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Posts by park police

  1. park police Tuskegee Airman

    Father-of-five who advocated rights for migrants is hit and killed by illegal immigrant on probation for a DUI who was ordered to be deported back to El Salvador eight months ago

  2. park police Tuskegee Airman
    On one hand, incels doing mass shootings is at least one way they can contribute to society.

    And now they're just encouraging them more. Admitting you want to kill conservatives and whites in general.

    We have got to eliminate the gringo, and what I mean by that is if the worst comes to the worst, we have got to kill him.
    quoted in "Racial Tactics Backfire", an article on page 12 of Texas Monthly Vol. 4 No. 7, July 1976. According to Brian B. Behnken on page 184 of the 2011 book Fighting Their Own Battles: Mexican Americans, African Americans, and the Struggle for Civil Rights in Texas this was said at a MAYO rally in 1969.
    Kill the gringo. What I mean is we must kill the gringo economically and politically but not necessarily physically unless, of course, the worst comes to the worst.
    page 10523 of HOUSE OF REPRESE.NTATIVES-Monday, April 28, 1969. This is on page 27/99 of the part 8-5 PDF (archive). According to Behnken this was said "a few weeks later" to clarify the preceding MAYO rally quote. Gonzalez describes it as "Last Tuesday, at Kingsville" indicating it was said 22 April 1969.
    We’re the only ethnic group in America that has been dismembered. We didn't migrate here or immigrate here voluntarily. The United States came to us in succeeding waves of invasions. We are a captive people, in a sense, a hostage people. It is our political destiny and our right to self-determination to want to have our homeland [back]. Whether they like it or not is immaterial. If they call us radicals or subversives or separatists, that’s their problem. This is our home, and this is our homeland, and we are entitled to it. We are the host. Everyone else is a guest.
    It is not our fault that whites don’t make babies, and blacks are not growing in sufficient numbers, and there’s no other groups with such a goal to put their homeland back together again. We do. Those numbers will make it possible. I believe that in the next few years, we will see an irredentists movement, beyond assimilation, beyond integration, beyond separatism, to putting Mexico back together as one. That's irridentism. One Mexico, one nation.

    And they try to pretend it's not an invasion. Hell nowadays you can admit to being a brown supremacist and your goal of invading, but the media will call anyone racist that says it's an invasion, even though they admit to it. "Reconquista"

    They're going to start killing the rest of you whites one by one, and they've been doing it for years already. It's no wonder people hate the media.
  3. park police Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby she had a home at the time just no running water or electricity and full of dog shit
    That makes it a lot better.
  4. park police Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny real life is boring.

    interestimg documentaries arent documentaries,

    they're dramas.

    My life isn't boring. People around me may be, they're one trick ponies like most of the people on this site. But life is pretty damn interesting. My life is like an action film.
  5. park police Tuskegee Airman
    Will it into reality then
  6. park police Tuskegee Airman
    This is §m£ÂgØL after hydro pimped his butthole out.

    it's what he had been needing his whole life to realize he was gay

    and what a hardcore guy, getting his butthole pimped out by a homeless woman.
  7. park police Tuskegee Airman

    Barely puts a dent in it.
  8. park police Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal The Italian and Irish won't show at your doorstep or force your website to be shutdown if you say mean things about them

    They're also not nearly as easily butthurt if people say anything mean about them. The thing is with mexicans, they can't handle criticism, or understand why Geronimo hated them. It's because they're shitty people, as a collective. Imagine you took hundreds of convicted sex offenders and pedophiles, put them on an island, and gave them some women, and resources. Then examine that civilization afterwards, they're going to more than likely turn out to be an untrustworthy, shitty kind of people.

    During the mexican american war, a lot of rapists, pedophiles and all sorts of other scumbags were conscripted, and put into the mexican military. They reproduced, and their offspring continued to populate mexico. You can't expect them to be as civilized or respectable as Italians, or the cucked out Irish. Italians and Irish are also considered white, so you don't get them crying to hilary clinton for a coddling every time someone upsets them. PC culture has made them worse ,much worse than they would've been. It expects outrage, fake or otherwise. And they oblige because the democrats give them free shit.
  9. park police Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Mud Hole Mania I don't buy that. They are good with children and treat you like family. As in any race there are pieces of shit to the general rule. But the Mexican culture is a good one. Some Mexican gangs however would kill their own family members to prove their loyalty. This is Mob rule in any race. Including Italians, jedi, Irish etc.

