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Posts by MexicanMasterRace

  1. Originally posted by Narc holy shit you couldn't be more wrong


    Oh yeah? Tell us how it is, rapist.
  2. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson lolololol

    Humans would be long dead before they could destroy the planet. Again, it's revived itself many many times…65 million years ago when a fucking big rock hit and killed 99% of life on still recovered and we were the result of that…Humans huffing out carbon isn't going to kill the planet…it might kill us but so what…life goes on etc.

    Our passing will clear the way for the Ant people.

    Post a study or shut the fuck up.
  3. Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING 2020 IV: Intravenous Soyposting Jesus Christ. "Western Chauvinist." These people really do hate us.

    That is literally how the Proud Boys define themselves. Their initiation has an oath you have to say for the first step:

    "I’m a proud Western chauvinist, I refuse to apologize for creating the modern world"

    The second is getting punched until the person recites pop culture trivia, such as the names of five breakfast cereals

    The third is getting a tattoo and agreeing to not masturbate

    The fourth is getting into a major fight "for the cause."

    This is a gang.
  4. Originally posted by CASPER

    womp womp

  5. Originally posted by 🐿 I'm hoping just as much as you.

    But you should really get your estrogen levels checked.

    wuts estrogen?
  6. Originally posted by Kev Then spam some more assholes and spend a few more months in the mongolvoid, nigger.

    Fuck you I'll do what I want. Try not to kill yourself with benedryl in the mean time.
  7. Originally posted by 🐿 Definitely. I'm all about people dying.

    Hopefully you're next, whitey.
  8. Originally posted by Nil They come out of the woodwork to defend a murderous sadist, who beats up women and wonder why PoC riot? Because instead of trying to talk to people and understand their grievances he just walks in brandishing a weapon like it's the fucking wild west.

    It's actually amazing what right wing media has done. Studies have found the protests are 93% peaceful. That is, protests where no crime whatsoever happened. But somehow that entire movement for social justice is "riots" instead. That's what people have reduced it to. BLM, which is a decentralized ideology, and anti-fa, which is a decentralized ideology, have been mangled by Fox and friends to the point people believe it's some kind of terrorist organization. There is no evidence for this, and the FBI has even gone out of their way to say otherwise, but that doesn't stop people from believing the little image in their head.

    "Oh look a youtube video of a store on fire. All the protests must be like that!" They don't realize that the media is showing them what it wants to show them. They see a bunch of videos of riots, so they think that's how it all is. The whole while forgetting that there are minorities being murdered and discriminated against. Trump's concentration camps are still going strong by the border. Black people are still getting killed by police with large amounts of people who think you should 'just obey' when the police commit acts of injustice, but not the CDC who employs actual scientists. Nevermind that there are people who have obey'd and gotten killed anyway. There are people who have gotten opposing orders. Stay still, get out of the car, which one?

    And besides the police, racial injustice is rampant. When will we get fair funding for schools? There was a school in Chicago I read about where they had to cancel gym class because some pipes burst in the winter and they just flat out couldn't afford to fix it for years and years. What the fuck is that? Those kids don't get gym just because their parents are poor? I guess that's America.
  9. Originally posted by 🐿 Wild west was a pretty cool era though.

    Racism, disease, and unchecked capitalism were killing people back then too. Pretty cool.

    Idk which one narc is, probly the croc but it's really no harm and no foul and he doesn't seem like he's abusing them, just enabling

    There's a term for this. It's called 'survival sex'. It's consensual but you're still taking advantage of your position of power, like a Doctor fucking their secretary. What's going to happen when you break up, deny their advances, or make them mad? You lose a job? Can't pay your bills now? It's even worse when it's a homeless woman. That woman likely has nowhere else to go. He could've been a good person and given her a place to stay with no strings attached. Instead, he decides that he's going to get something out of it. Sex. The woman needs food and a warm place so she agrees.

    It's fucking despicable, and the attitude of a greety fat slob who takes takes takes. It's not as if you can't have a romantic relationship bud out of these situations. You can. But what are the chances Narc is in love with the woman he's coming on here and calling a bitch? That's not a healthy relationship. He doesn't actually care about her. He just cares about getting laid.

