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Posts by MexicanMasterRace

  1. Originally posted by Sophie Calling racism ignorance, is retarded.

    -according to ignorant racists
  2. "Nigger"- someone who acts in a niggerish way, ethnicity inconsequential.

    Ex 1: "Hey that guy stole my bike"

    "Wow what a nigger"

    Ex 2: "Hey that nigger stole my bike"

    "Wow what a guy".
  3. "muh knowlesge"
  4. Originally posted by BummyMofo why?

    They should pull themselves up by their boot straps
  5. Originally posted by BummyMofo You are an otaku KKK guy. What do you really know about anything?

    And a pedophile too.
  6. beating homeless people is okay
  7. Originally posted by CASPER Beating a homeless person to death doesnt make it any more okay. id wager you could count the number of unarmed doctors and lawyers killed on two hands.

    And you couldve fooled me. Any discussion ive seen around BLM, any speech ive seen recorded by people representing BLM, centers around black victims and white victimization. It just seems kind of counterproductive and polarizing.

    The majority of the victims ive seen BLM champion are people who were committting not insignificant crimes. The fact is that police killings of unarmed, noncombattive people is fucking RARE. And people saying stuff like “its open season on black people” is such hyperbole its ridiculous. It makes it clear that the agenda is framing this as a black on white victimization issue. Which justmakes people like me want to be defensive, since i know that whites, hispanics, asians, gays, jedis, etc- are victimized on a daily basis, disproportionately.

    If organizers were smart, theyd coalesce under the banner of reining in the police and highlighting victims of all races.

    But police are also a product of the criminals they have to apprehend. You couldnt pay me enough money to have the responsibility of dealing with that bullshit,

    everything in this post is dead ass wrong.
  8. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny whoa, stop tying your inferior ancesstors to my superior ancesstors.

    out of africa is a bs theory concocted by jéws.

  9. Originally posted by CandyRein You ok?

  10. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny north africans were white.

  11. Originally posted by Sophie Ptolomy was of Macedonian heritage. Macedon is in Greece. The books were written by peoples around the Mediterranean sea.

    Also, Egypt is in Africa but not sub-saharan Africa. The ancient Egyptians had more in common with the arabic peoples, than niggers.

    The library caught fire during the battle for Alexandria in Julius Ceasar's time, but it did not burn down at that point. It was actually lost when Islam started the Caliphate that conquered Egypt. Reportedly when the Islamic general found the library he asked if there was a Quran among the books. When his underlings told hm no, he ordered it burned to the ground.

    A nigger, is a nigger, is a nigger.

    Fine i'll give you that. But the worst slavers in human history were still the Arabs and not white people.

    Ptolemy II I said. Not the first. He was half Persian. AKA: Not white.

    Nobody said anything about sub-sahara Africa so idk why you mention it. Europeans took slaves from all over Africa. Egypt is objectively African. It's in Africa...

    Most of the books were lost due to Caesar. I never mentioned the destruction, I mentioned specifically the burning. The burning of books.

    you're a nigger.

    And lol. 2nd place in the 'biggest piece of shit' contest. Nice.
  12. Originally posted by CASPER ummmm…. ALEXANDRIA? we wiz kangz n greeks n sheeit

    Yes, of Egypt. Alexander was Pharoah but he didnt build the library and this was built long after he died. It's not like he even built the whole city he barely did anything. I've been reading egyptian history don't challenge me bitch.
  13. Originally posted by CASPER 3 out of 24 is a completely demographically accurate model u brown nosing boob

    For where, Minnesota?
  14. Originally posted by Sophie The nigger tribes in Africa sold their own people to slavers. And lol, libraries, during those times, all niggers were illiterate.

    Uhhhh... not really. They had vast empires with yes, libraries, ports, cities, etc. They were totally decimated during the crusades despite not really being a part of the Islamic force that was attacking Europe in the first place.

    Like do you literally not remember the library of Alexandria? And before you say the Greeks built it- they didn't. Ptolemy II did, and filled it with texts from all over Africa and Eurasia. What, you don't think Egypt is in Africa?

    And you do know who burnt the library of Alexandria? That's right. White people.

    Some Africans did sell slaves to each other (as was custom at the time) but it was NOT their own people you retard. That's like saying a Chinese person selling a North Korean slave is betraying their own people. They were selling slaves captured from enemy kingdoms. Not their own people. And besides, white people did the exact same shit. EVERYONE did. Lots of white slaves in America during the early years.
  15. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny

    none of them are exclusivelly racist in nature. its a racially neutral verb.

  16. Humans have been using drugs for literally our entire history. Our ape ancestors chewed on khat for hundreds of thousands of years before we left Africa. Alcohol became a thing pretty much as soon as we started farming. It was a fantastic way to preserve grain for the winter. Most societies in human history have had absolutely no laws regarding drug use. If anything they believed that drugs brought you closer to the gods. Even the ancient Sumerians used opium.

    So what's wrong with using drugs occasionally? Why strive to be sober? It's really such a western puritan concept. Europeans spread it just like they spread homophobia. Russia probably wouldn't be homophobic if it weren't for Christian missionaries in the 1500's. There was one who wrote of being 'appalled' at the openness at which gays expressed themselves. Slowly the influence of their religion grew, the aristocracy started speaking French instead of Russian, and the country eventually became a bastion for anti-gay bigotry. Not very Russian.

    Christianity is really one of the worst things ever to happen to the world. It facilitated so much evil. Other religions haven't been as influential or harmful except for maybe Islam.
  17. Originally posted by Kev Lets be real, the vast majority of us do drugs because we are dysfunctional and unhappy. Drug use is a symptom. If my kids were happy and had no reason to get high other than curiosity or peer pressure, i would let them try a small amount once just to let them see that its no big deal. If i was strict about it, i would fear turning it into a forbidden fruit which would turn them into junkies.

    The "just say no" bullshit doesnt fucking work.

    TLDR: I wouldnt want my kids doing that but i wouldnt tell them not to, that would make them wanna do it.

    Yeah but some people who use drugs are way more adjusted to life than the crazy sober people. Even if its just some beers here and there, the totally sober people are always batshit. I can't stand being around those kinds of people for very long.
  18. black people
  19. if you have to think about what you post you're doing it wrong
  20. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny injustice happens on a greater scale in mexhico and how manyntimes have you seen spics rioting and destroying theor own neighborhood ?

    Lol 'their own neighborhood'

    Yeah I'm sure those hood rats live right next door to Target.
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