    They're good with raping children, too. Statistically I mean. But statistics are racist, just like math. Geronimo didn't have a problem with Italians or J/ews. Nor Irish. Mexicans (and to a somewhat lesser extent hispanics from other spic countries) tend to try to sabotage anyone who isn't mexican or hispanic. They sabotage each other too. And no, they don't automatically treat you like family, what kind of homo faggot are you? I get along with most people, but as a collective, no they fucking do not.
  10. park police Tuskegee Airman
    I think laziness may be a mental illness. Most homeless people are sociopathic. Nobody can really help them but themselves, or whoever is willing to eliminate their supply of drugs so they're forced to sober up.
  11. park police Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by -SpectraL I'm a gringo. Should I be worried?

    Nobody should worry about anything, but they want canada too. I wouldn't expect canadians to put up much of a fight either.
  12. park police Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Blame a (((certain demographic))) for that.

    Liberals and j/ews. Well, in a civil war, I've got to admit it would feel better to kill antifa members than regular spics. I mean, the white ones.

    But, a civil war isn't really going to happen. The military is very politically correct and would prevent that and it would result in mostly decent white people being killed for defending their homeland.

    A better solution would be to destroy every sanctuary city, every place libtards call home should be in ruins. EMPs, IEDs, attack the infrastructure, the food/water/fuel routes, medical facilities, etc whatever it takes. One person doing stuff like this in an organized manner is more effective than thousands of mass shooters doing what the El Paso guy did, especially if they don't get caught.
  13. park police Tuskegee Airman
  14. park police Tuskegee Airman
    stupid noob was posting from a hut in the woods for a while.
  15. park police Tuskegee Airman
    "I have killed many Mexicans; I do not know how many, for frequently I
    did not count them. Some of them were not worth counting. It has been
    a long time since then, but still I have no love for the Mexicans.
    With me they were always treacherous and malicious."

    — Geronimo, My Life: The Autobiography of Geronimo, 1905.
    Massacre at Casas Grandes

    Geronimo (Goyaałé), a Bedonkohe Apache; kneeling with rifle, 1887
    In 1873 the Mexicans once again attacked the Apache.[35] After months
    of fighting in the mountains, the Apaches and Mexicans decided on a
    peace treaty at Casas Grandes, Chihuahua, Mexico.[35] After terms were
    agreed, the Mexican troops gave mescal to the Apaches and, while they
    were intoxicated, they attacked and killed 20 Apaches and captured
    some.[35] The Apache were forced to retreat into the mountains once

    When I was at first asked to attend the St. Louis World's Fair I did
    not wish to go. Later, when I was told that I would receive good
    attention and protection, and that the President of the United States
    said that it would be all right, I consented … Every Sunday the
    President of the Fair sent for me to go to a wild west show. I took
    part in the roping contests before the audience. There were many other
    Indian tribes there, and strange people of whom I had never heard …
    I am glad I went to the Fair. I saw many interesting things and
    learned much of the white people. They are a very kind and peaceful
    people. During all the time I was at the Fair no one tried to harm me
    in any way. Had this been among the Mexicans I am sure I should have
    been compelled to defend myself often.[74]
    When people start crying for the beaners, they need to understand history a little better. They've been trying to take over for a long time and don't mind killing anyone that isn't hispanic or mestizo. They purposely sabotage their non-hispanic neighbors quality of life, and deny jobs to non-hispanics.

    They've been doing this to anyone, native americans or whites, or blacks, for a long time. No sympathy.

    United States
    03/30/2006 03:19 PM
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    Re: "we Have Got To Eliminate The Gringos"
    Quote -- "The words above were spoken by Jose Angel Gutierrez, professor, University of Texas, Arlington and founder of the La Raza Unida political party. His full comment was: "We have an aging white America ... They are dying ...We have got to eliminate the gringo, and what I mean by that is if the worst comes to the worst, we have got to kill him."


    And that guy is still in ONE PIECE after making that comment??

    Man!! TEXAS must be full of wussies!!

    If he said that where I live, they wouldn't be able to put that sucker back together with silly glue!!!

    ............ yeah, it's pathetic how soft people have become.
  16. park police Tuskegee Airman
    I'm not sure the shooting was real, but then again it's not hard to MKULTRA people into doing this type of stuff. Either way, the manifesto told the truth. Now whoever tells the truth will be connected with mass shootings.
  17. park police Tuskegee Airman


    Dailymail is full blown autistic lately
  18. park police Tuskegee Airman
    Well I live in Military City USA, and I have definitely seen almost completely silent helicopters a few times. Seen a b2 spirit also. Everywhere you go in this city you're surrounded by military bases, spooks from intelligence agencies, and feds. You see all kinds of shit here if you pay attention at the right times of day or night.

    EDIT: You know it's weird when you see a helicopter hovering not too far above you, and you can barely hear anything. Maybe a slight hum, but you'll have to be looking for it.
  19. park police Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Obbe If it is a temporary shelter you could probably build something suitable using pallets as they are.

    Less energy expended that way.
  20. park police Tuskegee Airman
    Yeah, I'm the Last Air Bender.
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