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Posts by yabbadabbadindunuthin
2019-04-13 at 7:12 PM UTC in Attn Lanny (Computer Question)A while ago I recall you saying that, when you were doing contract work, you were able to browse NIS through a terminal.
What were you using? IS it a program? I did a quick google search and was curious how you were doing this. I figured I would clarify on what you were actually doing in order to ensure I remember the details properly so I'm not going on a wild goose chase. -
2019-04-10 at 11:42 PM UTC in Jail in about 48 hoursWhat did OP do?
2019-04-07 at 6:50 PM UTC in Hey Frala
Originally posted by Grylls ummm interesting
i always had this thing i kinda believed, its like.. for example, people who have grown up to be adults but during their childhood and teenage years they never had the chance to experience what its like to be with someone else sexually
so as they've grown up are still virgins, never had any or very little sexual contact and are basically just stuck in the past which makes them more attracted to adolescents and what could have been
There's no research that supports that to my knowledge.
Originally posted by -SpectraL If you have thoughts of fucking kids, you're already finished. May as well just take a bullet to head and get it over with.
Define "kids." Different countries have different laws, and what's a felony in my country wasn't a felony less than 50 years ago -- or might not be a felony contingent on where you live. In fact, the APA still hasn't even decided if Hebephilia should be treated as a mental illness.
Just to clarify, I'm not defending these guys. I'm just saying that the modern day witch hunt never does anybody any good, and it's resulting in more kids being abused because people who are ill aren't stepping forward for help. Either no services exist or they're impossible to access without a modern-day scarlet letter that makes it impossible to find employment.
At a certain point, society really has got to start asking ourselves if psychologists are supposed to be medical practitioners or agents of social control. -
2019-04-07 at 6:42 PM UTC in We have a moral obligation to stop eating meat
Originally posted by vindicktive vinny let me remind you that johnson&johnson baby powders are/were FDA approved.
for multiple generations.
Originally posted by -SpectraL Not true at all. The FDA regularly and knowingly approves substances containing known toxins and poisons, and also rely on the profiteering terrorists themselves to police their own acts of terror and conduct their own so-called "studies". The FDA does not represent safety, neither does it represent the people who sign their paychecks. They serve the crony capitalists and their bottom line. That's it. That's all.
I don't think you guys are understanding my point at all, because what you're saying has no bearing on it whatsoever.
My argument is not that the FDA is perfect system.
My argument is not that the FDA is immune to corruption.
My argument is not that the FDA has never been wrong.
My argument is not that the FDA hasn't ever revoked their approval of drugs.
My point is simply that, if you're going to put drugs or supplements into your body, you're better off at least having a bare-bones standards enforced by an imperfect government agency regulate it than allowing corporations to run wild selling whatever they want. In the overwhelming majority cases, the FDA has prevented many of the atrocities that you saw in the early 1900s when nothing was regulated at all. Just a friendly reminder that more soldiers died in the Spanish American war from poisoned meat rations than enemy fire, cocaine was prescribed as medicine, and even soda had cocaine in it. The reason this kind of hogwash came to a stop is because Roosevelt started the FDA.
I know you guys are clearly hostile to the government, but I sincerely fucking doubt that when you get prescribed medicine from a doctor, you go out and find a non-FDA approved alternative because you think the government is out to get you or the FDA is a bunch of "terrorists."
To my original point within this thread, I'm not relying on non-FDA approved supplements to get 200 grams of protein a day even if simply due to the fact that people die from this kind of stuff all the time. -
2019-04-07 at 5:26 PM UTC in Hey Frala
Originally posted by Grylls how does one become a paedophile? are they born that way?
Psychologists and neuroscientists have debated this for a while. There's no unified theory of identity that's universally accepted but, like anything in psychology, people are an amalgam of their sociological, political, biological, psychosexual, genetic, and other extraneous influence -- perhaps their greatest influence being that of their own choice.
The most recent research I saw seems to indicate that people know they're sexually attracted to children during puberty, which would lead one to believe it's a sexual preference like any other one. The main difference between pedophilia and a preference like heterosexuality is that the law dictates children can't consent to sexual activity, to therein lies an immediate problem.
This problem is further complicated with by the rich history of inconsistent laws in the Western world governing age of consent. -
2019-04-07 at 5:19 PM UTC in Did oh fraw law seduce Panny?Can someone explain what happened?
2019-04-07 at 5:14 PM UTC in Hey Frala
Originally posted by -SpectraL Just because someone is a bricklayer doesn't mean they lay bricks.
Pedophiles are not child molesters. Many pedophiles willingly seek treatment before they offend and wind up living very ordinary lives.
Big surprise to a lot of people, not all child molesters are pedophiles, either.
The main difference is that a pedophile is someone who is primarily sexually attracted to prepubescent children, whereas a child molester is someone who actively molests a child.
And yes, there's a lot of cross over but it's not the same thing. -
2019-04-07 at 5:12 PM UTC in We have a moral obligation to stop eating meat
Originally posted by vindicktive vinny which is why FDA's approvals meant nothing. its just a rubber stamping body. federal standards of safety is a very subjective thing and if they want to or had been bribed to, can even certify fentanyl as "safe" provided you take it in micro doses as directed.
It's not subjective at all! They have a freaking 200 page document defining what "white chocolate" is. The entire point is to hold companies liable by employing unified language and agreed upon terms to ensure what they sell to consumers. That way, customers can make an informed choice about what they're putting in their bodies.
