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Posts by Admin

  1. Admin African Astronaut
    Do these types of scanners even make that much?
  2. Admin African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Erekshun You fuckers quit calling me!!!!

    Glad to hear you're interested in joining all of our calling lists.
  3. Admin African Astronaut
    Part of a garage door opener?
  4. Admin African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Doesn't sound like you're one to follow the rules/law so…

    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Doesn't sound like you're one to follow the rules/law so…

    But who really is. Asides from the police, priests, and politicians.
  5. Admin African Astronaut
    I used to go on shoplifting road trips. I once had an old lady from a craft store follow me to the edge of the property. She asked me to come back to the store. I asked why. She said because I stole merchandise. I told he I didn't. She said I still needed to go back to the store. I purposely ran along the property line instead of running away from it, so that she would chase me. When I reached the corner edge of the property line, I could see she was winded but I wasn't. I am a runner. I smiled at her and said "have a nice day" before walking away.

    True story.
  6. Admin African Astronaut
    Originally posted by hydromorphone Look, I don't care if someone is having "consentual" sex with an animal (where the animal isn't being forced and/or harmed- there are those into beastiality who damn near worship then ground their furry, four-legged "partner" walks on, and they are treated better than a lot of people treat their girlfriends or wives.) But abuse of any kind should never be tolerated. They should fucking castrate and hang that nigger. I bet a lot who are into zoophilia wouldalso agree with me.

  7. Admin African Astronaut
    I work at a call center. So carrying a vape and some eidibles is the usual.
  8. Admin African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Thotgirl The love and approval of your parents…

    Oh they never gave a shit about me.

    I feel like I need more than the usual shit.
  9. Admin African Astronaut
    Its fixed.

    I was actually having errors popup about an extension I've been using, before this bug. An unresponsive script error.

    It seems to be gone now. Not sure if they are related.
  10. Admin African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sophie I don't really know all that much about Hauwei, but i assume China would be getting your data instead of the US if you use a Hauwei.

    As an interesting side note, i once took all the important files/programs, shared libraries and boot related things from a Samsung phone i had. And i wish i would have stored the results or made a screenshot because there were Licensing files related to the things i mentioned that i extracted along with the rest. And after puzzling some of the stuff back together i actually found multiple License files, signed and/or written on behalf of the NSA. How do i know this? They literally mentioned the NSA in these licenses.

    They are likely fir legit use. Maybe for those emergency broadcasts...which could be some type of Backdoor or something...
  11. Admin African Astronaut
    Have you considered quiting drugs?
  12. Admin African Astronaut
    Vendors. Naughty Vendors.
  13. Admin African Astronaut
    I also work at a call center.

    Cameras aren't the greatest.

    Have you ever considered cutting his penis off?
  14. Admin African Astronaut
    Yeah this bug has me irritated. Guess Ill have to hold off on that break from THC.
  15. Admin African Astronaut
    Originally posted by God Damned Hansen The question is banal.

    This forum is a dying fraction of a dead forum that was a dying fraction of a dead forum that was a dying fraction of two dead forums which were each in turn a dying fraction of a dead forum.

    Those are the best ones.
  16. Admin African Astronaut
    Originally posted by We'reAllBrownNosers The situation, if true, could've been avoided. Guns are good, but situational awareness is more important than that. It'll save your ass when a gun cannot.

    But together you have the best chance.
  17. Admin African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Needledick Needledick Needledick adventure


    I just feel like I should be destroying something.
  18. Admin African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sophie I don't think it's a money problem.

    Then wtf is it?!
  19. Admin African Astronaut
    Originally posted by blaster master Fuck it OP, dont listen to these fucks, take one extra day and say, hold on, didnt you say 4 day suspension?

    Exactly. And show up on drugs or at least drunk.
  20. Admin African Astronaut
    You should get a gun Kro z. This would have ended so differently.
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