2022-09-30 at 10:17 PM UTC
Are you pro or anti feminist
as soon as there is an equal playing field in the workforce (government mandates for women in the workplace) with no extra government backed financial assistance for either gender then ill treat females as equals
2022-09-30 at 10:13 PM UTC
lol why is it
id say about a 8 or 9 wat u fink warioat
2022-09-30 at 12:48 PM UTC
Free ticket to see Incubus
i bet her pussy smeels liek curry
2022-09-30 at 12:45 PM UTC
Vandalize loonix.
wats 4PM.*"=]02[DROWD
wat the fuk is that thing
2022-09-30 at 11:59 AM UTC
lol why is it
ok on a scale of 5 to 10 how funie warioat
stupid fucks move to an area like florida then whine when shit like this happens
2022-09-30 at 2:38 AM UTC
lol why is it
warioat on a scale of 1 to 10 how funie is it
2022-09-29 at 2:29 AM UTC
lol why is it
warioat do u fink dats funie
So whats the solution then faget
Got a rebuttle there faggot details? Or should i say derp eye jerry springer tacho
2022-09-28 at 8:37 PM UTC
lol why is it
what did the undercover police officer say to you when you asked if he's seen any 12 year olds around looking to get nonced
From time to time i miss riding with groups but it got old staying in town riding almost every ride. Was fun to watch the schinnanigans though.
Eventually i enjoyed taking my rocket on winding wooded highways in northern mn. Kinda dumb thinking back on it since there was no cell reception in alot of the areas i used to ride alone
Sounds like what you batshit crazy demorats are doing to Trump. You stupid fuckers have perma-tds
"Shit this didnt stick lets try something else. Oh shit that didn't work either let's try something else. Shit that didn't work either let's try something else..." - demorats
Racist sterotypes are true 95% of the time