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Posts by MexicanMasterRace

  1. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Uncle Rastus on Genesis

    "The boy had climbed up on Uncle Rastus's knee with an appealing demand for a story which the old man was as usual utterly unable to resist.

    "Once on a time," he began, 'dey was a gemman and a lady who lived in a gyarden. De name oh de gemmen was Adam, and the name ob de lady was Eve, and dey had most eberyting anybody wanted to eat. Dey was fresh vegtables in dat gyarden, and chickrns, and roast lamb, and mashed potaters sizzzlin' with gravy, ready for 'em tree times a day, and all dey really had to do was not eat none o' de apples in de orchard. Dey'd done been told not to fetch dem apples under no sukkumstances if dey wanted to stay dar, but if dey did done fetch 'em, dey'd hab to move out and live somewhar else, where dey'd hab to woyk for a libbin' by de sweat ob deir browes ant pay for deir bread and butter, and de chickens and de roast lamb, and de potaters all sizzlin' with gravy.

    Well, I guess yo' know how dat was, sunny. Dey done lost all deir appetite fo' chickens and roast lamb and potaters all sizzlin' with gravy, and kep' a yearnin' and a yearnin' fo' dem apples, ontil finally de lady, while de gemman was out walkin' one day, sneaked ober to de orechard and after some howdy with a Mr. Snake what lived acrosst de way 'bout how sweet dem apples was, she done went and eat one ob 'em, savin' de core fo' de gemman's supper."

    "Yes," said the boy, "and then they git fired."

    "Yes," said Uncle Rastus, shaking his head, solemnly. "Dey'd gone and bruk de conract and dey done got fired. Dey packed up all deir furniture and deir household goods, and started lookin' fo' a new lodgin' place, but on deir way out dey had ter pass dat orechard oncet more, and dey went by one o' dem apples he done let out a laugh at 'em and began to guy 'em.

    "Iti yah, Mistuh," he done holler. "Got fired, ain't ye!"

    "Mistuh Adam, he done walk along, not sayin' nuthin but doin' a leap o' thinkin"

    "Wouldn't like a glass o' cider fo' yo' go, would ye?" grinned the apple.

    'Wid dat, Mistuh Adam done turned round and walk back to de tree, an' he grabbed dat old apple in his hands and he say, "I done suffered enough without standin no sass from you!" says he, and wid dat he squished de apple under his foot and walked away"

    The old man paused for a moment and again scratched his wolly old head.

    "And dat, sunny, was de origin ob- now what you s'pose?" he asked.

    "I don't know, Uncle Rastus," said the boy, running over many possibilities in his mind.

    "Apple sass!" said the old man.
  2. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace I just really can't be fucked to troll seriously anymore after we broke futureman. I wish he had held out.
  3. Originally posted by rabbitweed Dunno. I don't believe in either narrative. I like law and order and liberty. Elections are circuses.


  4. Good point. I wish there a way to like, round them up in one place? Just a big gathering so they're all concentrated in one place. Like a summer camp or something.
  5. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Uncle Rastus on Genesis

    "The boy had climbed up on Uncle Rastus's knee with an appealing demand for a story which the old man was as usual utterly unable to resist.

    "Once on a time," he began, 'dey was a gemman and a lady who lived in a gyarden. De name oh de gemmen was Adam, and the name ob de lady was Eve, and dey had most eberyting anybody wanted to eat. Dey was fresh vegtables in dat gyarden, and chickrns, and roast lamb, and mashed potaters sizzzlin' with gravy, ready for 'em tree times a day, and all dey really had to do was not eat none o' de apples in de orchard. Dey'd done been told not to fetch dem apples under no sukkumstances if dey wanted to stay dar, but if dey did done fetch 'em, dey'd hab to move out and live somewhar else, where dey'd hab to woyk for a libbin' by de sweat ob deir browes ant pay for deir bread and butter, and de chickens and de roast lamb, and de potaters all sizzlin' with gravy.

    Well, I guess yo' know how dat was, sunny. Dey done lost all deir appetite fo' chickens and roast lamb and potaters all sizzlin' with gravy, and kep' a yearnin' and a yearnin' fo' dem apples, ontil finally de lady, while de gemman was out walkin' one day, sneaked ober to de orechard and after some howdy with a Mr. Snake what lived acrosst de way 'bout how sweet dem apples was, she done went and eat one ob 'em, savin' de core fo' de gemman's supper."

    "Yes," said the boy, "and then they git fired."

    "Yes," said Uncle Rastus, shaking his head, solemnly. "Dey'd gone and bruk de conract and dey done got fired. Dey packed up all deir furniture and deir household goods, and started lookin' fo' a new lodgin' place, but on deir way out dey had ter pass dat orechard oncet more, and dey went by one o' dem apples he done let out a laugh at 'em and began to guy 'em.

    "Iti yah, Mistuh," he done holler. "Got fired, ain't ye!"

