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Posts by 8stringflinG

  1. 8stringflinG African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal once again

    the explosives as well as the planes were for theatrics
    the buildings were demolished using directed energy weapons
    firefighters at "ground zero" (the name itself sounds like it has some sort of occult meaning) claim to have seen flashes of light come from the sky.

    Man I hope you're joking, and that someone like you can't actually be fucking real.
  2. 8stringflinG African Astronaut
    This is not a hard rule, but generally a good one to live by.
  3. 8stringflinG African Astronaut
    edit: oops
  4. 8stringflinG African Astronaut
    Originally posted by mmQ REALLY annoying? I cant remember the last time I've typed either of those and if see them in a post I dont even think twice anymore about what they mean, as well I'm sure nobody here really does.

    I've seen people ask what bundy and crouton are before. I also just typed Crouton in a different thread. A while ago technologist made a thread asking about Crouton and all of the times people typed Crouton got changed into crouton. Also when duke zion came back he was talking about bundy a lot.

    So basically you're wrong and should kill yourself. Please message me back when you've done it, thanks.
  5. 8stringflinG African Astronaut
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Glass is less reactive I should say. Some metals are less reactive than others.

    Soap stone is the ultimate it's rock

    Yeah, but like I said, safety really depends on the metal your pipe is made of. Being more generally 'reactive' doesn't mean anything. I mean what are you doing, digging under the kitchen sink and smoking whatever you find? As long as heat isn't degrading the metals in your pipe, and you cleaned it out of all mechanical oil/metal dust, you're good. I really like metal pipes after tripping once with one that I'd wrapped electrical tape around. We called it 'the destroyer' because we destroyed a quarter of weed with it in that night.
  6. 8stringflinG African Astronaut
    It's just really annoying and the joke is over and fuck you Lanny.


  7. 8stringflinG African Astronaut
    Originally posted by AngryIVer Basically this. Someone posted an article on Facebook the other day with the headline "9 FATALITIES CAUSED BY VAPING!" and half way through the "article" there's a sentence that mentions every case of hospitalization or death they've dealt with in this particular "outbreak" is directly linked to bootleg THC cartridges and has nothing to do with vaping at all.

    I said it earlier in this thread, the FDA is corrupt and big tobacco is openly lobbying to restrict the e-cigarette market so that they can create a monopoly. The FDA released a similar false report about K.ratom where literally every single death included other drugs that actually cause respiratory depression, and one of them had A FUCKING GUNSHOT WOUND.

    Posting again because I think a lot of people just tldr it.

    Originally posted by G4LM Okay I feel the need to make a point here: This is not because anyone thinks flavored vapes are 'bad'. That is such a ridiculous and flawed sentiment that only a retard could believe.

    Something most people don't know is that big tobacco conglomerates like British American Tobacco, Altria (Phillip Morris), Reynolds, etc, have LONG held stake in the e-cigarette company. For some reason people think that the tobacco companies are lobbying against this shit, and that's why vaping is having such a hard time in America. It's not. JUUL, for example, is 35% owned by Altria. BLU, one of the first popular vapes on the market, has been passed around like a sex doll between various tobacco corporations. China Tobacco (a Chinese state run company and the biggest tobacco producer in the world) runs many of the factories where some of the cheaper hardware is produced. Stuff like Smok and Aspire. They also do mods but I cannot remember any brands as I've mostly used nicotine salts in recent years so those are what I remember.

    You can look at previous legislation on ejuice regulation to see what this is all about. Remember before 2018 when you could get vape juice mixed on location, and stores even had their own product? Well that went away with new FDA regulations that introduced a need for FDA approval. Sounds good and well until you realize that the high cost of testing effectively stamps out smaller businesses. You see the same happening with new marijuana laws, which are currently being lobbied for hard by big tobacco. (In my state you literally need to have nearly 2 million dollars to spare for dept of agriculture bonds and licensing fees and whatnot. And that is ignoring the fact that the licenses are going to auctioned).

    What they are trying to do is make it so that only large corporations can profit off this stuff.

