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Posts by MexicanMasterRace

  1. Originally posted by infinityshock lovingly allowed lard-ass lanny the luxury of lapping the loins-leviathan while the little lad larps as a laotian ladyboy lapdancer---.-.-.---------------.----.----------.-.-.-.----.----------------------.-.---.----.----2-----------(b­anned) you, as an example, have made enough sincere posts to give a quite clear view of your personality and traits.

    youve made it abundantly clear that you are a candidate for pretty much every mental defect cited in the kike-DSM.

    youve proven my point that democrats are the party of the mentally defective.

    Cool ad hominem.

    It won't make Trump win though.
  2. Fonaplats wins on technicality but G acts the most trashy. He's very obsessed with image/money/power/masculinity. Probably because he is insecure about himself.
  3. Originally posted by Ghost fuck you lanny you drunk piece of shit nigger

    He's just playing games on Steam like a faggot. He was playing Outer Worlds just a bit ago. He doesn't care about us. So much for 'public servant.'
  4. Originally posted by Meikai It's stuff like this that makes me think Trump has been the catalyst for a new "party switch". This is the exact kind of thing that an official from the Bush Administration would have said, but it's an avid democrat voter saying it. And you're not unique in that regard. Not to mention how the democrats used to be the party most skeptical of and concerned with US Intelligence agencies, but have for the last 4 years trusted implicitly everything the mainstream media has said came from "former intelligence officials".

    Eh not really. I still support pulling out of the middle east and wish Trump would've done it like he said he was gonna do. I had the same opinion before Trump, and before Obama. I think you're making a lot of assumptions based on a country you only have knowledge of through online interactions. You should focus on your own country, Canadian.

    I also still support decreasing the military budget. America waaaay overpays for anything related to the military. They haven't been audited in decades and it's something neither Republicans or Democrats want to do. Bernie Sanders was the only one who even suggested it.
  5. Originally posted by Ghost pussy

    No she's a retard.
  6. Originally posted by infinityshock lovingly allowed lard-ass lanny the luxury of lapping the loins-leviathan while the little lad larps as a laotian ladyboy lapdancer---.-.-.---------------.----.----------.-.-.-.----.----------------------.-.---.----.----2-----------(b­anned) you are the literal epitome proving my point.

    go look at the poll thread about whos voting for tossed-salad joe: you, titless tech, and the faggot mexican.

    all three demonstrably mentally insane and completely out of touch with reality.

    the fact is, the mentally defective are the ones that support their clown king biden who is as fucked in the skull as they are.

    Yeah because NIS is reflective of real life.

    I'm sure all those Canadians, Europeans, and Australians are all TOTALLY American citizens who will vote. Clearly a poll on is more accurate than the national average of all American polls which was only off by 1.7% in 2016.
  7. Originally posted by Ghost yeah this is fucking bullshit fuck lanny, fatt chew should be free

    Srs this is like the only ban I've ever disagreed with. He literally lets vinny post child porn. Pretty sure Lanny is actually a pedophile but doesn't want to say because he is afraid of being tracked down. There's no other reason for it.
  8. Originally posted by AngryOnion That's the best post you have ever made,and its FUCKING TRUE!!!

    LOL holy fuck you are stupid.

    That post you quoted was not in your favor...
  9. Originally posted by Meikai In the context of this metaphor, America is the rapist. And yeah, it's not exactly high praise for you as a nation that it's commendable when you manage to go 4 years without raping anyone. The sad truth though is that it is commendable. And Trump is responsible for that.

    America isn't a force for good in the world. Trump has done more than any president in my lifetime to change that.

    I used to think the same thing but I don't anymore. Historically the world has had it's greatest peace when the world was controlled by a hegemony to keep everyone in line. The Romans, the Mongols, America, etc. Fear is actually really great for peace. Look at how we stopped doing the world war shit the minute someone dropped a nuke. The risk is just too great. Nobody wants to get nuked or have their entire village sacked. It's easier to comply.

    Like despite all the shit we have going on, this is still one of the most peaceful and prosperous times in all of human history.

    This is not to say that it's a good thing. I'm simply talking about periods of peace. All great empires of history have committed disgusting atrocities. That's modern life. You can't even live in a 1st world country without supporting slave labor in some way.

    Trump hasn't changed any of that. He said he was going to pull out the troops then just moved them around and increased the military budget. The world is not any more at peace than it was during Obama's era. In fact, I'd say it's even worse. The way Trump has handled Russia/China has directly led to dozens of thousands of deaths. It may not be American soldiers killing people, but people are still dying due to Trump's actions.

    Don't even get me started on COVID. Or the destruction of democracy Trump pushes. There is so much more at stake than him being a war monger which nobody even suggested anyway, altho he is
  10. Originally posted by Sophie You're kidding yourself if you think your opinion makes any sort of difference in how i think and what i do.

    I never said or implied such a thing. I'm simply wishing you harm due to the fact that you are an immoral pedophile and thus a shit stain on this world. I will take pleasure in any suffering you experience. My only request for you is that you keep posting to let us know when life gets tough. It gives me a good laugh. Might even start believing in karma.
  11. Originally posted by Meikai Sure. Maybe. And maybe Trump knew that, which is why he seized the opportunity to assassinate Soleimani now, when there was little chance of it escalating to a full-scale war.

    Point is, he's done marginally better in this regard than any president in the last 30 years. No new wars.

    This is like saying a rapist hasn't raped any new people. So hey guys, he's really not that bad of a rapist! He's a good rapist, actually!
  12. Originally posted by Ghost nigger

    Lol yeah fucking maple niggers taking it up the ass from Tim Horton.
  13. Originally posted by Meikai Shit, I forgot the Master Race gets a +5 to all illegal border crossing rolls.

    You guys don't even have a river lmao. Shit's easy.
  14. Originally posted by -SpectraL Like an anti-SpectraL template.

    Shut up old man, you have no proof.
  15. Originally posted by Splam CNN ATM:
    30 BIDEN 14,310,774
    42 TRUMP 14,428,489

    Lmao that's old.

    Right now Biden is at 88 and Trump at 72. Politico updates much faster.

    Also like I said, these are mostly the rural counties.

    Are you gonna make a bet or not? I want to take your money.
  16. Originally posted by G $1,000 crypto

    Originally posted by Nil $100CAD Trump wins.

    I'll be making $1,100 when this election is over. I think I'm going to donate it to BLM.
  17. Originally posted by Splam Fuck no, because you'd claim Russian collusion and refuse to pay.

    If you're so sure about Trump winning, you've got nothing to lose even if I don't pay out. The only possibility would be that you gain money. Are you maybe afraid of LOSING? Is that why you won't make the bet? You can't afford to pay out?
  18. Biden leading rn with 17% of votes counted. This is actually pretty crazy. These first counts are usually smaller/more rural counties.
  19. Originally posted by Splam If Biden wins, I'm going woke.

    You wanna make a bet or what faggot? I'm trying to make some money.
  20. Originally posted by G That basket-case has no means to pay a 1K wager, I don't even entertain the thought of him doing so lol.

    Hold up, I made a bet with you. Does this mean YOU aren't willing to pay the 1k? Because that's what it sounds like. You don't need to worry about my bank account.

    Didn't really expect you'd pay out anyway. You're too poor.
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