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Posts by G4LM

  1. G4LM African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jackrabbitpsych I understand. I'm not gay…I'm a girl…heather.

    However, I stopped meeting people online ages ago. It's not set in stone but there is a very very slim chance of that happening.

    I hope I'm wrong BELIEVE ME I hope I'm wrong it's just starting to feel like my prediction will be correct

    How old are you?
  2. G4LM African Astronaut
    Originally posted by CandyRein Lmao

    So does that mean you need to go back to selling Corn on I-74 or?

    §m£ÂgØL pulling me down to his level
    Smh lol

    I love Hispanics §m£ÂgØL you need to not be Mexican

    Stop hitting on me. I'm not interested.
  3. G4LM African Astronaut
    You've been fucking up.
  4. G4LM African Astronaut
    Originally posted by username: Cut it out, You learned to spell from the white man.

  5. G4LM African Astronaut
    Bitch pls you're just jealous. Im a business owner
  6. G4LM African Astronaut
    Because I'm not a nigger. You are a nigger. Now shut the fuck up and get back to picking cotton
  7. G4LM African Astronaut
    Make me you little savanna whore.

    Bet you're like 99% chimp lmao
  8. G4LM African Astronaut
    Originally posted by CandyRein You’re in my love thread alejandro
    I’m responding to Sudo

    Tf you talkn about lil Mexi

    Don't fucking address me. Speak only when spoken to. Niggers are best seen and not heard.
  9. G4LM African Astronaut
    About to make a lot of money on commission selling high end goods. Going to use it to campaign for sending all the niggers to Liberia
  10. G4LM African Astronaut
    Sorry i dont speak ebonics. Can anyone translate?
  11. G4LM African Astronaut
    Originally posted by CandyRein §m£ÂgØL pulling bitches straight outta dumpsters and beggin for a chance

    Stop following me creep, god
  12. G4LM African Astronaut
    Originally posted by CandyRein §m£ÂgØL so manipulative tryna be all on my friend lol

    Originally posted by CandyRein §m£ÂgØL so manipulative tryna be all on my friend lol

    I subscribe to the spice girls philosophy of fuxking
  13. G4LM African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sudo candyrain isnt ugly an §m£ÂgØL is literally mexican lol like wtf how embarassing, mexicans are literally good for nothing

    Says the opiate addict who is abusive to his girlfriend
  14. G4LM African Astronaut
    Originally posted by frumbob 🐎🦄🐈🐯🐷🦊 Retard

    Yes, you are.
  15. G4LM African Astronaut
    Originally posted by park police I wouldn't be able to find it but Snoopy called him out on it years ago. Snoopy used to make and sell MDMA for supplemental income. Never got busted for it either.

    Say what you want about Snoopy, but that was a good call.

  16. G4LM African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jackrabbitpsych What's bbs?

    And who is Jackiebaby? I'm heather from dh

    Jackiesbaby was an old user from here. I spotted him on several other forums and he always had 'jackies' in the name. Cool dude
  17. G4LM African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Technologist Yeah, I believe she made that to get around the post cap when she first came.

    Well I'd like to help her cum a second time
  18. G4LM African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Mud Hole Mania That's weird you said that after my comment. I pop my knee joints like my fingers and lately they have a delayed pain that reaches peak agony point like a tooth ache.

    No fucking way. This can't be a coincidence. I had a toothache once too! Weird.
  19. G4LM African Astronaut
    Originally posted by park police Not really, part of his schtick is pretending to be way of more of a shut-in than he actually is. That guy actually socializes a lot more than some of the other people on this site.

  20. G4LM African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Obbe I think essentials could really improve the server in a lot of ways, not just warps. But I suppose it isn't up to us.

    Ur rite only Allah controls the guiding hand of the world
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