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Posts by Admin

  1. Admin African Astronaut
    Trump is good right now as the economy is good. But we need a socialist for when it crashes. People will need UI extensions and bailouts.
  2. Admin African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Fonaplats unpaid

    Well what's the point of that?

    You should go back after four days Ans give them your one week notice. Fucking jerks they are.
  3. Admin African Astronaut
    I dont vote. I don't care.

    Why would I?
  4. Admin African Astronaut
    Lesson learned.

    Don't have kids and you wont have these problems.
  5. Admin African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Ghost No drugs LOSER!

    Well I do have a nice collection of weed.
  6. Admin African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Thotgirl Wouldn't try for the world….bc at that point you committing a federal offense you'll be fucked in the ass by big bubba in federal prison for years to come.

    Federal prisons are nicer than state.
  7. Admin African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Erekshun Neither have I but I thought you were asking.

    Well, if you've never tried it, then why would you suggest it?
  8. Admin African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Most of my day is spent typing bullshit, daydreaming, and saving work so I have something to do the next day.

    What is this job you have?
  9. Admin African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Erekshun A dick pounding your asshole?

    Never tried it.
  10. Admin African Astronaut
    8:30am is fairly standard.
  11. Admin African Astronaut
    But something is missing.

    What could it be?

    I finish my free meal and beers at BWW, after making at least $200 so far today, on my day off, and a few hundred to be made. I feel a need for more. All of this little shit might be fine for your average person, but not for me.

    What is it that I desire that I don't know?
  12. Admin African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby He's not my friend you retard he's my neighbor lol

    There's nothing wrong with it. You must be shy about it. Silly boy.
  13. Admin African Astronaut
    You've got some cool friends.
  14. Admin African Astronaut
    On a real note though.

    I've got like $1k and growing in BTC. How can I turn it I to more BTC?

    There are people out there making money with different schemes. But how?
  15. Admin African Astronaut
    How can I join them?

    Who are they?

  16. Admin African Astronaut
    I like chewing gum.
  17. Admin African Astronaut
    Start your own.
  18. Admin African Astronaut
    To the mongolvoid.
  19. Admin African Astronaut
    Originally posted by whoami I barely graduated high school on account of being perpetually suspended (nearly expelled) and never showing up to class when I wasn't but had like 20 points higher IQ than the class valedictorian.

    Who are you?
  20. Admin African Astronaut
    Diversify your portfolio with those funds.
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