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Posts by MexicanMasterRace

  1. Getting ready to take a fat shit with avocado salsa and my stinky dick cheese that looks like red pepper flakes.
  2. Getting ready to eat a big fat burger with avocado salsa and this stinky cheese that's just called 'red cheese' in spanish.
  3. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Yes we all know schizos hate trannies because the Seroquel they force you to take makes you grow tits.

  4. how u doing today mommy :)
  5. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Dental isn't free here

    It's free if its an emergency.

    Plus I never said canada was a perfect example. Still better than here where people die in emergencies because they can't afford care.
  6. he didnt tho because everyone in the room checked the gun off camera before they shot that scene
  7. You have to look at the practical tax rate not GDP to tax ratio, obviously the US taxes its corporations way less than anywhere else in the world right now, and that's why the big boys are making historical amounts of money here. Canadians pay about 28% average and Americans pay 18% average.

    Sounds like a pretty good trade for free healthcare considering how much Americans pay for just a single treatment. You have somebody who makes 30k a year go in for a root canal, that's at least 3k. 10% of their annual income, right there in one procedure.

    If you need more than that you're fucked. Want to pay 20%? 30% How about 500% of your income? It happens.

    Republicants are fucking Americans every step of the way.
  8. Originally posted by kobe bryant rapist during the first flu pandemic in the early 1900…what the article in j­ew york times referred to.

    the numbers being listed are not accurate. theyre artificially inflated.

    ??? Yes they are accurate numbers. They're not 'artificially inflated' and you are just completely making up shit at this point. What the population was back then has absolutely nothing to do with now. It's still killed more than the Spanish flu did, and in just 3 months, not 15 months.

    Everybody who says the deaths are 'inflated' doesn't understand how the virus works. Things like heart attacks are being included because it's caused by the virus. Normally heart attacks are cause by blockage. We aren't seeing that with these. Corona causes damage to all sorts of stuff and we'll probably see people dying of Corona related damage for years after the fact.

    Don't throw a bitch fit just because you haven't done your research, kid. Why don't you run along and make a sex joke?
  9. this interaction is shit. Fuck this site.
  10. absolutely not reading this wanna be asian's posts.
  11. no not curry your dont have any chance fuck off boomer
  12. wow looks like a lot of bullshit I am definitely not reading
  13. Originally posted by kobe bryant rapist you know this…how.

    because the idiot didnt perform a single one of the basic etiquette procedures for touching a strange gun.

    It was for the camera dumbass. It's not real. It's TV.
  14. The US population was a third of it when, a few days ago when we hit 100,000 dead in the US? Lol.
  15. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood They also pay lots in taxes, taxes are gay. The government should be paying us!

    legalize all drugs and there would be a surplus in revenue for the government. It's like they enjoy paying for expensive police forces and anti drug agencies oh wait THEY DO because thats how their cronies makes a living, pathetic.

    All in the name of public health

    Americans pay the same in taxes as you Canadians and we get a lot less back, and pay a lot more for our healthcare. Imagine a world in which HTS was not able to get her balls removed from his body because she was too poor to afford it. Would you want that for all the American HTS's of the world (America)?
  16. Originally posted by kobe bryant rapist unfortunately he didnt experience a 'negligent discharge'

    wasn't loaded you retard.
  17. Edit that post. Now. Don't let him see that.
  18. Originally posted by Technologist I know, I think it’s crazy. More people have it now than when we were in lockdown. More chances to get it now than before.

    I honestly don’t see us shutting down again. Since they didn’t stick with it before, it was a waste of time.


    If Mongolia and Vietnam can do it we can too. The only difference is that those countries understand the threat. I believe it was Vietnam which released an app to help track the virus. You log in, tell them who you got into contact with, and if anybody in your 'chain' gets infected they'll try to test and see who to isolate. That's why they can be relatively open and free and we can not right now. But they started doing this back in Janurary.

    Swift and severe measures are what we need to take this fall, or shit is going to get very bad. Already 100,000 dead in the US. We can easily have another couple hundred thousand dead by the time this is all over if we don't get our shit together.

    100,000 is a lot of fucking people. Look at that number, folks. Remember when everyone was saying the flu was deadlier? This has killed 3x more than the flu does on average through out the year. Sometimes the flu is bad and we have like 50,000 dead. And ALL of those are elderly or sick. Nobody healthy dies from flu anymore. Healthy people do die from Covid-19. This isn't like the flu, this causes much more damage than the flu, even if it doesn't kill you.

  19. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood whats the matter you hate free games?

    Ya you should have ti pay for them and suport the debelopr
  20. Now that restrictions are lifted, people will travel for summer with these cheap flight and it'll be lockdown again by fall. This time the south will see much higher numbers. Most of the heavy numbers have been on the east coast and in the most populated cities like LA, NY, Chicago, etc.

    Historically this second wave is when the most people die. People act like its over just because restrictions are lifted. The virus is gone!

    They didn't pay attention in class
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