    Now this bill is going to ban all flavors that aren't FDA approved? Holy fucking shit. I don't know if the specifics are out yet but you can bet your ass the fees are going to be outrageous. I've been following this since 2016 when the FDA gained control over the ecigarette market and it has just been an absolute clusterfuck. I looked it up and currently it costs about 300,000 for the PTMA application process that gets a new juice to market. This is the same process that tobacco currently has to go through to get approved and sold in the US, which is why there are absolutely ZERO small cigarette companies. When you buy smokes, you're essentially buying from the same handful of brands. Marlboro, Camel, Newport, it's all just an illusion of choice.

    These corporations are setting up a monopoly on nicotine and it is fucking disgusting. Do not for a minute believe that this shit is about the children, or protecting society. They are only interested in protecting their own pockets. They want to be the only ones able to afford these ridiculous and outrageous fees.

    Here is the CEO of Altria (remember, they have a thirty five percent stake in JUUL) talking IN FAVOR of the fucking flavor ban.

    “Encourage FDA to take industry-wide action by banning retail and vape store sales of all non-traditional flavors until the youth issue is otherwise addressed, such as by the use of advanced age verification technology or premarket authorization.”

    I would have liked to make this post more well researched but I don't feel like doing the homework again. I encourage everyone here who is interested to look into it themselves. This shit genuinely makes me angry. Free market my fucking ass. I really fail to see how a corporate democracy is any better than having a state run tobacco monopoly like they've got in China. Even if you support Trump you should absolutely not be in favor of this shit. This is a downright infringement of our freedoms as Americans. Both as consumers, and as entrepreneurs
  8. 8stringflinG African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sudo what a stupid hyperbolic post. You're actually too dumb to vote

    Hyperbolic would imply he's self aware of how stupid he's being.

    He's not.
  9. 8stringflinG African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sudo spectral is weak and unhealthy

    I eat a healthy breakfast of yogurt, fruit and chia seeds and hemp hearts, usually eat a shwarma or something similar for lunch then have a supper of steamed vegetables and fish or another protein, then usually another high protein and carb meal (like a a burger) before I go to sleep. I smoke a stupid amount of weed everyday and take opiates 2 or 3 times a week. I drink that 50 cent vitamin water all day too and take a few vitamins. I feel pretty unhealthy most of the time

    Do you specifically go for carbs?
  10. 8stringflinG African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Obbe I think I could unban you but I might banish you to hell if I do.

    Make him get in a 2x2x2 obsidian cage surrounded by a flow of lava, then force him to put down a bed.

    He will get one block of dirt, and he can destroy and place it however he feels, but no more than that.
  11. 8stringflinG African Astronaut
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Trudeau is going to have to resign right before a national federal election. Too funny. And the ironic part is no one actually believes he's racist, but they're holding him to the same phony standards he's been holding his opponents to in order to try and shut them up, playing the race card at every turn to score political brownie points. But it ends up, he was eaten alive by his own radical leftist virtue-signalling gimmick. Now, there's some poetic justice right there, folks! Worst Prime Minister in Canadian history gets the boot!

    lmao his approval rating is still through the roof. He's not resigning, but its cute how you thought of an idea then just ran wild with it to feel some sense of justice. I usually feel better when I engage in fantasy as well, that's why I love Star Trek and games like Oblivion.
  12. 8stringflinG African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Skulltag I'll make it a point to research Bernie's policies and actions more. I'm still much more in favor of Tulsi Gabbard, however. I'll look for sources to see both Bernie's justification for that one identitarian comment, but I'll also look to see if he hasn't made more such comments.

    The other problem I have with Bernie is his stance on deportation. Now, I'll admit, previously Bernie was making sense on border security. So I'm not sure what he meant with not deporting anybody anymore. I'll look into it and scrutinize his position on this topic further, but … As it stands, I am firmly against open borders policy.

