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Posts by MexicanMasterRace

  1. Originally posted by aldra why even bother using one then; you're just participating in j'ew financial sorcery

    It raises your credit score which can help you when buying a car, home, when getting a loan, etc. By contrast you could do the exact same thing with a debit card and acquire no credit from paying your bills. Plus a lot of cards have benefits for gas or travel or whatever. It's not huge but it's better than nothing.

    People are scared of credit because they think they'll get fucked over, but if you do your research on the card and pay everything off quickly, you'll be fine. Really no reason not to use one. Just don't be one of those minimum payment idiots and don't buy more than you can afford.
  2. cucks buy houses and boats I guess
  3. +al

  4. Originally posted by gadzooks When I'm drunk I would fuck like half of the DH chicks.

    But I have little to no idea what any of them really look like so it's a very strange impulse.

    What if they're only pretending to be women????? Then ur jerkin it to guys hahaha
  5. Originally posted by CandyRein My sidewalk looks just fine .. I’m in the country and we barely have roads…

    Why is it that all my haters live with their moms and talk chit

    Mad to see a sistah doing it on her own and you ain’t 😋😂

    Lol it's not impressive to live on your own in the country. What's your rent/mortgage like 400 lmao
  6. This video is pretty cool. Not because what they say is especially interesting, but because he actually let them talk about this stuff and that this aired on television. We need more TV where politicians walk up to random people and ask them about their political beliefs. The only beliefs and opinions you see on TV otherwise are manufactured to posit their ideas into your head. People are pre-approved, told what to say, get hit with phrased questions, etc.

    This is just good, straightforward, honest journalism.

  7. Originally posted by Sophie Unless your family is called Rotschild.

    I typed out something like that then delted it. They're definitely the exception to the rule.
  8. Originally posted by cigreting I offend people like you all the time when they hear the truth of womens instinct. I know the j e w is h media has brainwashed you and everyone else to think that women are innocent honest creatures but unfortunately thousands of years of evolution and instinct disagree.

    Is sudo really in a wheel chair btw

    He uses crutches lol
  9. Originally posted by CandyRein Welp!
    Lawn is looking great…🌿🌳🌞

    Bout time for a cold glass of lemonade and a toke …


    look at that hood sidewalk lol
  10. The word is asymmetric and what the fuck are you talking about. He's handsome as fuck.
  11. I don't want to give anything away but from her son's name I can firmly state that most people would think he is black. But like African black, not American black. It's a COOL name, I will admit. But it'll probably cause him problems in the future if he ever wants to do more than flip burgers.

    X ae A-12 will never have such problems. You make fun of his name, his dad fires your dad. 200 years later when you are long dead, and your descendants are trying to emigrate to Mars, X ae A-12 will still be alive, and he will keep your shitty lineage from ever reaching the stars.
  12. Originally posted by rabbitweed AIPAC want US military attention squarely in the middle east, not the Indo-Pacific.

    Honestly it's time for the US to take a backseat and drastically cut funding to NATO. The EU dwarfs russia economically, they can provide their own deterrence. As for the middle east, they can all go to hell. A semite is a semite.

    This is EXACTLY what Russia and China want.

    I just wish NATO was actually useful.
  13. Originally posted by Cathay Coof I'm kinda curious now.

    I'm going to make a similar one up just so you have an idea of how bad it is.

    Heimdall George Rambo Macau
  14. Originally posted by Cathay Coof Katie Miller is Stephen Miller's wife.

    Stephen Miller and Jared Kushner are the two jedis who run Trump's whole administration.

    I didn't even make that connection lol. That's incredible. What great news.
  15. Reminder that Hydro named her son after random shit.
  16. Originally posted by Cathay Coof Elon is a pretty weird name as well. I guess it's just how his family rolls.

    No way you can include Æ on passports and the like though.

    In the states at least there's absolutely no federal regulation on names. Stuff like that gets automatically translated into a phonetic spelling, so I guess here it'd be 'X ae A twelve'. This happens if your legal name is in a different language too. I guess maybe the original spelling is only on your birth certificate or something?

    Also Elon is a...

    are you ready for it?

    Elon is a J3w name. So at least it's actually a real name.
  17. Originally posted by CASPER I still think you look kinda like the more disheveled version this dude and nothing will ever change my mind

    Who is that? MQ is definitely the alcoholic flavor of that chip.
  18. Originally posted by CASPER Ivanka Trump has coronavirus lol

    *her assistant

    Also one of Pence's aids got corona (Katie Miller) and is married to an aid who works for Trump. And don't forget the valet.

    Really only a matter of time before Trump and Pence get it.

    This has all come out within the last week. They're probably testing everyone who works at the Whitehouse right now, which means that they evidently weren't doing it before. Still no word on if they've started wearing masks or not but I suspect they aren't.

    Virus don't give a fuck about your politics. Virus gonn fuck you up. Just look at Borris. Guarantee you he isn't going around shaking hands in hospitals anymore.
  19. No the guy behind you
  20. Originally posted by mmQ #yolo!

    No, that's his daughter.
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