    "Mistuh Adam, he done walk along, not sayin' nuthin but doin' a leap o' thinkin"

    "Wouldn't like a glass o' cider fo' yo' go, would ye?" grinned the apple.

    'Wid dat, Mistuh Adam done turned round and walk back to de tree, an' he grabbed dat old apple in his hands and he say, "I done suffered enough without standin no sass from you!" says he, and wid dat he squished de apple under his foot and walked away"

    The old man paused for a moment and again scratched his wolly old head.

    "And dat, sunny, was de origin ob- now what you s'pose?" he asked.

    "I don't know, Uncle Rastus," said the boy, running over many possibilities in his mind.

    "Apple sass!" said the old man.
  6. Originally posted by -SpectraL I boil mine.

    Worst way to cook any meat.
  7. Originally posted by Technologist Just ate a 400 mg edible. It was a nerds rope. A friend gave it to me. Waiting to see how it goes. Hope that’s not too much!😂

  8. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Uncle Rastus on Genesis

    "The boy had climbed up on Uncle Rastus's knee with an appealing demand for a story which the old man was as usual utterly unable to resist.

    "Once on a time," he began, 'dey was a gemman and a lady who lived in a gyarden. De name oh de gemmen was Adam, and the name ob de lady was Eve, and dey had most eberyting anybody wanted to eat. Dey was fresh vegtables in dat gyarden, and chickrns, and roast lamb, and mashed potaters sizzzlin' with gravy, ready for 'em tree times a day, and all dey really had to do was not eat none o' de apples in de orchard. Dey'd done been told not to fetch dem apples under no sukkumstances if dey wanted to stay dar, but if dey did done fetch 'em, dey'd hab to move out and live somewhar else, where dey'd hab to woyk for a libbin' by de sweat ob deir browes ant pay for deir bread and butter, and de chickens and de roast lamb, and de potaters all sizzlin' with gravy.

    Well, I guess yo' know how dat was, sunny. Dey done lost all deir appetite fo' chickens and roast lamb and potaters all sizzlin' with gravy, and kep' a yearnin' and a yearnin' fo' dem apples, ontil finally de lady, while de gemman was out walkin' one day, sneaked ober to de orechard and after some howdy with a Mr. Snake what lived acrosst de way 'bout how sweet dem apples was, she done went and eat one ob 'em, savin' de core fo' de gemman's supper."

    "Yes," said the boy, "and then they git fired."

    "Yes," said Uncle Rastus, shaking his head, solemnly. "Dey'd gone and bruk de conract and dey done got fired. Dey packed up all deir furniture and deir household goods, and started lookin' fo' a new lodgin' place, but on deir way out dey had ter pass dat orechard oncet more, and dey went by one o' dem apples he done let out a laugh at 'em and began to guy 'em.

    "Iti yah, Mistuh," he done holler. "Got fired, ain't ye!"

    "Mistuh Adam, he done walk along, not sayin' nuthin but doin' a leap o' thinkin"

    "Wouldn't like a glass o' cider fo' yo' go, would ye?" grinned the apple.

    'Wid dat, Mistuh Adam done turned round and walk back to de tree, an' he grabbed dat old apple in his hands and he say, "I done suffered enough without standin no sass from you!" says he, and wid dat he squished de apple under his foot and walked away"

    The old man paused for a moment and again scratched his wolly old head.

    "And dat, sunny, was de origin ob- now what you s'pose?" he asked.

    "I don't know, Uncle Rastus," said the boy, running over many possibilities in his mind.

    "Apple sass!" said the old man.
  9. Originally posted by ORACLE White lives alone don't matter. They matter less than the lives of dogs and cats.

    But more than a house fly
  10. Uncle Rastus on Genesis

    "The boy had climbed up on Uncle Rastus's knee with an appealing demand for a story which the old man was as usual utterly unable to resist.

    "Once on a time," he began, 'dey was a gemman and a lady who lived in a gyarden. De name oh de gemmen was Adam, and the name ob de lady was Eve, and dey had most eberyting anybody wanted to eat. Dey was fresh vegtables in dat gyarden, and chickrns, and roast lamb, and mashed potaters sizzzlin' with gravy, ready for 'em tree times a day, and all dey really had to do was not eat none o' de apples in de orchard. Dey'd done been told not to fetch dem apples under no sukkumstances if dey wanted to stay dar, but if dey did done fetch 'em, dey'd hab to move out and live somewhar else, where dey'd hab to woyk for a libbin' by de sweat ob deir browes ant pay for deir bread and butter, and de chickens and de roast lamb, and de potaters all sizzlin' with gravy.

    Well, I guess yo' know how dat was, sunny. Dey done lost all deir appetite fo' chickens and roast lamb and potaters all sizzlin' with gravy, and kep' a yearnin' and a yearnin' fo' dem apples, ontil finally de lady, while de gemman was out walkin' one day, sneaked ober to de orechard and after some howdy with a Mr. Snake what lived acrosst de way 'bout how sweet dem apples was, she done went and eat one ob 'em, savin' de core fo' de gemman's supper."