    And like I said, Narc doesn't have the maturity to get with girls his age, or the looks and money to get with the younger girls he's attracted to. That's why he picks on homeless junkies.
  11. Originally posted by cigreting Yeah because i inform snowlfakes about evoluion and instinct of females. I know its hard for retards like you to accept

    No dude you are the most butthurt misogynist I've ever seen.
  12. Originally posted by 🐿 You have the burden of proof yet you refuse to cite anything. Again, you've been known to pull shit out of your ass and act like it's a fact. As for the woman he punched, maybe her adult ass shouldn't have attacked his teenage sister first.

    But everyone rioting over Jacob Blake who was a sexual and physical abuser of women. So are we okay with men hitting women or are we not? I'm confused.

    Lol the woman he punched was walking away. He walked through a parking lot to get to her. Dude was a lot bigger and it was not a fair fight. You don't get to assault someone like that just because you're angry. Just like the incident in Wisconsin, that was not self defense. Nobody was in danger at that point until he chased that woman down and beat her up, just like how nobody was in danger in Wisconsin until he came in and started pointing his gun nervously at everybody around him.

    I haven't pulled anything out of my ass. Do the research yourself and you will see. You clearly haven't, considering you haven't heard of these videos. People like you only pay attention when it's big in the headlines and don't actually take the time to do research and learn.

    Pretty typical of white people actually. That's why your people have such a propensity towards racism and bigotry.
  13. Originally posted by 🐿 Your fragile racism feelings are exactly like cigreting is towards women.

    He's just sexist. I'm not racist for hating white people. That's impossible lol.
  14. Originally posted by 🐿 Post your footage of Rittenhouse using racial slurs. Still waiting.

    Try looking into the four civil suits by his victims, sweetie. They're suing Facebook as well for violating it's own policies with some of the groups Rittenhouse was in, like several explicitly racist and Nazi glorifying Boogaloo Boys pages (hence all the militia shit he was into.) The video will be released whenever this court case is over with I guess. They are keeping it private because they don't want Rittenhouse to gain notoriety or be seen as some kind of martyr.
  15. Originally posted by 🐿 You're racist.

    I don't give a shit, white people are garbage.
  16. Originally posted by aldra Do you believe everything the FBI says?

    If the FBI told you chickens were a type of bird, you would begin to doubt it. The FBI is the only institution responsible for looking into domestic terror/extremist groups in the USA. They say that the Proud Boys are a white supremacist organization, and that anti-fa is an ideology, not an organization. Anti-fa does not organize like the Proud Boys. They do not have a leader, or hierarchy, or members. They literally act out assassinations of leftists leaders in re-enactments.

    It's also men only and they believe women are subservient to men. They have a four step hazing and the third step is getting a Proud Boys tattoo and agreeing not to masturbate. These people are fucking crazy. This is a racist, violent cult, and the FBI agrees. Anti-fa doesn't have hazing, or an initiation, or anything like that. Want to 'join anti-fa'? You join a facebook group for anti-government protests. 93% of protests have been entirely peaceful.
  17. Originally posted by mmQ Yeah that certainly is a good choice. I just throw in whatever random stuff I have on hand. Usually cook off some hamburger to put in and I like to add things like crushed red paper flakes and ranch and hot sauce and frankincense.

    Right me too I just throw whatever's in the kitchen like rubber bands and phone chargers lol. I consider my style of cooking to be 'freestyle'.
  18. Originally posted by Bugz stop getting angry at me mr gay gallum.


    dont be selective

    Shut up gramps you don't know me. I would kill you with a single punch.
  19. Repeat after me: Rittenhouse was not attacked. You have to be attacked to claim self defense.
  20. Originally posted by CASPER §m£ÂgØL is pulling a §m£ÂgØL

    Rittenhouse looks like the kind of gont to look over his shoulder n giggle when someone says a no-no word

    Yeah, that's why he was charged with homicide, right?
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