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Posts by HikikomoriYume0

  1. HikikomoriYume0 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sophie О Боже! Liya of Odessa seems to be the type of person to whore out her own two young daughters on Youtube. Bet she told them they'd do some 'modeling work'. Parents knowingly sexualizing their children for money are arguably the ones most at fault in this whole equation.

    In 10 years zoomer women will be whoring out their lolis for real, openly in the streets.
  2. HikikomoriYume0 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by HTS Nigga, I could barely tell you if I'm an actual human. This is more a product of spiritual/philosophical development than anything. An unavoidable reality for me. It's not scientifically, medically, or recreationally justified. It's something else.

    post pics
  3. HikikomoriYume0 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by HTS I like… don't though? I don't even know what "transgender ideology" is. I'm just doing my thang, dude.

    So you fully acknowledge that you're just a degenerate taking body modification to the next level and not an actual woman?
  4. HikikomoriYume0 African Astronaut
    So OP, are you going to kill yourself?
    Good riddance.
  5. HikikomoriYume0 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sudo OP is Adam Lanza tier creepy

  6. HikikomoriYume0 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by HTS You're fucking stupid.

    Dude, you unironically believe in transgender ideology.
    You are literally stupid, you're an idiot.
    You are in no position to ever judge a person's intelligence or speak down on someone, even in a place like this.
  7. HikikomoriYume0 African Astronaut
    It's so hilarious when trannies try to science

    You think being an expert on mental illness - oops I mean "dysphoria" makes you an expert on science in general.
    The marxists who indoctrinated your generation in college need to be hung.
  8. HikikomoriYume0 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by -SpectraL He was bullshitting, although it could have been an abortion.

    oh well he's still an absolute failure and should kill himself unironically.
    If I had a daughter, I would be too busy being her father to be on an obscure shitposting forum joking about her dying.
  9. HikikomoriYume0 African Astronaut
    on the real though did his daughter atrax or is he just joking
  10. HikikomoriYume0 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by alienated How old are you?

  11. HikikomoriYume0 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Nil don't pull back the veil bro, it will destroy you.

    You just watch.
    When I finally decide to stop procrastinating I'll go on to be the most legendary programmer in the entire multiverse
  12. HikikomoriYume0 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Nil i like how you shit on that guy who's probably way more knowledgeable and accomplished than you will ever be.

    It's not a guy it's a gorilla and no, I could learn more in a week than all of you combined plus a trillion of these gorillas.
  13. HikikomoriYume0 African Astronaut
    also lol @ the video with the nigger trying to talk about compsci

    are chimps even capable of holding on to that kind of information or do they just go "oooga booga" while the person films and then some white guy does a voice over.
  14. HikikomoriYume0 African Astronaut
    amazing times we're living in ...

  15. HikikomoriYume0 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sudo It's funny because the conversation probably materialized because they noticed you creeping on them in the park

    I thought about that ... but tbh I look pretty young like 16 - 19.
    I should have asked them out.
  16. HikikomoriYume0 African Astronaut
  17. HikikomoriYume0 African Astronaut

    Finally people are starting to stand up to this diseased menace and show them that WE WILL NOT TAKE THEIR BULLSHIT ANYMORE


  18. HikikomoriYume0 African Astronaut
    Also why didn't you tell me there was another totse clone.
    Now I don't have any reason to come here.
  19. HikikomoriYume0 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Helladamnleet

    is that krotz's butt?
  20. HikikomoriYume0 African Astronaut
    OP should stop being a faggot and post pics of his daughter's naked corpse
    I need a good fap
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