Originally posted by vindicktive vinny and its federal safety standard to the best of their knowledge. drugs and foods with FDA approvals are getting recalled due to new findings all the time.
Yeah, they get recalled by the FDA. That's the whole point. If you didn't have an FDA, do you think corporations would recall their entire product line because 2% of their consumers have linked their product to liver damage? -
2019-04-07 at 5:04 PM UTC in Hey FralaI have no idea what literally any of this drama is about.
2019-04-07 at 4:38 PM UTC in We have a moral obligation to stop eating meat
Originally posted by vindicktive vinny tell me then what it means.
FDA approval doesn't mean it's impossible to overdose on a substance or grow addicted to it when you fail to take it as instructed. If that was the case, basic cough medicine would be illegal.
FDA approval simply means that whatever you're throwing out on the market meets minimum federal standards of safety that you can be reasonably sure you won't immediately die from taking it as directed. Many supplements that aren't FDA approved get almost immediately recalled because they cause severe damage, kill people, or their long term effects cause irreversible damage. -
2019-04-06 at 6:25 PM UTC in We have a moral obligation to stop eating meat
2019-04-06 at 5:59 PM UTC in BAN WELL HUNGI kinda wonder if wellhung is lanny just trolling his own site for meta-lulz.
2019-04-06 at 5:54 PM UTC in BAN WELL HUNGAgree.
The site was already bad. Now it's barely navigable. -
2019-04-06 at 5:51 PM UTC in whoami appreciation thread
Originally posted by DietPiano No, Lanny claims this is a "Freedom of information site", which means anything legal goes. Idk if JB is legal in other countries, but it doesn't make sense that it wouldn't be, 15 year olds in bathing suits may post pics on facebook in australia im sure.
Spare me, Lanny makes no such claims. The website is named "niggasin.space" for God's sakes. The idea that it serves some higher purpose of free information is laughable. Lanny is a software dev who runs a site where he can basically shitpost with his old community out of boredom and disposable income. If he has to choose between giving up server information or even being mildly inconvenienced by police in real life, he's not going to protect you for some pie in the sky philosophies about knowledge being free or whatever.
I don't know the legality of people posting pictures of underage girls, but I won't have anything to do with it and I'd highly appreciate if we didn't do it in this thread.
As an aside, when did sploo become interested in underage girls? That's a development I definitely missed, although I can't say I'm surprised due to his penchant for edginess. -
2019-04-06 at 5:45 PM UTC in Someone post some pics of NIS females
Originally posted by Octavian So Bill Krozby isn't a rapist?
As far as I'm concerned that's something people have been joking about since these claims came forward, but nobody has ever substantiated anything. The only thing that has remained consistent through this whole saga is Bill Krozby's series of events which, again, speaks volumes.
I'm open to discussion but until someone forwards actual evidence, the only person who has a case here is Bill Krozby for deformation of character. -
2019-04-06 at 5:30 PM UTC in Someone post some pics of NIS females
2019-04-06 at 5:28 PM UTC in Someone post some pics of NIS females
Originally posted by -mal- Fake news. It was the other way around. I denied him and he raped me.
From what you said, he communicated that he wanted to fuck you, you blew him off for a while, and then out of the blue you called him and asked if you could chill at his apartment in the middle of the night. I don't recall if you stayed over night, but supposedly he "raped" you during that evening when you two were hanging out, and I recall you saying you didn't go the police about it until way later.
I'm not saying that anybody deserves to be raped or that someone putting themselves in an unsafe situation qualifies them and deserving of being a victim of a crime, but I also think you live in a culture where even accusing someone of this crime is enough to completely destroy their life and it seems like you have very little evidence to forward that this is in fact what happened.
Moreover, the fact that you would join a dying web community he was part of after all of this to "spite" him and "ruin his reputation" here (as if he even really had one) along with the ways I've seen you throw histrionic fits in voice chat really lead me to believe that you're the kind of person to make this shit up just to get someone in trouble.
I sincerely don't wish you any ill will and hope you can move on from whatever happened between you an Bill KrozbyDog, but I think anyone seriously looking at this situation from the outside in as objectively as possible wouldn't say your behavior is exactly stable and it honestly makes me question your version of events. Bill Krozby is no saint, but you've got to realize your behavior is speaking volumes about your character, which doesn't reflect well about a version of events you basically have no evidence of.
I also just really think part of moving on means moving on from this community in your case. It's not that I'm in a position to tell you what to do, I just hope you get better. -
2019-04-06 at 5:19 PM UTC in whoami appreciation thread
2019-04-06 at 5:14 PM UTC in Someone post some pics of NIS females
Originally posted by -mal- No I arrived before them. But no one believes I’m a girl still because my loyalists are pure of heart. :p
If this was the same Mal that joined the site to spite Bill Krozby, then her personality alone makes her unfuckable. She literally has the mind of a child and is extremely unstable. I actually like Bill Krozby and am not trying to be a dick to him, but it speaks volumes that she considered him at one point in time as a person worth investing her time in as a potential romantic interest -- and he was not interested.
Let that sink in. -
2019-04-06 at 5:05 PM UTC in Someone post some pics of NIS females
Originally posted by HTS Nah, we had kreepyk. And kinkou.
I always liked KreepyK.
Also, I have no idea what any girls on NIS look like except HTS.
I guess I saw KreepyK once in chat and saw a picture of Hydro a long time ago. I always thought KreepyK was pretty and she actually was one of my favorite posters, but when she was posting I knew her by a different name. I also heard she did tons of meth and doesn't look nearly as nice anymore, but I guess I'll never know.