese people…

    Doesn't get anymore black and white than that dumbo.

    Correct. The Chinese communist party is comprised of Chinese people. The Chinese people do not however, "allow them to make decisions."
  15. Originally posted by Kev thats what im talking about, the difference between a conversation and just going on and on and on and on. getting bored of this snowflake to be honest, if only he wasnt the only one posting on here. this place has been fucking dead lately.

    What did I do to make you so upset? Let's talk it out
  16. Originally posted by Kev holy christ you love to argue, its becoming apparent a conversation with a faggot is almost as fruitless as one with a woman.

    Why? Because I'll never sleep with you either?
  17. Originally posted by CandyRein That’s you…you look exactly how you act ..

    I've never uploaded my pics here so it's literally impossible that its me. Like Sudo said, I am the OG §m£ÂgØL not the zoklet §m£ÂgØL.
  18. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Which one

  19. No. Your original statement was wrong. The people of China do not make decisions for China.
  20. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Guess you didnt read the article
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