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Posts by frala

  1. frala Avant garde shartist
    Originally posted by Tesla Coil You're a woman with a mustache? so you are Indian

    Yes. Does this change things between us?
  2. frala Avant garde shartist
    Not if you like mustache rides, no.
  3. frala Avant garde shartist
    Your sister looks like Freddie Mercury and you used to make out with her?
  4. frala Avant garde shartist
    Arrested development
  5. frala Avant garde shartist
    Originally posted by mashlehash What're you talking about?

    She’s a detective and we snoopin and shoopin

  6. frala Avant garde shartist
    Originally posted by Sophie I used to shoop Katy Perry feet pics for thirsty niggas for the lulz. If that makes me gay, so be it.

    Men and their fetishes.

    It makes me wanna shoop.
  7. frala Avant garde shartist
    I see you tryin to act a donkey you ol heehaw mother fucker but Ily2
  8. frala Avant garde shartist
    It’s about time Moms get with the fuqqin program I swear
  9. frala Avant garde shartist
    My mind flashed back to earlier this morning. That fleeting glimpse of Mom's panties when she bent over. My dick hardened a little at the thought. Oh God, that was terrible! What was wrong with me?

    I hadn't ever checked my Mom out before, at least I wanted to say that I hadn't. I mean, sure, I'd made note of her body before, and how attractive she was, but that wasn't the same.

    Even now, my eyes strayed over Mom's body, sizing her up in a completely different manner than I had ever looked at her before.

    She was, after all, very attractive, even at 43. Her face showed almost no signs of aging, and she could have passed for 38, even with her muted makeup. Her big hazel eyes stood out against her rosy cheeks, modifying her soft, caring features.

    Her long chestnut-colored hair framed her beautiful face and hung down beneath her shoulders, having just a little natural wave. She liked to add blonde highlights near the bottom for a bit of pop, which now stuck out to me as rather bold and sexy.

    Mom was wearing a very cute top: a thin knitted sweater with a dipping neckline that I now realized was quite revealing. The V-shape funneled down to display quite a lot of cleavage, and the fabric of the sweater clung tightly around Mom's chest.

    For the first time, my eyes were drawn to my mother's breasts. I had always known that she had big boobs before, but now I was actively thinking about them. The image was sticking in my mind like a parasite; I felt an overwhelming urge to see them, like nothing I had experienced before.

    The rest of the sweater hugged Mom's hourglass figure, showing off the benefits of her recent fitness kick. Her thin waist flared out to wider hips, and her skinny jeans were complementing the tight sweater excellently in showing off her body.

    Mom had known exactly what buttons to press. I was putty in her hands.

    "Well, I mean, you're obviously very attractive," I stuttered. My eyes had become fixed again on her cleavage. Why was that the only thing in my mind now? I should have felt disgusted, but I only felt turned on, yearning to give in and accept. "But I could still never..." I trailed off, my convictions wearing thin.

    "Just think of it as the ultimate Mother's Day gift," Mom said. She leaned further forward. I had subconsciously done the same, our faces now just a few inches apart.

    "This is wrong," I whispered.

    "Says who?" Mom replied with a smile.

    That smile was the straw that broke the camel's back. It melted away the last shred of my opposition. I tilted my head to the side and leaned forward as Mom did the same. Our lips met, colliding in the most impassioned and sexually-charged kiss of my life.

    Mom's lips were so soft, and I could have let myself completely melt away into her. I was suddenly extremely hot, and my dick throbbed against the tight restraint of my jeans.

    It felt like an eternity that our mouths were pressed together, but it was likely only a few seconds.

    I ended it first, pulling my head away. We stared right into each other's eyes, our foreheads nearly touching.

    "Holy fuck," I whispered.

    "Thank you baby," Mom replied.

    I leaned forward and kissed my mother again. She pushed back against me, cupping my cheek with one hand.

    This kiss was less sensual, but much more raw and ravenous. Our mouths opened in a French kiss, well beyond anything that a mother and son should do with each other (as if we hadn't crossed that line already).

    Mom's tongue snaked out first, slipping past my parted lips. I reciprocated, our tongues locking together in a beautiful, loving dance. I wanted to explore every inch of her.

    Her hand moved to the back of my head, pulling me in tighter. She sucked on my tongue a little bit before twirling her own inside my mouth. There was something inside of me, compelling me to taste her more deeply, like a hunger that couldn't be satisfied no matter how badly I tried.

    Time seemed to slip away in our embrace. My eyes were closed, thinking of nothing but Mom's subtle fragrance and the amazing feeling of her mouth on my own.

    She pulled away, finally ending the kiss after the longest and best couple minutes of my life. Both of us panted heavily, regaining our breath in the hot and sweaty car interior. We stared back at each other again and Mom smiled. I couldn't help but laugh a little bit.
  10. frala Avant garde shartist
    Originally posted by Tesla Coil I want you to bounce that cowgirl butt in reverse on my taint stick, lovely eyes.

    Hmmm I think I’d rather role-play...

  11. frala Avant garde shartist
    Do you want some seagull fries for keen senses or wut?
  12. frala Avant garde shartist
    Originally posted by gadzooks Holy shit, passions run high when things get ornithological around here.

    Who knew the nature of birds would be such a hot button issue.

  13. frala Avant garde shartist
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby frothy seagull detected.

    Lmao wtf
  14. frala Avant garde shartist
    That reminds me...I need to do laundry.
  15. frala Avant garde shartist
    Oh I know that you don’t.
  16. frala Avant garde shartist
    Yeah kinda drives the point home you shouldn’t date rape lol.
  17. frala Avant garde shartist
    I’ve seen both movies. There’s a difference between not using condoms and date rape.
  18. frala Avant garde shartist
  19. frala Avant garde shartist
    Brotha wanna thank your motha for a butt like that

  20. frala Avant garde shartist
    Me too.

    How you doin bby? :)
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