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Posts by G4LM

  1. G4LM African Astronaut
    It's hard to tell. I don't think he's as stupid as he appears though. Yes, he probably has Alzheimer's and he very obviously isn't the most literate or verbose person. But it has to he at least a little planned? Like does he know he's doing this to spread misinformation or do they just hand him a phone and let it happen
  2. G4LM African Astronaut
    You can't even press the right buttons. You just mash like a shitty smash bros player.

    another reason that game is shit.
  3. G4LM African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Fonaplats Took my dog to vet and got him some shots.
    He was a good boy.
    Then washed a load of laundry.
    Went to Goodwill.
    Didn't but nothing but Shell cussed out a 100 year old man who was in the middle of the row blocking traffic to talk to someone.
    She got out and called him a "dumbass motherfucker" in front of the guys 100 year old wife.
    Then went to a bar and at lunch.
    Had cheeseburger and chips and a pickle and mountain dew.
    Now I'm off to work.

    Oh yeah.
    Paid rent too.

    Ttyl love you guys.

    What a cunt. Leave old people alone.
  4. G4LM African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra how many of you people actually get regular checkups

    And deal with insurance? No thanks. Haven't you heard that ignorance is bliss?
  5. G4LM African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Obbe Is river town still there or is it all burned down and blown up?

    I haven't been back to check. Does it really even matter when the admin is so easily swayed into causing chaos and destruction?
  6. G4LM African Astronaut
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny why then did you google translate EVERYTHING. ?

    Why are you so stupid? Fuck off kiddo.
  7. G4LM African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Grylls yeah lets wait for one of his bullshit stories about it

    This made me laugh way harder than it should've.

    I wish i could thank you twice.
  8. G4LM African Astronaut
    I want to meet a nice man and start a family
  9. G4LM African Astronaut
    Poc I know you're smart enough to kill yourself successfully. We aren't a stupid bunch. Malice killed himself on the first go. A lot of people just halfass it in a self destructive burst or end up doing dumb shit like cutting or taking too much ibuprofen.

    And if you're deciding between fentanyl analogues and pentobarbital for your suicide method, you've obviously given it some thought. So I'm not going to tell you not to do it because it's not like that'd do shit anyway.

    I don't think it really matters tbh. But having done barbiturates, I think I'd prefer an opiate feel before I die. I'm sure dose won't be an issue considering how potent and cheap it is. You'd have to fuck up hard to mess up an intentional fent OD, the goldilocks zone is pretty marginal iirc.

    Good luck with whatever you choose. Personally I hope you choose to just buy some more shrooms with the money instead. Or buy me socks or some shit. I need some.
  10. G4LM African Astronaut
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny so you admit you dont know ANY chinese.


  11. G4LM African Astronaut
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny bacteria.



    More likely to be struck by lightning
  12. G4LM African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Box Wine Brain injury

    You lose all further arguments and discussions from here on out
  13. G4LM African Astronaut
    "We doNt NeEd gUN coNtROL" - sAyS onLy CoUNTrIe iN tHE wORLd whERe thiS hAPPenS reGuLarLy
  14. G4LM African Astronaut
    Nice good riddance
  15. G4LM African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Box Wine I used to love driving in the rain

    I still do, but now it's somewhat difficult to drive even when its not raining

    I like walking in storms. I used to wear a poncho and go barefeet so I could step in the wet grass. Then one day i stepped in dog shit and never did that again.
  16. G4LM African Astronaut
    That looks pretty neat actually. I'll keep it in mind next time I'm buying.
  17. G4LM African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra Cuck Island v2

    There's nothing wrong with a 'dictatorship' though really, no more than 'liberal democracy' as a model. the thing that's important is accountability; the people need to be able to hang their leaders if they fail to serve them. the old Chinese called it 'The Mandate of Heaven'

    Old Chinese? The CCP still hides natural disasters from their people because of this.

    There was an earthquake in Taiwan and I saw some people online talking about how that kind of thing doesn't happen in China because of 倩命。 Would've probably been surreal to read if i wasn't google translating everything. Still a lot of superstition in China.
  18. G4LM African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Grylls DINOSAURS

    Holy shit he handed out dinosaurs??
  19. G4LM African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra do you two live together now

    Under the same bridge, yes.
  20. G4LM African Astronaut
    Just beat EDF 2017 for the second time and this game is such a campy blast. My favorite weapon is the ME3 EMERALD which is a heat seeking missile launcher that targets the nearest enemy. Can be 2ft away or 5 miles away, that missile will still lock on. I like pretending im an AA gun when i play.
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