    "Yes," said the boy, "and then they git fired."

    "Yes," said Uncle Rastus, shaking his head, solemnly. "Dey'd gone and bruk de conract and dey done got fired. Dey packed up all deir furniture and deir household goods, and started lookin' fo' a new lodgin' place, but on deir way out dey had ter pass dat orechard oncet more, and dey went by one o' dem apples he done let out a laugh at 'em and began to guy 'em.

    "Iti yah, Mistuh," he done holler. "Got fired, ain't ye!"

    "Mistuh Adam, he done walk along, not sayin' nuthin but doin' a leap o' thinkin"

    "Wouldn't like a glass o' cider fo' yo' go, would ye?" grinned the apple.

    'Wid dat, Mistuh Adam done turned round and walk back to de tree, an' he grabbed dat old apple in his hands and he say, "I done suffered enough without standin no sass from you!" says he, and wid dat he squished de apple under his foot and walked away"

    The old man paused for a moment and again scratched his wolly old head.

    "And dat, sunny, was de origin ob- now what you s'pose?" he asked.

    "I don't know, Uncle Rastus," said the boy, running over many possibilities in his mind.

    "Apple sass!" said the old man.
  11. We need more tunnels.
  12. Originally posted by Sophie I'll do whatever the fuck fits within my moral framework, get that through your thick gay mexican skull.

    So child rape falls into your moral framework. Got it.
  13. Originally posted by -SpectraL I want you to admit you are wrong about just about everything you post.

  14. Originally posted by -SpectraL No, the study didn't say they stop the spread.

    Neither did anyone else. Retard.
  15. That post needs to be etched in stone and preserved for future generations

    I love old shit like this. There's an article in there about how the sun is going to collapse in 30,000 years lol
  17. Okay so Nigger on the Moon is based on an old Minstrel tale about a dude named Uncle Rastus. The last line of the chorus is "No white trash can fool me" lol. I can't find shit though damn. It would be easier if I heard how it sounded at least. Anyway I had to type out this story because all I found was an image of it and it's hard to read, but all these typos were there lol. This is from issue 55 of 'Harper's Weekly' from 1911.

    Uncle Rastus on Genesis

    "The boy had climbed up on Uncle Rastus's knee with an appealing demand for a story which the old man was as usual utterly unable to resist.

    "Once on a time," he began, 'dey was a gemman and a lady who lived in a gyarden. De name oh de gemmen was Adam, and the name ob de lady was Eve, and dey had most eberyting anybody wanted to eat. Dey was fresh vegtables in dat gyarden, and chickrns, and roast lamb, and mashed potaters sizzzlin' with gravy, ready for 'em tree times a day, and all dey really had to do was not eat none o' de apples in de orchard. Dey'd done been told not to fetch dem apples under no sukkumstances if dey wanted to stay dar, but if dey did done fetch 'em, dey'd hab to move out and live somewhar else, where dey'd hab to woyk for a libbin' by de sweat ob deir browes ant pay for deir bread and butter, and de chickens and de roast lamb, and de potaters all sizzlin' with gravy.

    Well, I guess yo' know how dat was, sunny. Dey done lost all deir appetite fo' chickens and roast lamb and potaters all sizzlin' with gravy, and kep' a yearnin' and a yearnin' fo' dem apples, ontil finally de lady, while de gemman was out walkin' one day, sneaked ober to de orechard and after some howdy with a Mr. Snake what lived acrosst de way 'bout how sweet dem apples was, she done went and eat one ob 'em, savin' de core fo' de gemman's supper."

    "Yes," said the boy, "and then they git fired."

    "Yes," said Uncle Rastus, shaking his head, solemnly. "Dey'd gone and bruk de conract and dey done got fired. Dey packed up all deir furniture and deir household goods, and started lookin' fo' a new lodgin' place, but on deir way out dey had ter pass dat orechard oncet more, and dey went by one o' dem apples he done let out a laugh at 'em and began to guy 'em.

    "Iti yah, Mistuh," he done holler. "Got fired, ain't ye!"

    "Mistuh Adam, he done walk along, not sayin' nuthin but doin' a leap o' thinkin"

    "Wouldn't like a glass o' cider fo' yo' go, would ye?" grinned the apple.

    'Wid dat, Mistuh Adam done turned round and walk back to de tree, an' he grabbed dat old apple in his hands and he say, "I done suffered enough without standin no sass from you!" says he, and wid dat he squished de apple under his foot and walked away"

    The old man paused for a moment and again scratched his wolly old head.

    "And dat, sunny, was de origin ob- now what you s'pose?" he asked.

    "I don't know, Uncle Rastus," said the boy, running over many possibilities in his mind.

    "Apple sass!" said the old man.
  18. fuck
  19. That villager shop is really useful, holy shit.
  20. Originally posted by mmQ I can find the sheet music for this but I cant find the actual audio version and now I'm rather curious to hear how it sounds when properly performed.

    Lol post it. Depending on how hard it is I might be able to play it.
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