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Posts by fucking_weirdo

  1. recently i started working with this guy who seems kind of like a normie but also weird as fuck and the first time i met him i was possibly a lil delusional and i thought for sure this dudes tweaking because he's like 40 and said he spent a bunch of time basically homeless but traveling around the country and then ended up working at some horse show or something like that for a decade before coming back. because i initially perceived him as such a weirdo i immediately started trying to figure out what kind of music he listens to so i kept playing things like primus and asking him if he like certain bands or styles of music but nothing i brought up he actually liked. he likes some weird indie shit though that he played and it was alright.

    anyways so it was sort of antagonizing me because i have no way to understand this type of person so i kept asking him if he likes certain music for 3 weeks straight and annoyed the shit out of him to the point i can tell he doesn't like me (but who needs ppl with shit taste anyways lol) but yesterday i figured he probably likes modest mouse because he kind of seems like someone who would be around indie rednecks or something and modest mouse is objectively good so i asked him and he said he not only does not like modest mouse, he DISLIKES THEM. like he thinks they're shit, which i cannot understand at all. i could understand someone saying they just don't like them or don't listen to them because they do have kind of a weird sound, but i don't think i've met anyone else ever in my life who is just like "yea that band sucks"

    so finally i just did what i always do when someone doesn't like me and pretended to not even notice and just be obnoxiously friendly and just was like "well since our music tastes seem to be mutually exclusive we should start a band together and make a style of music the world has never heard before" and hes just like "uhh..yea.." lmao

    but yea if you think modest mouse isn't talented it just means you have shit taste

  2. politics is just a distraction by the liberal media so you dont consume and make art
  3. 2 packs a day is a lot of cigarettes
  4. yea im still gonna go with substance b every single time
  5. huh?
  6. I’ve known about this since high school OP, you’re behind the times
  7. yea a couple times, it made me feel like i might have a heart attack
  8. Originally posted by Solstice I tested positive at my doctors for meth, fentanyl, weed and benzos three months ago and he's about to give me amps again once i pass this piss test

    looks like i'm going to start going to your doctor lol
  9. my hands are totally fucked up from getting cut and getting shards of glass stuck in them and burning and also caustic chemicals
  10. What do you call the disorder where you just have various negative symptoms from all types of different disorders on a random shuffle for your whole life?
  11. I have a diagnosis of “methamphetamine abuse disorder” I’m assuming I’m never getting prescribed Dexedrine, right?
  12. meth is godlike

    Actually that’s not very true. What is godlike is doing meth and then harnessing the inhumanely insane ability to get into a flow state for ridiculously long and then using that extended flow state to continue to build meaning/euphoria.

    If you start smoking it or do too much and start tweaking out, or just spend the whole time watching porn you will feel like the most disgusting degenerate on the face of the earth
  13. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood sounds lame you need to slow down young buck

    It’s alright, god is forcing me to live so nothing bad can happen to me
  14. I’ve had success with 10 mg oxycodone before, although I wasn’t trying for it, I just couldn’t get any more oxy :/
  15. From the age of 16 til now
  16. Originally posted by 1993 im weirder than u

    that may be true, but you could think of "effective weirdness" as a number value representing weirdness times another value that represents how often you engage that weirdness in tthe world and i think i'd beat you there
  17. first i was at work and i was methed hard and this one girl who sometimes accidentally sends orders back to the kitchen twice, resulting in us unnecessarily making the food twice, was working with me when she committed the aforementioned mistakes. since the drugs were making me a little paranoid the thought crossed my mind that she might have done it intentionally just to fuck with me which irritated me, and i expressed this notion to her which made her instantly pissed off at me and walk away and then we didn't talk the rest of the shift. later she sent me a long text about it and how it hurt her feelings and stuff. she said all this stuff like that i think she sucks and is a sarcastic bitch and i just said "no i dont think any of that i just want to not have to make th orders twice"

    then the next day i was feeling and looking pretty haggard, no sleep and all that. i worked with her again and she was like "ommmggg im soooo glad we made up" like we were estranged childhood best friends or something.she hugged me and then that day she asked if i wanted to come to a bar with her gay best friend and his boyfriend. i feel like she had to have known from the way i was acting and looked that i was on something so im surprised she wanted me to come but i just said i dont do that well in social interaction in groups. and she said they're deaf so we're just going to chill and not talk. i wasn't sure if she was fucking with me or what but she's not really the type to do that sort of thing and she seemed very serious the whole time.

    so i stayed up the whole night smoking dmt and drawing and more meth. the next day my eyes have that dead look to them thats a dead giveaway even though im still stimmed up. a couple people told me i looked thin. a lot of them try to subtly hint at it. i know i'm skinny though. but you know how it is with eating. i went to work and this douchebag i work with who gets angry any time he has to do literally anything was there, he of course wanted to go home like 3 hours early like he does every day, and i hate him so much that i'd rather him just not be around me even if work twice as hard to make up for it. anyways long story short that guy is probably going to rage out one of these days and get fired. he's been lazy as fuck forever and just blames it on literally everyone else.

    a few days prior i came in and he had worked the night before and he left a trash can full of shit there overnight, so i did the same to him. the next time i saw him i thought he might be pissed but he just acted friendly and like nothing happened. but apparently he was too afraid to ask me so he asked the girl why i did that and she told him because he did the same thing.

    i burned my hands with meth dissolved in water which is very irritating now. i also cut the same tip of my thumb off tiwice, which hurt, bad.

    found out my new neighbors are real emo kids too but more like doomer to bloomers. we talked about various psychiatric disorders and math which was really cool. it's not often you meet someone that actually has something to say. and something in common with my interests (which are narrow)

    i stayed up all night again doing meth and smoking dmt. i hotrailed dmt but fucked it up and got burning gooey dmt caught on the back of my throat. it sucked but was livable.

    i talked to random strangers on the internet about various shit. i talked to random people IRL about random shit and came off as weird a lot. i practiced trying to drill holes in glass and shape it after torching it.

    i saw a show with two bands who are some of my all time favorites. i did a hotrail in an unusual location with an ex cook (not at applebees) who then told me a whole bunch of stories and things about that life. he told me about growing mushrooms in the 90s and i told him how everything had changed since then.

    i think that's it. maybe there's more i'll think of later and add it in.
  18. anyone ever tried this? i'm not sure why
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