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Posts by MexicanMasterRace

  1. Originally posted by DontTellEm Too dumb & too fat. Okay, bud

    He didn't say fat lol
  2. Originally posted by UR_stepmoms_TITTIES Why do Mexicans allow gangs of violent drug runners to run their country for them?

    Gangs are cool
  3. Originally posted by Bill Krozby what are you gibbering about? You're being dumb again.

    Ah you're right, Republicans were retarded 10 years ago as well. My bad, rapist.
  4. Originally posted by CASPER Charlottesville was mostly peaceful. Why do people keep bringing up Charlottesville?

    Im cool with people of color. I dont like anyone who blames their problems on white people, excuses criminality bc the perpetrator is a person of color, and thinks their opinion is more valid bc theyre 1/32nd cherokee.

    Fucking lol.

    Go ahead and tell me how anti-fa and BLM are 'blaming their problems on white people'? Who is excusing criminality? Who thinks their opinion is more valid.

    These are all ideas YOU have come up with and superimposed onto people based on headlines and videos online. The sect of people you are talking about who do dumb shit like cry about black owned businesses, or reparations, is INCREDIBLY SMALL. The portion of those people who support violence as some kind of payback for those 'causes' is incredibly small.

    Most people just use the big crowds as an excuse to hide and commit crimes. It doesn't matter what the crowd is for, I've said it before. Sports fans wreck shit all the fucking time. It doesn't matter what sport or what country, they will get drunk and start riots when their team wins/loses. Does it mean that all sports fans are violent? No.

    I mean seriously, this is what you care about? The small number of people burning shit? This is your 'social justice warrior' movement that you are willing to some reason vote for Trump for? The fuck is Trump going to do to stop it lol. All he'll do is escalate, he won't actually pass any legislative change that will effect things long term. Biden will, it's published in his plan.
  5. Originally posted by Grylls Lol

    LOL dude that's nice. Good one. Do you have that other one she sent you?
  6. It wasn't like this 10 years ago, what the fuck happened?
  7. Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING 2020 IV: Intravenous Soyposting Those are swanky pens.

    Typical republicant deflection
  8. Seriously do they think we're just pulling this out of our ass? Fucking look it up. It has been 35% for almost 30 years.

    Now it's the lowest it's been since 1940... Remember the great economy of the 50's-80's pretty much? Economists call this the 'golden age of American capitalism', and it was quite possibly the best economy in the history of the world. Especially the 50's.

    Taxes help, people. Look at those corporate tax rates. Biden wants to raise corporate taxes to 26%. This is better than 21%, but it's not enough. Bernie Sanders was going to raise it back to 35%. These are not made up numbers, these are the figures listed in their plans. Biden was in the Obama administration and spent 8 years NOT changing the corporate tax rate. Bush did the same. Fuck. How are you guys so stupid and uneducated. Just look it up.

    There is a reason corporations flock here. It's because our taxes are low. It brings business but does not benefit the average American at all. Most Republicans are voting against their own interests. It's sad.
  9. Originally posted by CASPER

    Well yeah, that's how most of it is. It only takes one person to set a fire. The whole crowd isn't involved. It isn't organized. The majority are peaceful and there to exercise their rights.

    It was so funny a few months ago when Republicans were screaming about their right to freedom of assembly during lockdown. What happened to that? Now suddenly all of these people are not exercising their right to free speech and freedom of assembly, but are rioters simply for being outside where a fire happened. Is the reporter a rioter too? I don't see anyone committing any crimes there, so 'mostly peaceful' as the reporter said seems to fit what's going on.

    There are always agents of chaos. When you stop believing the media and attributing them to 'the enemy' is when you'll stop being a bigot. In your case, 'the enemy' is black people and people of color.

  10. Somebody's got to do something about anti-fa? Biden spells it all out. They're not an organization. At least, not according to FBI director Christopher A. Wray, who was hired by Trump in 2017.

    Short for “anti-fascists,” antifa is not a single organization but rather an umbrella term for far-left-leaning militant groups that confront or resist neo-Nazis and white supremacists at demonstrations.

    There is no hierarchical structure to antifa or universal set of tactics that makes its presence immediately recognizable, though members tend to espouse revolutionary and anti-authoritarian views
  11. 5g of sugar in a 6 inch italian. Like 1-2g is normal because you need it to feed the yeast.

    It'll still be labeled as bread tho, this is just for tax purposes. They'll pay a marginally higher tax on bread sales like they already do for many products. The reason they detected 5x the amount of sugar is because of the additional ingredients Supreme Court Justice Donal O'Donnel chose to get on his sandwich that day.

    This isn't news.
  12. Originally posted by Kev whats wrong with me? i took drug advice from hikki, lmao.
    but you had to get yourself banned and couldnt give your 2 cents so…

    You're not my responsibility you dumb fuck. I can't help it if you decide to jump off a cliff and take benedryl.
  13. Originally posted by Kev so the bitch can exploit him but he cant exploit her? get off the estrogen train, gayass.

    Yeah, she's the one exploiting him. Lmao.
  14. Originally posted by Archer513 *watching a burning city behind CNN reporter*

    “These mostly peaceful protests…”

    See…they’re peaceful. i’M sMeRt…

    You're just making shit up like usual
  15. Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING 2020 IV: Intravenous Soyposting I seen your mom, and that's even more terrifying.

    Lanny thanked your post. That's how you know it's 3rd grade tier.
  16. Originally posted by CASPER If Biden walked back the social justice, had any running mate who wasnt kamala harris, and limited his gun reform plan to universal background checks, id probably vote for him.

  17. Originally posted by Speedy Parker Snopes is a fucking joke

    Source? More youtube videos?
  18. Originally posted by stl1 Or…get rid of the angry orange clown who came up with such a shameful, one-sided, benefit the ultra-rich system in the first place with a man who will put the people, rather than himself, first.

    Dude lost popular vote in 2016 lol. He has never represented the will of the people and never will.
  19. Originally posted by WellHung Pakis Don't respect their women. You treat them as property.

    Of course. What else are you supposed to treat them as?
  20. Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING 2020 IV: Intravenous Soyposting I know for you, living under a banana tree, all you need to do is reach up and grab breakfast, but shops being short on items is a serious problem when it happens.


    Have you ever seen a tornado or earthquake?

    I have.
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