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Posts by Admin

  1. Admin African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Narc People go into crime seriously underestimating just how hard it is to make good money. They watch all the movies then think ideas like yours about starting a dnm. They fail to realize that if it was that simple then everyone would be doing it. Most get so far into crime by the time they realize this that its pretty much too late to do anything else and they don't really know how to do anything else. Then they just reside themselves to a life of petty crime with the odd fairly decent score now and again.


    But some do get good. Some also hold regular jobs. The ones that get good, likely like to learn. So they can aim their knowledge on certain subjects.
  2. Admin African Astronaut
    An extra $70k would be a nice thing.
  3. Admin African Astronaut
    Originally posted by WellHung If it's Chinese… I don't trust it.

    China may just be the future.
  4. Admin African Astronaut
    I've got a tres going on.
  5. Admin African Astronaut
    I may have that high functioning autism.

    Almost everything I read about it lines up with me. But similar WITH ASPD.

    I can't figure it out.
  6. Admin African Astronaut
    I don't know. I'm at Red Lobster. Only had a couple of tall ones. But I think lamy changed the word 'bicoins' to 'buffoons' in the title.

  7. Admin African Astronaut

    To mongolvoid. Ty.
  8. Admin African Astronaut
    WTF. Was that my spellchecker or Lamy being a pretentious cunt?
  9. Admin African Astronaut
  10. Admin African Astronaut
    BTC is over $7k

    I have less than one.
  11. Admin African Astronaut
    Do these taste good?

    All the cubensis I've grown taste like shit, fresh or dried.
  12. Admin African Astronaut
    Will it be okay with you if they don't like you for being unfriendly?
  13. Admin African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Narc What you one of those dhers or summing?


  14. Admin African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Narc lol didn't realize admin was a bitch.


    Oh ha ha la ha. Don't make me blush qt.
  15. Admin African Astronaut
    When I quit both, I crave caffeine.
  16. Admin African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Dregs WE SHOULD ALL LOOK UP TO Admin. She can teach us much.

    Yes. I can.
  17. Admin African Astronaut
    Refine all the bitcoin, litecoin, ethereum, etc thats in it.
  18. Admin African Astronaut
    Arrested and taken to jail once.

    Arrested and taken to interrogation room and then released once.

    Cited for crime, twice.
  19. Admin African Astronaut
    Originally posted by WellHung Yes, it is. You seem like a mature fellow. You kind of seem above the pettiness of the rest of us.👍

    Well, I am the admin.
  20. Admin African Astronaut
    Federal Felony. State Felony. State Misdemeanor. Violations.

    For some people its a daily thing.
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