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Posts by Merlin

  1. Merlin Houston
    Dawww an admirer

    Originally posted by RisiR I'm glad you hit your head and didn't shoot yourself.

    What do you mean?
  2. Merlin Houston
    I'm a magician. Real magic is symbolism. It's everywhere especially large corporations logos and advertising.
  3. Merlin Houston
    Also reminder that 'Fake News' was created to discredit wikileaks. Shills on /pol/ (probably Correct the Record) were actually saying that the Clinton campaign had created pizzagate solely to distract from the looming indictment, which of course is ridiculous. As that failed hard the new narrative about fake news is a lot more effective.
  4. Merlin Houston
    They use so many code words. Hillary and friends mentioned 'aliens' a lot too in their emails. Though the context here doesn't seem to imply a coded message.

    Originally posted by antinatalism john podesta is a reptilian kike. tbh this whole election cycle has been a conspiracy theorist's wet dream. 2015+1 kurrent year where every conspiracy turned out to be true.

    Where did you get that idea?
  5. Merlin Houston
    I think Terrence McKenna came to the same conclusion op. Something like the elves were really making a business transaction with him and that he eventually felt it was sinister and didn't really know what it was that he was trading or that they wanted. I think that the experience is that of death and rebirth. Are these entities then seperate from your mind or do they only exist within your mind, ie. are they judging you as you stand at the gates after death. Or are they always present? Are they manifestations of personality which are apparent during the altered state.

    It's unlikely that these entities would only seek out people on psychedelics. Perhaps entity is the substance itself and the altered state is you interacting with it as it does it's thing in your brain.
  6. Merlin Houston
    >fashion is how you present yourself
    >sleeping in jeans is weird af
    >kitties are the shit
    >cold is awesome
    >cold computer mouse hand sucks hard
    >chan culture is gay
  7. Merlin Houston
    Embarassing, halfway through I realized each page had instructions. Fucked up all the ones with antonyms and the like.

    Forums and liberal professors have given me the ability to demolish people with (written) words. Just wish I could public speak with half that ability.
  8. Merlin Houston
    Originally posted by RisiR Hey Merlin you fat bastard, good to see you. Hang around.

    I'm here forever
  9. Merlin Houston
    Originally posted by RisiR Link to article about NIS?

    Found it.

    a cheekily named online forum
  10. Merlin Houston
    Originally posted by -SpectraL If the transaction is between two different institutions, there is a delay, to verify if there is sufficient funds to complete the transfer. If there is insufficient funds, the transaction is cancelled, but this could occur days after the transfer was initiated (and possibly already credited). Don't ship the item until sufficient funds have been verified.

    This call the bank and have them tell you this and ask the persons name before releasing. Or even better, scam the scammer (or possibly honest person). If they elevate now and start getting pissy before the bank has completely verified then you have your answer.
  11. Merlin Houston
    Originally posted by zok jr. Yeah, I don't know about Texas but I am definitely moving out of California in the next two years. Fuck this place.

    Why is it that the only two choices are military police state and TOLERANT librul central. Is there anywhere you can shoot guns without the impromptu prostate exams?
  12. Merlin Houston
    Oy vey! Fake new on Niggas in Space of all places.

  13. Merlin Houston
    Been thinking about this too actually. And few things can top sauteed mushrooms.
  14. Merlin Houston
    Originally posted by Sophie Realistically i think it's best to let go, but personally i couldn't be able to do that i think. I have yet to get this perpetually pissed at someone but there was someone who managed to come close. I had worked out plans to send them a package with explosives that'd i'd rig to go off when opened. But the person moved to a location unknown to me.

    Probably for the better because my energetic chemistry and electrical engineering knowledge would have made this bomb viable and more than likely fatal.

    Mein nigga

  15. Merlin Houston
    10 food stamps he's already been subpoenaed. There was someone bragging about hacking a backwoods town government DB, there was a news article with a link back to nis. It's too bad we have a libertarian government which doesn't have the time and resources to investigate such things, oh wait.
  16. Merlin Houston
    Crystals are dank other minerals are meh, besides silver and gold.

    I'd love to have something like this, it's selling for $2000 on ebay.

  17. Merlin Houston
    Convince your boss to make the rapist the manager then you can fuck off and ignore all the drama. Or if he just made you the manager with more responsibilities and no extra pay ask for more gibs.
  18. Merlin Houston
    How To Win Friends and Influence by Dale Carnegie is also good for day to day politics. Although a lot of advice his advice is very passive and would make you look like a flip flopping idiot if the other person called your bluff.

    I definitely wish my public speaking was on par with my writing. I've considered going to bars and standing up to give Hitler tier bier hall speeches.
  19. Merlin Houston
    Originally posted by aldra "the fastest 14-year old in sweden"

    My first thought too. inb4opisrapedandmurdered

  20. Merlin Houston
    Lanny fixed the internet, this is some Web6.0 shit
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