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Posts by Merlin

  1. Merlin Houston
    someone needs to send soneone like jason bourne in or the british sas to capture putin and put him at the tribunal for war crimes.
  2. Merlin Houston
    Yeah life is pretty burdensome so I see why somebody would do so. I am just indifferent, I wouldn't do it cause I'd feel bad for my family, but if I got cancer or something I probably wouldn't get treatment.

    Once I'm old and the state/my kids want to hold me against my will and forcefully drug me, then maybe. People don't really give death the respect it deserves and that includes old people watching tv all day waiting to die. Have some dignity and self respect, god damn. When you're time comes you should accept it not fight it tooth and nail, and I recognize that a lot of people aren't concious and therefore don't even get to make their own decisions at that point.
  3. Merlin Houston
    Makes it so you don't have to worry about compatability across different systems.

    ASPX is web pages right? So I wouldn't really consider that point to apply as much since it shouldn't affect how you create the asp template or however it works. Still it's why Java is so popular at big corporations.
  4. Merlin Houston
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby

    I have this sudden urge to...
    ...ooga booga bix nood where da whit wimmin @
  5. Merlin Houston
    Or try to get a guest appearance
  6. Merlin Houston
    Bill Krozby you should work for Infowars
  7. Merlin Houston
    From the age of 2 years old my dad made work sun up to sun down harvesting fish oil
  8. Merlin Houston
    Originally posted by RisiR I thought you were Canadian.

    Yeah I thought so too.
  9. Merlin Houston
    Lanny underestimates meme magic

  10. Merlin Houston
    Yeah aren't there knockoffs which are exactly that
  11. Merlin Houston
    Also within a month some kike is going to claim ownership of the song and place adverts on the video to steal shekels from you.
  12. Merlin Houston
    I use OpenShot, if all you want to do is string a few clips together I don't see any point bothering with cracked software. Nothing morally against it I'd just rather type one command and have it installed.
  13. Merlin Houston
    I scored 16 on 'tism test. I guess that makes me King of the Spergs (highest score less than 30).

    There was actually a discussion on r9k about who 'wins' in a hypothetical battle of wits, a normie, an autist or a psychopath. It's like rock paper scissors, normie beats autist, autist beats psychopath, and psycopath beats normie. I think that explains a lot of social interaction, introvert vs extrovert is too simple an explanation.
  14. Merlin Houston
    Originally posted by the holy ghost why'd it get removed

    Reddit mods are ultimate cucks.
  15. Merlin Houston
    To be somewhere between very rich and filthy rich.
  16. Merlin Houston
  17. Merlin Houston
    A heap is a balanced tree which has a logarithmic time complexity (because reasons).

    Anyway I am very offended because it makes the presumption that women can't be lumberjacks. Gosh Lanny, it's $(date +%Y), have some class.
  18. Merlin Houston
    Delete C:\System32 it's were the NSA hides malware on your computer.
  19. Merlin Houston
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby you're highly mistaken if a lot of people don't want to just go to the woods, it just depends where you group up, a lot of people

    everyone has a cultural identity. sure a lot of people want to go to cities and go to bars, but a lot of people (im not sure where youre from) in murica want to be out in nature. Do what you want to do not what others want to do.

    I know but that's what I mean by being half committed. A lot of people have their group and activity and it defines them. I can do xyz activity, but I don't feel part of the group. You're right though, I actually want to make a better effort at this rather than wallow pity

    And using psychedelics is hardly elitist drugs are everywhere, its just some people see them as dangerous.

    I'm saying that people who haven't done them can't possibly relate the same way to people that have. I just mean there are so many "blue pilled" people, for lack of a better word, that are content watching reality tv, sports and fiercely debating two party politics. It's impossible to relate to people like that, how do you even have a converstation when you share absolutely nothing in common.

    People make fun of sploo, but I'd rather hang out with him and be weird than watch football or do whatever song and dance everyone else is doing to fit in.
  20. Merlin Houston
    I'm technically well travelled although always with family so that kind of detracts from the whole spiritual "finding yourself maaaan" aspect of it. If I have time off I'd much rather sit around and do nothing. Most people my age want to go into cities and got to bars and act like faggots. I'd rather go into the woods and see nature.

    So I guess I don't have a cultural identity. Though I'm halfway commited to a bunch of different identities too, it's not like I'm a mountain man I still have fancy mixed drinks and eat at restaurants.

    And at the risk of being elitist most people have never used psychedelics so they have 2 decades of (((public school))) and (((tv))) as their basis for how the world works.
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