    I'll scrutinize and make more research into Bernie but at this point, as I have mentioned before, the entire democratic party is not where I feel at home anymore. I might be wrong on this one, but I also think that Bernie fails to adress Antifa for what they are: a terrorist group.

    Bernie also failed to adress and correct course within the democratic party, as pointed out above. I don't remember him calling out the Dems on firing staffers because they're white.

    TL;DR: My biggest problems are open borders policies, "forgetfulness" or outright denial of Antifa domestic terrorism and identitarianism. I'll be sure to research Bernie's stances on this more, but so far, Trump fights against all three of those problems to some degree.

    So for now … Unless Tulsi Gabbard makes it … And until I have done more research … I'm still going to prefer Trump over anything the left has to offer.

    EDIT: Thankyou for a coherent and respectful debate.

    I'm glad I was able to make you consider Bernie a little more. I've done a lot of research into his policies but I don't have the energy or time to rifle through everything right now, but he doesn't have an open border policy. He does want to reinstate DACA and other things. I think you should look into DACA if you haven't. It's a very reasonable solution that does not grand citizenship or permanent residency but does allow some sanctuary for people who, through no fault of their own, were taken into America illegally as children.

    And frankly, illegal immigration has been on a decline for the past decade or so. I don't think it's a major issue, personally. It's already illegal to immigrate illegally, and people have always gotten deported. If we really want people to immigrate legally we should make stricter requirements for green cards (so that you can't get them once you've come here illegally) and make the process of becoming a citizen easier. I mean I had an uncle (a doctor mind you) who waited 4 years to get residency. By that time he had two children and started a business and no longer wanted to emigrate to America. I really feel like the right is just totally on the wrong page. Some of their policies are based on racism rather than a logical approach. It was only a matter of time before that racism bubbled to the surface and we ended up with a racist pig like Trump.

    Right wing terrorism is objectively more prevalent than left wing terrorism though, so I feel focusing on 'but what about antifa' like some people do is just fucking silly. They were deemed as a terrorist group but it isn't even an organization of any kind. I really don't think Bernie 'addressing' them would change anything. I do believe he's hesitant to talk about left wing terrorism because he's left wing, though I also haven't really seen the issue posed to him. I reaaaaaallly don't believe he's in favor of violence to achieve results though. Meanwhile we've got Trump who has actively endorsed violence, so I find it hard to take his supporters seriously when they bring up antifa. A lot of people resort to deflecting if not straight up denying when it comes to Trump. He's definitely got a sort of fascist figurehead thing going on, he wants to be a dictator and has blatantly said as much with wanting to extend his term and idolizing actual dictators.

    Putin recently extended his term. Xi did the same thing and then he extended it indefinitely. Hitler did it. It's like 'how to become a dictator 101'. I would say he's a threat to democracy, but thankfully I don't think he'll actually get anywhere with it lol. Thank God we've got our system of checks and balances. It's a fragile one and definitely not perfect, but it's a lot better than some other countries where people like Trump can worm their way into absolute power by abusing the system.
  13. 8stringflinG African Astronaut
    Old man yells at sun
  14. 8stringflinG African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal Make sure to eat plenty of meat
    Pure vegan diets are not healthy for humans, we're carnivores.

    I'm not a vegan or vegetarian, I just like to limit meat consumption because I don't like supporting BIG MEAT and also its terrible for the planet and sometimes your body. And it's not meat that we need anyway, its protein and zinc and B vitamins and etc. You can find all that in vegan foods, and plenty of vegans are perfectly healthy. We're omnivores, not carnivores.
  15. 8stringflinG African Astronaut
    On topic: I eat very healthy for 2/3 meals then allow whatever for dinner. Sometimes healthy, sometimes not. My staples are raw broccoli, red garlic rice with kale/peppers and beans, plain greek yogurt with microwaved frozen fruit, lots of fruit, canned albacore tuna, hardly eat sugar. I workout 5/7 days of the week and almost never drink. I have quit all drugs other than lysergamides.
  16. 8stringflinG African Astronaut
    You're such a faggot. You can just say MDMA.
  17. 8stringflinG African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Skulltag Yup. Trump knows exactly what he's doing. I'm not saying that what he's doing is right, but he has is under his entire control. A good example would be Trump passing legislation behind the left's back, without any push-back at all. How? By tweeting nonsense.

