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Posts by MexicanMasterRace

  1. Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING 2020 IV: Intravenous Soyposting Mexican, please stop shitting up this topical thread.

    This thread is all about how the world is fucked and I've gone crazy.

    You gonna do a shooting just like rittenhouse?
  2. Originally posted by Meikai Nah that was jedi kabbalah magic and stem cells harvested from the aborted fetuses she legalized.

  3. Jesus christ you're gullible.
  4. hE'S hIsPanIC!!

  5. Originally posted by Indiana-Is-Eternal Do your own research then dipshit

    It's common knowledge

    Its not common knowledge. You understand it would be against federal law to have that info published of a 17yr old, right? Show the actual source or shut the fuck up.
  6. Originally posted by Sophie Neither am i. I am talking about twitter bots.

    Me too. It's not real. I think you're too deep in the propaganda.
  7. Originally posted by Meikai >meme magic elected Trump
    >meme magic will kill him

    Play with the ruinous powers of chaos, get burned by the ruinous powers of chaos.

    Even if he doesn't die, the chances this causes life long damage are high. I'd be surprised to see him hit 80. He's not a healthy dude. RBG lived as long as she did because she took good care of her health. Woman had a personal trainer at 87. Rich people shit, but thats how you do it
  8. Originally posted by Sophie Clearly you have no idea what you are talking about.

    I'm not the one talking about voodoo and black magic
  9. Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING 2020 IV: Intravenous Soyposting The system has learned to assign blame to powerless groups, judas goats. So it blames evangelical schlubs (who are zionist, but powerless) for America's support for Israel, working class whites for large corporations not paying any tax, motorists for global warming and also the invasion of Iraq, Trump voters for coronavirus, etc. There's always a (powerless) group to blame.

    Punching down suits bullies perfectly anyway. Punching up is scary.

    Dude you are retarded lol. Thank God people who think like you are in the minority and are largely seen as batshit insane by the rest of the world. You hold the opinions of the elite rich, not someone of your wealth class.
  10. Originally posted by Indiana-Is-Eternal lol did you watch the blackstone intelligence video as well

    "Did you watch the same crazy right wing propaganda I did?"
  11. Originally posted by Indiana-Is-Eternal He's hispanic

    Really this is your source? Lol.

    Im white on some forms. Black and Asian on others. It doesn't mean anything. Let me open up paint and show you
  12. Originally posted by Misguided Russian We use kettles, kinda.

    p.s. all you niggas who boil water in plastic with the intention of consuming it are dumb. Like real dumb, for real.

    This nigga doesn't know about food safe plastic lol. You get more estrogen eating an apple.
  13. Originally posted by Indiana-Is-Eternal Militias aren't white supremacist groups

    They were explicitly racist which is why they got banned. Militias arent racist in and of themselves.
  14. Originally posted by Sophie Did anyone see the thousands of bot posts he got as replies right after he announced he had the coof? It was all kinds of Satanic imagery accompanied by some strange script that turned out to be Ethiopian, i can't remember exactly what the messages said but they were all quite ominous and had to do with death and paying for his sins or something to that effect. I saw it happen live, it went on for about an hour, and it was almost every single reply. Then it suddenly stopped and i haven't heard anyone mention a thing about it since.

    Now i'm not saying it's demons…

    It was Ruth Bader Ginsburg shitpoting from the dead
  15. Originally posted by Indiana-Is-Eternal Obongo put those mexicans in cages not trump

    Objectively wrong.
  16. Originally posted by Indiana-Is-Eternal He isn't white supremacist that is just a meme the media made for mindless idiots like you to parrot

    Also he's "hispanic"

    Nah he's white.

    And yeah he is a white supremacist. He was joined in racist militia groups which he got banned from facebook, twitter, and Instagram for. You don't join groups like that if you aren't racist.
  17. Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING 2020 IV: Intravenous Soyposting Glad we agree. The thing that authoritarian regimes rely on is the availability of people like you and Techno, who will do great evil just for a pat on the head and the assurance that you're one of the good guys and are on the right side of history. That's how, for instance, the East Germans convinced 1/3 of the population to spy on the rest.

    Day to day do you feel any calmer? Your rage could be status anxiety?

    The left isnt the one putting children in cages (like hitler) deploying federal troops to cities (like hitler) taking over public discourse with sensationalist talk and iconology (like hitler) or wants to extend his term (like hitler, mussolini, stalin, kim il-sung, pol pot, xi, putin, etc.)

    Trump is the one doing all those things. He's following the textbook line for line, just as Putin is telling him to in those meetings where there are no microphones or others present for some reason. You know, like the mafia does?
  18. Originally posted by Bill Krozby You're an idiot rape victim stuck on stupid

    Is that what you told your rape victims?
  19. Originally posted by Indiana-Is-Eternal But yeah

    They're suing Biden for including a photo of Kyle in this video where they include a sound bite of trump being asked to denounce "white supremacy"

    Well he's a documented white supremacist who already lost a similar case in 2018 so I doubt he'll win this one either. He's a criminal trying to clear his criminal name. That's all there is to it
  20. Originally posted by Indiana-Is-Eternal I meant Joe Biden and his campaign

    Anyways you're a dumbfuck the thread is about the camera man's account.

    You need power to be an authoritarian... Keep living in your fantasy land you lard ass.
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