    Because extreme-left pundits are so busy with their social media circlejerks, the vast majority were busy railing on him for his comments about the Squad and his plastic straws. While the truly important things, such as immigration legislation, flew under the radar.

    I should've perhaps been more clear about my statements. It's the extreme-left which is the racist bigots. Not all of it. But Bernie, for example, is part of them. Remember his statements? "White people don't know what it's like to be poor"? So you're telling me there's nothing wrong with it? Isn't racism exactly that? Defining a person by their race as opposed to their merits?

    More importantly, Bernie was pushing for 15$ minimum wage. What did he do when his staffers requested that that exact wage be applied to them? He opted to reduce the quality of his campaign instead. Is that what you call integrity? Demand that others pay more while he himself won't chip in?

    I do agree with you on something though. The Democratic party has flipped. And that's my biggest issue. As I mentioned before, if there were any credible Democrats, who'd fight against Trump with policy as opposed to screeching and "equality" based on anti-white racism, then sure. I had a lot of hope for Tulsi Gabbard. But what did the Democratic party do? Get her out of the debates, despite her meeting the criteria. Why? Because she's now woke enough.

    I also agree that there should be a position which would allow both the left and the right apply legislation if it makes sense and if the American public is supportive of it. I completely agree that a two party system isn't nearly enough. And I tend to be center, fluctuating between left and right as it goes.

    And while certainly, not all of the Democratic party is racist. Such a statement would be foolish and ignorant. The problem is, that those who lead the democratic power are. Again, I urge you to take a look at Democratic staffers resigning or being kicked out because they're white. Would that happen if the bigots and racists within the left were a minority? Possibly. But what would that mean? That would mean that this minority holds power.

    And the minority isn't looking out for you, me or any average American. Unless you're part of that minority.


    I don't care about the one singular comment Bernie made. Literally every single person in existence has said some shit that they could've explained better. There's an interview I saw where he addresses this comment and explains it better, but I can't remember who did it. He's not a racist though, and none of his policies would negatively impact people of any particular race in the way Trump's have.

    Also even his lowest paid staffers are making 36,000 a year, with 100% health coverage and two weeks paid vacation. They are not paid hourly, that's their yearly salary agreed upon after his staffers became the first political staffers to unionize. The reason they're complaining was more to do with the hours worked. A 40h work week would put them at about 17.75/h. But they were working sometimes 60h weeks and making more like 12-13/h. Now they've agreed to limit the work week down to 42 or 43 hours which would make it about 15/h. That's what's in their union contract.

    I haven't heard of any other political candidate treating their staff this well. Sure, "Bernie refuses to pay staff 15/h" makes a good headline but the reality is not so clean and simple.
  18. 8stringflinG African Astronaut
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Metal reacts. Glass doesn't

    Reacts? I have a metal vape that's made out of steel and titanium.

    There are certain kinds of brass you don't want to use, and you don't want a cheap aluminium pipe from China, but otherwise??? It's not just 'metal' that's the problem. Plenty of well made metal pipes out there that are safe to use.
  19. 8stringflinG African Astronaut
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny is it like a yearly thing ?

    I think so. Or once a semester or something. I don't really remember.

    It's cool though someone will come knock hard on the door or jiggle the handle and all the girls always scream and freak out
  20. 8stringflinG African Astronaut
    Originally posted by AngryIVer The hacking shit up thing is probably more from the oxy. I've smoked daily for the last 15 years other than when I was in jail and my lung capacity is in the 96th percentile for my size, age, and gender. I'm not one of those retards who smokes resin, or out of a metal pipe. The ones that fuck their lungs are those guys you see using pop cans, copper pipes, sticky notes, et cetera to smoke weed and not sticking to hemp papers or glass pipes.

    What's wrong with a metal pipe?
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